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we never had to force love,
we were drowning in it
the moment we met.

"this is nice," jonah mumbled as he looked over at the group who had collided. all of them finally meeting up, squashed together on a far too little blanket. on one side you had corbyn and daniel cuddled together, to their right you'd find jack, sitting a little closer to zach than necessary.  and then there was jonah, smiling happily as he watched the other end of his heart smile bigger than jonah had ever seen at his boyfriend.

and it was okay. jonah was okay. because corbyn was happy, and that was all he wanted. he didn't mind that he had spent years being love with corbyn. didn't mind that it had been wasted. because corbyn was happy - and that made jonah happy too.

and perhaps one day he'd find someone who loved him the way corbyn loved daniel, or the way his mother had loved his father. he would. and that day he'd forget all about the part of his heart that continued to beat for corbyn in a way it had never beat for someone else. 

so as his heart cried, he smiled. he smiled big. and as the camera caught his smile, it was real.

"i love you guys," daniel said softly as he parted from corbyn to draw them all into a hug, and at that moment jonah couldn't be more sure about corbyn having picked the right one. in all of the years that corbyn had spent telling jonah about the mysterious boy from the roof, jonah had told himself that he'd hide his feelings, until after corbyn had found the boy.

jonah had decided that he'd give the boy from the roof a shot before he gave himself one. and daniel was perfect - he was more than perfect, he complimented corbyn in a way that jonah would never be able too.

so this was it. he had lost the war his heart had started. and he was content with it, content with corbyn forever being left in the dark about his best friend's feelings.

"we love you too," jonah muttered as he felt the heat from their group hug, soak through his skin, running through his body until it cradled around his heart - never leaving again.

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liked by seaveydaniel, corbynbesson and 51k others

jonahmarais: forever... and to whatever end.
- to the guardians of our hearts.

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