The Whole Truth

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Several hours after Jay and Hank sit down in my hospital room overwhelmed by all of the machines that are hooked up and attached to my bruised and cut up body from all of the glass, I start to become aware of my surroundings and start having a nightmare about Damion Blake finding me once again and this time torturing me to death. "No no no no" I scream in my dream as it barely comes out in a raspy whisper. My heart rate rapidly increases as I start to panic. My eyes slowly open to see a worried Hank and Jay standing over me. "He found me" I start to repeat as I panic and try to rip things off of me. "No don't do that, it's ok. You are safe!" "We need some help in here!" They both yelled as they tried to calm me down. Will comes running in seeing me in full panic mode. He grabs a syringe out of a nearby cart and pushes it into my IV. He then tries to help Jay and Hank stop me from tearing all of the tubes and wires off. I start to calm down and slowly close my eyes. Will starts reattaching some of the monitors as he tells me, "Kaycie you are at Chicago Med, I am Dr. Will Halstead. You were in an accident at Molly's bar. You are safe now ok?" I wake back up slowly to both brothers holding my hands so I can't start ripping things off again. I groan as I realize my head is pounding. "Kaycie do you remember what happened at the Bar?" Will asks. I close my eyes and nod my head. "How many died?" I ask. "Herman,is he ok?" "Yes he will be fine." Will says. Hank chimes in from the chair across the room, "3 of the 6 men are dead. They were the only casualties. And the other three are not talking. Did you recognize any of them?" He asked. "No, I had never seen them before." I said as I shook my head. Jay asked, "who is 'he' and what did he do to you to make you so scared?" My eyes widened in horror. Jay grabs my hand again and states, "you panicked when you realized you were in the hospital and Voight and I basically had to restrain you to keep you from ripping out our IV lines and getting out of bed." Will chimed in, "I have some questions about your x rays and some of your scars too. I need to get a better medical history" Hank said, "we need to know the whole truth and we need to know it now!" I sighed, "Can we lock the door?" "You got it." Said Will as he jumped up locked the door and all three men sat down around my bed.

"I had a husband named Derek. 2 little boys Miles and Garrett. They were only one and three. I worked as a DPT for a home health company. One day I ran across a drug deal in a home and found out the druggie boyfriend was abusing his girlfriend and her grandfather. I turned him in immediately and ended up somehow stopping one of the biggest Drug dealers in Utah named Damion Blake. He was arrested that night and killed my family after posting bail only an hour later. He took me and tortured me for days from what I was told and left me for dead in the snow in freezing temperatures. I had a broken nose, cheekbones, collarbone, both wrists, 6 ribs, a broken femur, a collapsed lung and internal bleeding from my spleen and bruised kidneys after I started showing signs of life on the morgue table. They thought I was dead because my body was so cold my heart had slowed down so much. The FBI flew me to a high tech hospital where I had multiple surgeries and was in a coma for about 4 weeks. I only tried to kill myself twice while in the hospital due to depression and PTSD.
I finally looked up at the three men, they all had a mix of horror and anger in their faces. "We need to lock up Damion or even better kill him and I need to visit my family's graves! I have never been allowed to visit!" I sobbed.
"We will find him that's for Damn sure and He will pay for this!" Said Hank.
Will asked, "how many surgeries did you have to have? And you have your doctorate in physical therapy?" "Yeah but I can't get a license with a whole different name. I did a lot of my own rehab and I think 9 surgeries. Several on my face, one on my spine, leg and several to fix the internal bleeding."
I am actually two inches taller now." I said with a slight giggle. "When can I go home?" I asked will. "With your head injury not for a few more days"
"Great" I said sarcastically. "I need my laptop. I have work to do and I am not taking no for an answer!" Hank frowned. "Fine a little work won't hurt but you still need to rest. I will bring some things by later." "We still don't know why you and Hermann were a target. Halstead is staying for protective duty and Ruzek is outside since Hermann is next door." Jay nodded at Hank as he walked out with Will. I turned to Jay, "ok you have heard my dirty secrets, now tell me one of yours." I grinned.

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