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the moon and the sun
are love and fear
one fades as the
other rises

seaveydaniel: he's adorable, even when it looks like he's bald <3

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seaveydaniel: he's adorable, even when it looks like he's bald <3

liked by corbynbesson and 7.526 of others - 906 comments (click to load)

randomuser#63: i've been waiting for this
seaveydaniel: girl same

christinaharris: treat him well for me. please. he's a sensitive boi🥺
seaveydaniel: ofc queen🥰

corbynbesson: do i look bald?🥺
seaveydaniel: off not baby! but even if you did you would still be the prettiest boy to exist <3
jonahmarais: simp.

"are you sure i don't look bald?" asked corbyn, his head laying securely on daniel's chest. daniel let out a chuckle that echoed through his body and into corbyn's ear, corbyn smiled at that. he loved that he could hear the sound of daniel's laugh even longer when he laid like this.

"of course not bubbas, i promise." daniel said softly placing a kiss on the top of corbyn's head. daniel's heart swelled every time he looked it even thought of corbyn. he couldn't believe how he had been lucky enough to get someone like corbyn in his life.

"i'm so happy you dm'ed me, imagine if you hadn't," daniel mumbled softly. he had decided it east fate that had brought them back together. that it was destiny that had made him pop up on corbyn's explore page when they both most needed it.

"i don't even want to think about that, i don't wanna live without you ever again," corbyn just said, the thought of not having daniel in his life hurt him. there was no way he would make himself imagine that he'll of a life on purpose. he didn't want to.

"good, because i'm never gonna let you go ever again, i don't want to." daniel just mumbled softly. his voice ever so soft. it always was when he talked to corbyn, and his friends made sure to always point that out. how big bad daniel would go all mushy every time corbyn's around.

authors note !
i feel like we're nearing the end of this, i don't know how much longer i can keep this story going to be honest and that makes me sad.

anyways it's like 3:30 am so i'm gonna try and get some sleep hopefully.

i love you guys, thank you for sticking around. x

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