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corbynbesson: this seems to explain it all

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corbynbesson: this seems to explain it all.

liked by jonahmarais and 22.373 others - 23 comments (comment for this post have been limited)

imzachherron: u ain't slick mate
corbynbesson: i know, but he's too oblivious to notice anyway.

jonahmarais: i literally can't put into words how happy i am for you
jonahmarais: my mama too
corbynbesson: my two faves <3

seaveydaniel: that would explain a lot yeah.
comment has been deleted by @seaveydaniel

jobear x

jobear x
fam daniel lives
rent free in ur
head, you know.

and what about
it? u make it
sound like i should
be embarrassed.

jobear x
i don't think i've
ever seen you this
whipped, makes
me so happy :)

i've never even
been close to this
whipped ngl

he's in everything
i do, in everything
i even think about.
literally can't get a
break at all, not that
i'm complaining. i'd
rather have that,
than nothing at all

jobear x
u talk about him
like he puts the air
in your lungs

that's because he
actually makes me
want to, i don't know
how to explain it.
he's just so...

jobear x

it's terrifying actually
it's like my body
is so used to him,
that everything in
me would just shut
down if he wasn't here
you know? it literally
feels like i wouldn't
be able to live with-
out him from now on.
and that's so fucking
scary, i've never depended
in anyone like that, and
i'm not really sure i want
to. what do u think?

jobear x
i think you love
that guy, more than
the stars love the
night. and that's so
fucking special corbyn.
don't mess this up.
promise me, you'll do
whatever you can to
savior that feeling.

i promise, jonah.

authors note !
how is this my favorite but still the one i can never seem to update-
n e ways, enjoy <3

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