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love me. i'm cold.

a smile was immediately brought upon corbyn's lips as he felt some familiar arms wrap around him. they had hardly ever touched - had hardly even seen each other in real life, but corbyn was always so used to everything that was daniel.

his voice. his body. his warmth. his arms around him. the way he smelled - even his fucking smile. he hardly wncountered any of it, but he already knew it as well as he knew his own heartbeat and the way it increased just at the thought of his moonshine.

"i missed you," corbyn mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of daniels head. daniel hummed as he wrapped himself even further into corbyn, if possible he would've united them in a way that made it impossible for them to ever separate again.

"kiss me," was all daniel bothered to say as he parted himself from corbyn, looking straight at his lips. daniel couldn't think of anything else, he wanted to feel corbyn's lips, he wanted to feel corbyn everywhere.

he loved the feeling corbyn left behind - he loved the way his skin burned everywhere that corbyn's hand has touched him, and he loved the way he could feel the warmth flood through his body, as corbyn held him.

he loved everything that had something to do with corbyn. even himself. being with corbyn - and feeling corbyn, it made him love himself. made him want to cherish himself the way corbyn did. always.

and before he knew it their lips were once again united, the both of then completely sober for once. something that seemed to be rare whenever the two of them met. the feelings in the kiss didn't disappoint. daniel had always laughed when people had told him that you could transfer your feelings through a kiss. he had always found it absurd, kisses were kisses. just the touch of lips, how could feelings be felt?

but when he kissed corbyn the thought changed. he felt everything ten times more powerful that he had ever felt before. a kiss was no longer just a touch, it was a channel that connected the two of them, it was a way for them to show the feelings they would never be able to put into words. daniel felt like he was burning up front the inside as he let his lips part from his lover's.

"i want to keep you forever," daniel mumbled against corbyn's lips. corbyn smiled at that, letting their foreheads rest against one another. for some reason the words meant more than any words had ever done before corbyn. he had had people tell him they like him before, but the words had never sounded as full as daniel's - as sincere. as beautiful.

"you can, if you promise to give me your heart," corbyn mumbled. that was all he wanted. daniels heart. the most valuable thing he had ever encountered. something worth so much more than his weight in diamonds.

"if i could i'd carve it out and put it in your hands, no one deserves it a quarter as much as you." daniel couldn't remember the last time he had loved someone - or the last time he had let someone love him like that. whenever people got too close to his heart he cut them off, in the worst ways. but he couldn't do that this time. not to corbyn.

not to the other half of him.

"are you guys done yet?" sounded it from a very tired jack, who was half asleep just as their other two friends were. a blush rose to daniel's cheeks as he hid his head in corbyn's chest. the both of them having forgotten that they weren't alone.

authors note !
i've never had a crush on anyone, but i assume this is how it feels. and i've never kissed anyone either, so i'm really just winging it at this point.

the chapter was 666 words so i'm just writing this, so i don't publish it on 666 words lol.

have a great day/night. remember to take care of yourself, go drink a glass of water and eat some food if you haven't yet (or if you simply just want to) you deserve it 🤍

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