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i want to be the person you miss at 3 am

"stargazing and no vodka? seems less lethal than the other times" daniel said as the first thing when he climbed on to the roof and was by the person that made his heart skip a beat, even without trying.

"fuck, how do i keep forgetting how gorgeous you are?" corbyn mumbled, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat, as he looked into his favorite eyes. daniel's eyes always reminded him of the waves that always seemed to still his heart whenever it went too fast for him to keep up with.

"you moonshine, you're my greatest sin," corbyn whispered softly as he let his lips cover daniel's unable to hold himself back anymore. fuck, he had been waiting so long for this, and it definitely broke all of his expectations. at the moment their lips touched, daniel became everything.

"i can feel you everywhere," daniel whispered in between their kisses, he felt corbyn's body covering his, and he felt corbyn slide through his veins, into soul before wrapping around his core - his beating heart, that at that moment only seemed to be beating for the sole reason of being a part of corbyn.

"i don't know how i'm supposed to go on without you," corbyn whispered as he parted their lips, and pulled daniel into him so that daniel's back was against his beating heart. letting his head rest on daniel's shoulder, and his arms surround the only person that seemed to matter.

"then don't, stay with me forever," daniel said softly, feeling more comfortable and safe than he had ever felt before.

"don't ever let me go again," corbyn's lips fell against daniel's neck as he spoke - and daniel loved it, he loved everything about corbyn's touch. they were like two puzzles that for perfectly.

"i won't," daniel answered softly as he closed his eyes, feeling himself quickly drifting off.

"promise?" daniel was so close to sleeping that he hardly even registered the words - but he did, just barely.

"i'll promise, if you promise not to leave me as well," daniel whispered, bringing one of corbyn's hands up to his lips, placing a feather light kiss on the back of his hand, before letting the hand fall softly back against his waist.

"i promise," corbyn said with no hesitation.

"i promise," were the last words that escaped daniel's mouth before he felt asleep against corbyn. who after awhile fell asleep too.

authors note !
not me planning to double update, but then leaving you guys with a little cliffhanger for more than a week, oopsies.

but anyways, it's 4 am so goodnight :) have a good day/night everyone, you deserve to be happy!

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