The Hail Mary

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Hank Voight quickly walked into Chicago Med with Tyson. Will was waiting for them to run a whole bunch of tests on him. "You are a brother in law to my sister?" Tyson asked as he recognized the last name. Will nodded, "her husband Jay is my little brother. I have saved her life too many times since I met her and I care about her a lot." Will handed Tyson his phone, "more than half of my pictures on here, are of my favorite niece and nephew." Tyson scrolled through while Will took his blood. He laughed, "I recognize those eyes. These are some cute kids. What happens if I am not a match?" He asked anxiously. "Then we will keep looking. Let's not worry about that right now, I will run these to the lab myself. We will know in about an hour or so. Voight why don't you take him up to meet Jay?"
They went up to the ICU and just outside the glass windows Tyson gasped. "That's really her in there with all of that stuff? I don't think I have ever seen so many tubes and wires on someone."
Jay walked out with curiosity in his eyes. "Hey Sarge.   What's going on?" He asked. Hank smiled, Jay meet your brother in law Tyson." Jay's eyes widened, "you are alive?" The two men embraced as Tyson spoke, "I am hoping my kidney is a match and that we can save her." Jay cried, "I didn't think this was going to be possible! I can't believe it." Hank spoke up, "Will did the tests and they are running right now. We should know within the hour." They chatted about Tyson's family and Kaycie and everything that she has been through and survived. Tyson just shook his head as tears ran down her face. "They told me she really died. I always had a feeling she was alive but I never imagined the hell she has been through.
A little while later Will burst through the door breathless. The three men stood up as he bent over gasping, "It matches perfectly!" He yelled still out of breath. Jay and Hank watched him nervously. Tyson nodded his head, "100 percent sure! Even if she wasn't my sister, I feel like I couldn't let her die. What time is the surgery?" Will chuckled, "we might have to wait until morning, it's a long surgery and when was the last time you ate?" Tyson shook his head, "when I found out that my sister was alive and in dire need of a kidney, I took off to get here. I haven't eaten since yesterday." Will nodded, "OK let me go check with the surgical team and see if we can get it scheduled for this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I will be right back." Jay stood there with tears gathering in his eyes, looking back and forth between Kaycie and Tyson. He finally wrapped his strong arms around his brother in-law with tears running down his face, whispered, "Thank you." Tyson just shook his head, "I wish I would have known she was still alive sooner. I am happy that I can help."
Three hours later, a surgical team was ready to begin the long process. Jay reluctantly kissed Kaycie's head one last time before they wheeled her out of the room. Hank wrapped his arms around Jay but didn't have any words of comfort to give him. He had called the team in to join the waiting game. They each paced and sat in the waiting room for a grueling six hours. Finally April emerged looking exhausted. "So it was touch and go, they are taking her to the ICU right now. Let them get her settled and you can go see her. So far everything looks good. Tyson is upstairs and should be awake now."

Jay ran for the stairs and took them two at a time with Hank close behind. Jay slowed down just outside Tyson's room. A nurse was in checking his vitals as he sleepily mumbled to her. She motioned for them to come in. "How are you man?" Asked Jay. He smiled weakly, "a little sore but not bad. How is Kaycie?" "All we know is that surgery was touch and go but she is out and being taken to intensive care. Tyson I can't thank you enough. This surgery was a Hail Mary to save her life." The two men carefully embraced. Tyson had tears in his eyes, I lost her once, I don't want to lose her again." Jay could only nod. "Please keep me updated on her condition." Hank said, "I will stay here with Tyson, Jay you go see if you can be with Kaycie." Jay nodded and thanked Tyson again before heading out the door.
Upstairs at the nurses station, an older nurse smiled at him, "Mr Halstead follow me, they just finished getting her settled in. I must warn you though, it's a bit overwhelming." Jay could only nod as his throat became overly dry with memories flooding back. She led him to number 7, her lucky number and Jay cracked a smile that was quickly taken away. She had more tubes and wires than he had ever seen. It was worse than the accident but without the bruises. "She is still on the ventilator because of all of medications, they are hopeful that will be gone by morning. Jay weakly sat next to her frail body. "A nurse will be in to check her every 30 minutes, let us know if you need anything Mr. Halstead."
Jay sat on a chair cozied up to the hospital bed for hours, willing Kaycie to wake up. When her hand twitched he thought he was seeing things. She soon Groaned and tried to free her hand. Jay knew exactly what she would do if that happened, he pushed the button just as a nurse walked in. She paged a team and they were able to extubate her and adjust her medications. She still needed an oxygen mask to help her and was still very groggy. She quickly fell back asleep. Jay watched her rest more peacefully now and felt at peace as well. He felt like everything was going to be okay. A couple of hours later Jay woke up to Kaycie ripping the oxygen mask off. "Hey hey hey, you are ok, it's ok," Jay cooed to her. He placed his hand on her cheek, "Just rest, your body has been through hell and back. Are you hurting?" She weakly shook her head and her eyes became heavy again. Jay texted Hank that she was trying to wake up but the medications were still making her very sleepy. She stayed this way for another few hours. When her body finally did clear the anesthesia, she woke up in agony. It took another hour for pain meds to take effect. Her recovery was a roller coaster for another day with her vitals up and down. Jay was exhausted from the toll the past few days were on him. Will had given him something to help him sleep. He woke up the next morning startled, trying to figure out where he was with the meds in his system. He finally realized he was on a couch in the hospital room and the last few days were not a nightmare. He sat up and rubbed a hand over his tired face. Kaycie stirred with hearing Jay stand up. "Hey Beautiful, how are you feeling?" She sighed, "I still feel like I got hit by a bus, but less groggy. I have a question though." Jay sat down on the side of the bed carefully and held her hands. "You want to know where the kidney came from, don't you?" She nodded. "How about I go see if I can find that special person, I will be right back." He kissed her in the forehead and walked out leaving her more confused. He quickly found Tyson and Will seated in the hallway. They both stood, Tyson definitely more slowly than Will as he was still sore. "She is ready for some answers. Tyson are you ready to see her?" Asked Jay. Tyson nodded nervously. They followed Jay back into the room. "Kayce, Hank was able to find Tyson. He saved your life with his kidney." Kaycie sobbed with her arms wide open. Tyson embraced her carefully with his arms. "I am so sorry, they told me you had died that night, if I had known, I would have been there for you." Tearfully Kaycie told him, "we have each other now, you saved my life. I don't think I can ever repay you." Jay emotionally agreed. "My family is still together because of you Tyson, we are so grateful!" Kaycie nodded, "how did I get so lucky to have such amazing men in my life that are constantly saving me?" Just then Hank walked into the room, "I think that everyone in this room would die trying to save your life Kaycie. You are a special soul. Please don't go anywhere on us. We all need you here." Kaycie could only nod through her tears. Finally she said, "I hope to grow old with my amazing husband, my beautiful children and all of the special people in my life."

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