The Hit and the Switch

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Antonio and Hank had been trying to get any info out of the suspect in the cage. He was called Big D. David Sealey was his real name. They knew he had stolen the pickup from a parking lot. He claimed it was alcohol but there was no evidence of his claimed drinking. There was no sign of skid marks at the scene. Adam had been able to find a $10,000 deposit in his account that morning but so far it was untraceable. It was looking like a paid hit but he wasn't talking. Kim was trying to dive into his phone as best as she could but it had been wiped clean. She left to go trade Jay at Med. Hank was getting more and more furious with the lack of answers they had. Al and Antonio were in the cage and threatening to beat answers out of him but he just snickered at them. "This guy is a lunatic with a high pain tolerance!" Yelled Antonio after he had punched him multiple times with a chain.
"Adam start digging into the guys that hit Molly's bar. Was that a paid hit too?" Asks Hank. "I will let you know Sarge." Said Adam.
Back at the hospital Kim was with me as I slept. I hadn't woken up yet. I was having a dream that I was in a big room with beautiful paintings and flowers everywhere. There was gorgeous piano music playing from somewhere and my two boys were cuddled into me. "Momma, you need to get ready" Garrett said. "For what baby?" He continued, "the bad man that hurt you before, he has tried to get other bad men to hurt you. He is getting angry and he is going to come after you again." I sobbed quietly as I kissed their heads and hugged them tight. "I miss you! Momma loves you very much!"
Kim had watched me looking peaceful but tears streaming down my face. My heart rate started to increase. She shook me gently, "Kaycie it's ok." She says. A nurse came in to check my vitals. "Kaycie are you in pain?" She asks. "Not really," I lied. "Just a dream." "I can get you something for pain." Said my nurse. "I am ok right now," I said. I was afraid to go back to sleep. I needed to do some work. "Ok I will check on you in a little bit." Then she walked out. I turned to Kim, "I need to borrow your computer and I need help sitting up." "Uh I don't know about this." She helped me sit up and sets up her laptop. "Hank is going to be mad if he finds out. What are you doing? Can I help?"She asks. "I think the crew that hit Molly's might have been a hit." Kim gasped. "Adam found a $10,000 deposit for the guy that caused the car accident." I had to hand the computer back to Kim. It was too painful to sit up. My blood pressure was getting high and I was afraid of being sedated by the nurses. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed. "The three men that lived through the whole bar incident were found dead this morning in jail." She pulled out her phone and was about to dial when it rang. She put it on speaker. "Hey Adam." She said. "Hank and I are on our way over and Jay is on his way too. We have found some weird things and don't think you guys are safe. Are you armed?" "I have my holster." She said. I groaned as I tried to get out of bed but failed. There was still a tube inserted in my lung and too many monitors plus it was now an hour past time for pain meds. "Oh no! You aren't going anywhere!" said Kim. Will and a nurse walked in and we both jumped. "What's going on?!" He asked. "Will we need to lock down the hospital, there is a bounty on Kaycie's head!" Yelled Hank from Kim's phone. I groaned in physical and emotional pain. I didn't like that I was putting so many people in danger. "She has refused pain meds." The nurse said to Will. I shook my head. "They make me so sleepy and worthless, I need to get out of here before innocent people get hurt." I cried. "I don't care, You are not getting out of this bed yet," Said Will as he pulled a syringe out of his pocket and pushed it into my IV. Jay came bursting in with 3 huge bags. He pulled out several vests and tossed one to Will and Kim. He held onto one and offered the nurse one as well. "I have to get out of here!" I cried. He pulled me into a hug. "It's going to be ok. We have a plan. Just relax and close those beautiful brown eyes." I fought to stay awake but my eyes grew too heavy. Monitors started beeping but I was too tired to care. Kim started to panic. "Will, how much did you give her?! Do something!" Will silenced the alarms going off. Kim turned to Jay in horror then back to Will as the monitor showed a flatline going a-crossed it . Will sighed, "She signed a DNR earlier today. There is nothing we can do." Jay looked at Kim and winked. Then came to my bedside and cried as did Kim. Will ushered the nurse and Kim out of the room saying that Jay needed a minute alone. Will came back in with a gurney and the two quickly went to work taking things out of Jay's big duffel bags and putting medical supplies in them instead. "This better work Jay," said Will. "I know! I know! You don't have to tell me!" They filled the body bag with pillows and carefully put me in a duffel bag and they got me out of the back doors and into Hanks Truck.

They had a safe house set up already. I woke up with a migraine in an unfamiliar place but still had my IV,  wires and machines. "Welcome back from the dead beautiful," whispered Jay, "Will is on his way here to check on you." I groaned, "you should really warn a girl before you have her death faked." He laughed, "ok I will try to remember that. How are you feeling?" I whined, "my mouth feels like the Sahara desert and my head is pounding. What the heck did Will give me? How did I get here and Why?" "Well let's start with a few ice chips to see if that helps your mouth. I have some pain meds for you too." "No, not yet, I interrupted, "I need answers before I take a medication induced nap." Jay sighed, "Ok fine."

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