Baby Moon Surprise

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"Jay I still have 4 more weeks before this baby is due. Plus I was checked today and am not at all dilated or effaced. This baby is not making an appearance any time soon. Can we please go the cabin one more time before the baby comes? I need to get out of the city," She begged. "Fine but only for a few days and if anything changes we are rushing back immediately."  They talked Will, Natalie and of course Jenna into coming with us. Jenna was going to ask if Antonio could come as well.
Everything was going great and they were having a wonderful time until a massive storm came in five days earlier than expected. They woke up to three feet of fresh heavy snow with more falling per minute. Jay opened the front door in shock. "No! This can't be happening. We will never get home until they clear the roads!" He slammed the door shut. Will came around the corner, "Woah, it's going to be ok, it's just a little bit of snow. How bad can it be?" He opened the door and immediately closed it. "Ok this looks bad but we can figure it out. Everything will be fine."
Kaycie nodded, "I feel fine, Jay, this baby is not going anywhere. Maybe Natalie can give me a little checkup?" Natalie and Kaycie went to the bedroom and came back to the guys trying to make a plan. "No changes since her appointment." Antonio and Will were going to ride into town on snow machines to get some groceries and check to see if theybcould get out by car.

After lunch, Kaycie's low back was really bothering her. Jay could tell She was hurting. They did some stretches hoping it would help. When that didn't work, jay suggested they go lay down. He snuggled her in and massaged her back. Suddenly she couldn't help the tears from falling. "Baby, please don't cry. What can I do to help? I hate seeing you like this." She just shook her head, "I don't know if I can do this. It hurts so much and I have three more weeks left at least! He has no more room left in there!" She cried. Jay sighed, "Oh honey, you are doing amazing. You know I would take all of your pain away if I could. I wish I could make everything feel better." He rubbed her belly softly which got multiple kicks in response. She groaned as her belly tightened in response to all of the movement. "Hey calm down in there, you are hurting your mother. She would do anything for you and you need to be nice to her." Jay continued to massage my back. He snuck his hand around to her belly and frowned when it was still very tight and hard. "Let's try a bath to see if that helps. I will go start it and be right back to help you up." Jay started the bath and Kaycie sat up on the bed which caused a sharp pain in her back that took her breath away while he was gone. Kaycie was still thinking the pain was from baby boy moving so much. Jay came back in to the bedroom and scooped me up even though She protested every time he did. He gently put her down near the tub and started pulling off her clothes. He helped her carefully step over the edge and settle down comfortably. "Join me?" She asked. "Of course, let me go get you some ice water first, I will be right back!" He said as he kissed her forehead. He ran to the kitchen to get some ice water. "Hey Jenna! Nat! I think Kayce might be in labor but is in total denial about it. Can you keep an eye on Blakely?" He said. "Oh my goodness! What else can we do?" Asked Jenna. Jay just shrugged his shoulders. "I am hoping a bath will help her feel better and hopefully even slow everything down." Natalie nodded, keep us updated. I can come check her whenever you need." "Thank you!" He yelled as he ran back up to the bathroom. Even though he was terrified he took a deep breath and put on a brave face. He thought of his dream with his mother and had a feeling of peace washed over him. "Hey sweetheart how are you feeling?" He asked as he kissed her forehead again. "Honey I am scared. Why am I hurting so much?" She cried grabbing his hand. "I am so sorry Babe. I think this little guy might be coming sooner than we thought. It's going to be ok though. Can Natalie come check you please?" Kaycie furiously shook my head, "No! This can't be happening! I can't be in labor! How and why are you so calm?!" She cried. "I promise you everything is going to be just fine."  Jay reached for the door and Nat came in. "Hey sweetie, let's see what's happening ok? Can you get out of the tub for a few minutes so I can fully assess you?" She nodded and Jay helped her to the bed. While She listened to his heartbeat and took vitals, Kaycie apologized to Jay over and over again until he shushed her. It was Kaycie's idea to come here and now the baby could be in danger. Natalie then checked her dilation. "Well, everything looks really good. Baby's heart rate is perfect and you are almost 5 cm dilated." Kaycie gasped and shook her head, "I don't understand, my back feels like it's going to break in two but I don't think I have had a real contraction yet. This can't be happening right now!" As if her body tried to prove a point, a strong contraction gripped her entire abdomen and back. She rolled over to her hands and knees and swore under her breath. "Jay I need back in the tub!" In the middle of the contraction, her water broke with a clear gush and the pain intensified abruptly. Jay scooped her up as soon as the contraction ended. Jenna grabbed a phone and started a song they usually did yoga with. She turned down some of the lights and started rubbing her back as Jay held her hands. It took all of her energy and focus to relax as She breathed through the contractions that constantly surged through her body. Kaycie was resting her arms and head on the side of the jetted tub and rocking slightly when all of the lights went out. This caused momentary panic but Natalie came rushing in with Blakely and a big lantern that was battery powered. "We have plenty of hot water, don't worry. I don't know why but I filled the four big stock pots and they are boiling water now." She said. "You are doing amazing Babe, just keep breathing" Jay cooed as he rubbed her shoulders and her back. She went back to breathing that had turned to more humming and moaning through contractions. Baby's head was pressing on her pelvis constantly now. "Oooohhhhhh! I don't know how much longer I can do this!" She cried. Several long contractions later, his head finally made it through the pelvis. "I can feel him moving down more!" She excitedly yelled. "You are doing so great Babe! He is going to be here really soon." Jay said.
Kaycie's humming became more deep and She was grunting here and there. Her body suddenly took over. "Uuggghhhhh," She grunted as her body impulsively had to bear down. Kaycie soon felt the ring of fire. His head felt so huge. She yelped in shock and found Jenna right there, "Blow! Don't push!" Jenna and Natalie instructed. "You are so close! Just keep breathing!" Jay said. "Ooohhh come on baby." She groaned. Natalie said, "little pushes now." She nodded and pushed. "Great! His head is almost out take a couple breaths and then push again," said Natalie. "Aaahhhhh!" She groaned again. "His head is out, you are doing great. Catch your breath and the next contraction push again." Said Nat.  But several hard pushes later he still hadn't budged. "We need to change your position, his shoulder is stuck behind your pubic bone." Kaycie carefully moved from kneeling to squatting with Jay's help, and he climbed in behind her before a strong contraction took hold. "Come on Babe you can do this," yelled Jay. She pushed with everything She had and he finally slipped out with a guttural groan. Natalie and Jay brought him to her chest and He immediately let out a deep, strong wail. "He's huge!" Kaycie exclaimed thinking how he was supposed to be three weeks early and tiny like Blakely was. "I think your due date was off, he is definitely a full term baby. He looks and sounds perfect." Natalie said. Jay was beaming as he watched his son cuddle into Kaycie's chest. Thry delivered the placenta without any problems. Jay seemed to relax slightly and said, "well that was a wild surprise. You did amazing sweetheart. Do you want to go get comfortable in the bed?" Kaycie nodded, "yes please."
Jay proudly showed off his Son to Will and Antonio who had come back at some point during the chaos. "What's his name?" Asked Will. " Traeson Jay Halstead," Said Jay proudly.
Several hours later the four of us were still snuggled in the bed. Blakely was fascinated with her brother and his grunts and deep cry. Kaycie still had an adrenaline rush and was not at all tired. Scout joined us in the bed and curiously sniffed the baby.
They thoroughly enjoyed snuggling as a family and not being in the hospital with needles, wires and constant monitoring. It was definitely not the birth they had planned, it was so much better.

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