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A year later everyone gathered at the cabin for a huge surprise celebration. Kaycie had spent the last year in and out of the hospital recovering with strong antibiotics and ups and downs. She was finally being released off of the strong medications and was feeling back to herself. Tyson and his family had moved to Chicago to be closer to Jay and Kaycie.
Will and Natalie were engaged and getting married in a couple of months. Jay was back to work full time and Kaycie was selling her artwork from home. Jenna and Antonio had gotten married and just got home from their honeymoon.
"I want to thank everyone for coming. You are all family to us. It's been a rough year and we wouldn't have made it without you and all of your support." Said Jay. Jenna brought out a blindfolded Kaycie. Everyone cheered as she took it off of her eyes. Everyone from Intelligence, 61 and Chicago Med as well as their new family and friends with the Halsteads.
Kaycie picked up a running Traesen as he ran past with his cousins. "Thank you for coming everyone! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for everyone here. They partied the night away.
Kaycie and Jay had a surprisingly calm life for the chaotic ones they had previously.
Jenna and Antonio had twin boys that were quite the handful.
Will and Natalie got married, ended up with three crazy kids of their own. They were talking about moving out near the cabin and opening up their own medical clinic.
Kim and Adam were dating again as well as Kelly and Stella.
It was a quiet, happy Chicago for the moment.

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