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i only told the moon

jobear x

jobear x
so r u an dani
dating yet?

not yet, but i feel
like it's a possibility
you know? he's so
fucking precious
jonah. he's perfect

jobear x
okay mr whipped

jobear x
but like jokes aside
i'm so fucking happy
for you, corbyn. you've
been talking about this
guy for years, i'm so
glad it's finally happening

yeah i'm just scared for
my parents and the
company, you know?
i'm so scared they won't
accept it - accept me.
taking over the company
is my dream, i don't want
anything to ruin that :/

jobear x
not even for love?
not even for the chance
of being with a guy you
love? not even for happiness?

the company is a big chunk
oh my happiness, you know
i wouldn't have given up a
long time ago, if it had not
been for my dream of running

jobear x
i know, corbs. i just want
you to be happy, and daniel
seems to make you very
happy, but do what you want
okay? do what you feel like
would make you happier.
but check in with your parents
first, i know they suck a lot of
the time, but they might surprise
you ;/

i'll try and see if i can figure
something out, thank you for
always being there, i love you.

jobear x
whatever happens, i'll stand by
your side okay?

even if i murder someone? lmao

jobear x
i'll help you hide the body ;)

you're dumb

jobear x
and you're not?


anyways i'm coming over
i'm bored now

"you seriously came over just to lay in my bed and watch tiktok?" jonah asked as he laughed, corbyn had been there for over an hour, and literally not be of them had talked, they had just been laying on top of each other, cuddled together on the bed as the both of them scrolled through their social media's over and over again, every once in awhile showing each other something in their screen.

"yeah, it's cozy." and it was, one of corbyn's favorite things about his and jonah's friendship, was how they could hang out without having anything planned, without doing anything - even without doing anything. just two best friends laying in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company.

authors note !
so uh idk what i'm writing i literally have no plans for this, just kinda going with the flow lmao. ok but like low key though, moonshine might be my personal favorite, and the book i'm the most proud of, there's just something about it that makes me like it more than all of my other books :) also it's like 2 am and i'm literally not tired at all ;-;

✓ MOONSHINE ─── 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐘𝐍 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now