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look up into the stars
and you're gone

"stargazing and vodka? seems lethal," corbyn muttered as he climbed onto the roof where he liked to spend most of his nights, only this time for once he wasn't alone. in all of the years corbyn had spent here there had never been anyone other than him- as far as he knew.

"well, i certainly hope so," the brunette muttered back as he brought the vodka up to his lips, pouring it down as if it was water. corbyn cringed, his throat hurt just from the sight of it.

"no one drinks a bottle of vodka for the fun of it, what's your poison?" corbyn asked, sitting down beside the brunette, and as he came closer he was able to see his features a little better. the messy brown hair had a shine to it, his lips were plump, soft pink. and he had small freckles scattered over the bridge of his nose. corbyn loved the freckles, but still they were nothing compared to his eyes. his eyes were glazed over with water, and bloodshot- probably from crying, or the vodka he was consuming. but under the redness a bright blue shined through.

"some jackass decided to run my sister over, and now she's fucking gone," was all the guy said, corbyn shuddered. fuck. corbyn had been hoping for something less heavy, such as his dog dying or something. he didn't know what to do, so what he did was speak the first words that entered his mind.

"fuck him," was all corbyn said as he moved a bit, laying down on the hard roof, placing his head on the brunette's lap.

"what are you doing?" he mumbled, his hooded eyes fixating on corbyn who just smirked up at him.

"nothing, moonshine," corbyn let the pet name escape his lips with a soft sigh.

"my name's daniel," the brunette said, running a hand through his own hair, as he finished the last bit of his bottle.

"you have a beautiful name, moonshine," corbyn said, and as the words escaped corbyn's mouth, he saw the small twitch that happened on the side of daniel's mouth. it made corbyn's heart swell. so instead of the homework, he had come up there to do, he spent the whole night with daniel.

and when the two left a few hours later, they didn't exchange contact information. that was it. that was the end of their story, at least so they thought- or well corbyn did. daniel had been too drunk to even remember that the night had happened, which was why he hadn't even bothered to search for the blonde guy.

I'm literally already in love with writing this story, haven't felt this kind of excitement about writing in a long time. It's fantastic!

✓ MOONSHINE ─── 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐘𝐍 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now