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he came into my life,
and became it

"are you okay?" corbyn jumped a little from the scare he got when jonah decided to speak up, most of the time they had been sitting in silence, jonah messaging his girlfriend, and corbyn- well corbyn had just been overthinking as usual.

"I'm fine, just confused," he mumbled as he raised his head to meet Jonah's eyes.

"what's on your mind?" Jonah asked, putting down his phone, deciding that focusing on Corbyn was a bit more important than answering Tate who has problems deciding which kind of macaroons she likes the best.

"Life in general- do you ever feel hopeless? that life is just kinda pointless? it's so fucking bland, and I spent most of my time feeling like shit, and I'm so hard of trying way too hard for people who don't care, life is just a game- and no one makes it out alive anyway, so why even bother?" Corbyn mumbled, he was tired, tired of getting used, just tired of everything in general, most of the time Corbyn felt like Jonah is the only one who's there for him, the only one who cares.

"Life is just a game, and no one makes it out alive. Why bother? Because even though everyone loses, why not be the last one to lose?" Jonah answered. Corbyn couldn't argue with him, perhaps Jonah was right. 

hi it's too warm and it's making me become very unmotivated to do anything besides trying not to melt

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