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he smelled of strawberries and depression

"stargazing and vodka? seems lethal," corbyn's head turned around, and his fuzzy eyes that couldn't really get used to the dark, finally seemed to focus. focus on the bright blue orbs in daniel's eyes.

"holy fuck- you're so fucking gorgeous," corbyn said, not having a filter while drunk, and as corbyn watched the smile that rose on daniel's lips, corbyn realized he had never seen anything more beautiful.

"how drunk are you, sunshine?" he asked, corbyn just shook his eyes, showing daniel the almost empty strawberry vodka flask.

"Drunk enough to call you fucking gorgeous without getting embarrassed,"

"so fucking drunk?"

"mega fucking drunk," corbyn's response was, as he watched daniel come sit down beside him, corbyn's mind instantly going back to the night they met, and how he had laid himself in daniel's lap, to stop him from falling apart.

corbyn places himself in daniel's lap again.

only this time it was to stop himself from falling apart. he didn't notice that he was slowly falling asleep, and as he woke up daniel was gone, the only thing that proved he had even been there was the note laying on the ground, saying that he had left due to him having an important test in school that day.

and corbyn fucking melted- but at the same time he hated the fact that daniel had missed so many study hours- and the fact that he had probably slept on this stupid roof knowing he had an important test.

a book I had been waiting for, for over a month arrived today 🤩 I'm ready to fall in love with Cardan🥰

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