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you used to be my everything,
now you're a vacant memory,
playing on repeat

Corbyn sighed as he scrolled through his explore page on Instagram, not really seeing something new, he wasn't even paying his full attention to the screen as he scrolled. honestly, this felt like a procedure to him, like something he had to do like he was programmed like a robot to the same things on repeat. Corbyn let out another sigh, as he slid his finger up to close the Instagram, but then his eyes landed on a familiar face, Corbyn stared for what felt like minutes as he tried to bring his mind together, his brain working on high pressure as it tried to figure out the code playing in his head. and then he did.

seaveydaniel: my mum told me to post this, cause she thinks I look cute🤩

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seaveydaniel: my mum told me to post this, cause she thinks I look cute🤩

liked by jackavery, imzachherron, and 10.344 others - 187 comments (click to load)

jackavery: aww🧚‍♂️✨🧚‍♂️she lied🧚‍♂️💓💫
seaveydaniel: you tried💓🧚‍♂️ now get the fuck off tiktok🧚🦋💫🧚

randomuser#97: 🥰🥰
seaveydaniel: see @jackavery this is how you're nice🧚💫🧚‍♂️✨ now take notes💓⭐️🧚‍♂️
jackavery: thx for the lesson daniel🦋🌟🧚 now choke on a rock🥰💫🧚

imzachherron: yes I would like some new friends^

"This isn't fucking real," Corbyn mumbled as he pressed on the picture, going straight to the guy's profile, and then corbyn fully realized what he had stumbled across, that guy right there. that guy was the same one he had met all of those years ago, the guy that had for one night had been his absolute everything. the guy that had been his moonshine.


delivered 9:32 pm

Corbyn's heart raced at a pace it hadn't hit in a very long time as he clicked send, but somehow when his phone blinged a few minutes later his heart raced even faster.

ive been stuck at my grandmas for two hours now without headphones. it's horrible

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