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what a plot twist we were.

it's been 10 months of me writing this story, i didn't really think that i'd ever finish this story.
this story has always been different for me to write, perhaps it was because this is more personal to me than anything else i have ever written and published, or perhaps it was because i put so many pieces of myself in this. or maybe it was because some part of me already knew back then that this would be my last why don't we fiction.

truthfully i grew out of my whole why don't we phase a long time ago - perhaps it has even been more than a year since i last listened to their music. growing up their music was a big part of my day, but i think that recently with everything that has happened - and just in general with me getting older and changing as a person, i no longer enjoy their music as much as i used to. and just the whole writing why don't we stuff is starting to bore me. i'm sorry.

thank you for the endless amount of support you've shown me for this book (and my other books) i truly can't thank you enough, on the days where my anxiety or depression acts up, i'll sometimes spend hours on end scrolling through the comments you guys leave on my stories, to help myself feel better (it's literally so appreciated). so thank you so much.

until next time.

thanks for 40k reads and 3k votes, and if you're interested in reading something new of mine i published a story awhile ago called dead poems // taekook :)

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