Let Me Go Part 1

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Six months flew by in a flash keeping up with Blakely and Traesen. Jay stayed home with us for two weeks. We were in a great routine and Jenna helped out when she could but she was going back to school to become a counselor. Jay worked hard to be home so we could spend time as a family whenever we could.

One day I wasn't feeling very well, I threw up all day. Jenna and Natalie had the kids thankfully. By the time Jay got home, I had stabbing pain in my stomach. We had to go to Mercy Medical since the Med ER was shut down due to some pipe issues. They told us "I could be constipated or I had a stomach bug but there was nothing they could do but give me a little bit of medication." Jay put me to bed but then got a call from the team, needing assistance on a raid. I made him go which he did reluctantly.

Shortly after Jay left I collapsed on the bathroom floor, feeling like I puked my guts out and hoping this was a quick twelve hour stomach bug and I would start feeling better any minute. Before too long my sharp pains in my lower abdomen came back ten times worse. I grabbed a towel off of the wall as my body started shaking with chills. I tried to find my phone but couldn't reach it anywhere in the dark. I hadn't put my watch on either in the rush to the bathroom. I tried to sit up but the stabbing pain made me groan out loud and tears sting my eyes. I curled up in a ball and cried praying Jay would be home soon. I think I passed out from the pain at some point as time dragged on slowly. I just wanted to die. This was worse than being tortured.

Will POV
Jay had asked me to meet him at their house. Natalie and Jenna had the kids since the ER was shut down for a week due to some broken pipes. We pulled up at the same time. He jumped out and ran to the front door. "Slow down, what's going on? I thought this was just the stomach flu." I said. He shook his head, "she hasn't been able to keep anything down, we went to Mercy Medical last night after some serious stomach pain. They didn't do anything really and now I haven't gotten her to answer the phone in several hours and I hacked into the nursery camera, I swear I could hear moaning." I scoffed, "you are paranoid man, she is probably sleeping but I will check her out for you just in case." We headed toward the stairs and then I heard it, an agonizing moan. We took the rest of the stairs two at a time, Jay yelling Kaycie's name. The bed was empty, we found her writhing in pain on the bathroom floor drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably.  "Kaycie! Can you hear me? It's Will and Jay. We are going to get you better ok?" She only continued to writhe in agony. Her eyes were tightly shut with tears and sweat running down her cheeks.
My instincts kicked in and I went to work checking her vitals and figuring out the source of the problem. "Shit! Her temp is nearly 106. Get some cool rags we need to cool her down! Her Blood pressure and heart rate and through the roof! Where was her pain last night?" Jay said, "low I think right side." I quickly pulled my phone out, dialing a number, "Chief Goodwin! I have an emergency. My sister in law was taken to Mercy last night and they didn't do anything. Now I think she may have appendicitis that has gone septic. She is going downhill fast." Sharon gasped, "bring her in, I will call in a team."
"Thank you!"

"Kayce" I whispered in her ear. "please stay with me. Will is going to fix this ok. Just breathe slowly in and out." I was internally freaking out. I have never seen her in so much pain before and she has been through hell. Will had given her several injections but it didn't seem to make a difference. She was still burning up and crying out in pain. We carefully scooped her up and got her outside where Adam was just pulling up. We carefully got in and we sped off to Med. Kaycie groaned and her eyes fluttered open.
"Kaycie? Can you hear me?" She groaned and barely above a whisper let out a shaky, "Jay? I...love..you. I- I think...this...is...game...over." "What?! What do you mean game over?" I asked nervously. She was still breathing heavily and shaking. "Ugh...9...lives...used, this is...the end...game over. You...need...to...let....me..go." I looked at Will in confusion and horror. "I love you Kaycie Halstead and you need to listen to me! You are not going to die on me, not today, not for many years to come! You just have to hang on a little longer. Please?!" She cried out in pain again gasping for breath. "Jay...please....just...let...me....go. It...hurts...too...much. Just... let...me....die." She cried. "No babe! You have got to keep fighting for us! Please!" I had tears running down my face with feeling so helpless. I gently kissed her forehead and rubbed her still shaking body and prayed like I never have before.
We pulled into the hospital and there stood a large group of employees that were called in to save my lovely wife. It was controlled chaos at first. I stood there nearby watching them hook her up to machines and IVs. She then started shaking violently. I watched in horror as she continued to seize even though they gave her multiple medications. She started turning a bluish gray while monitors beeped erratically. Will dragged me out of the room and I collapsed into his arms in terror. "I can't lose her Will! What about the kids? Traysen is only six months old." Will pulled me into a hug. "Jay, I can't lie to you. She is in bad shape. She is having a seizure most likely to her high temperature. I think her appendix might have ruptured and the infection is in her blood stream now. This is not an easy fix. She needs to be stabilized so that she can have surgery, hopefully they can keep her stable long enough to get to the source of the infection and get rid of it all. Whatever happens, We will be there for you. Let's go sign admit paperwork and consent forms. She is going to need surgery as soon as possible."

Author Note: I have a few ideas for a new Chicago book. Who should the main character be with?
Adam Ruzek
Antonio Dawson
Kelly Severide
Connor Rhodes
Someone else you have in mind?? Please comment!!!

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