Surprises and Wedding Planning

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We had started planning a small wedding at the cabin for the summer but decided to do a spring wedding instead. I was still recovering from getting injured recently and we were finally able to move into our new condo but Jay and Will refused to let me pack or touch any boxes. I finally talked Jay into hiring a moving company because work had gotten busy and we were on a deadline to get out of my current apartment.

At 11 weeks pregnant and sicker than Hell I showed up to Intelligence with a special box of cupcakes. They had a crazy case and I was helping them a little here and there mostly from home when I could but I was struggling with severe nausea and recovering from getting shot. Will had given me several IV treatments to help. I had never been this sick with either of my pregnancies and I was barely surviving the day. Jay and Will had told people I was still struggling with effects from the concussion and shooting. I had just started a new nausea medication and I was really hoping this one would help me feel slightly human again. I walked up the stairs and was immediately stopped by Sargent Platt. She said, "You look like Hell, are you sure you should be here?" I smirk and hold a finger to my lips and open the box in front of her. "I knew it!" She said. Then quickly hugged me. I giggled and closed the box and started going up the second set of stairs to intelligence. "Come get a cupcake before the boys eat them all." I called to her as I stepped in the door.
The boys were all busy at their desks. "I thought you guys could use a treat with how busy you have been," I said as I walked into the break room. Jay and Hank came in and Hank asked what was going on. I slowly opened the box and motioned for Hank to get a cupcake. Hank stared at the box and then suddenly wrapped his arms around me. He said, "Congratulations! I knew something was going on, I am happy it is a baby and not health problems. Guys get in here for a cupcake!" We were then hugged by everyone excitedly. "When are you due?" Asked Kim. "October 7th." I said. Jay said, "Sarge there is one more thing. Will you be our baby's Godfather? We don't have much family, the team will be like uncles and aunts and Sarge would be like a papa to this baby if that's ok?" Hank had tears in his eyes, "I would love that." There was another round of hugs before I told them to get back to work. I had an appointment with my wedding planner to get to. Jay walked me down to the parking lot. He gently kissed my belly. "You two be safe today. I wish I could come with you." I shook my head, "you have a case to help solve and you wouldn't like it anyways. I will call you later. I love you, be safe." "I love you."

I met with the wedding planner. We were going to have the wedding outside at Jay's family cabin in the spring. We were using a deep navy blue, green and a tiny bit of pink for colors. It was going to be more laid back, no tuxes just suits. I still had to ask Hank if he would give me away. Jay needed to pick a best man. I knew who was going to be my maid of honor.

I set up five gifts that each held a question. I gave Hank his first because I was the most nervous about his.Hank was confused with the gifts. He was anxiously waiting for Kim and Adam. I finally told him he could open his. When he pulled out the card that was on top of a tie that said, "Thank you for always being like a father to me. Will you help me tie the knot? It would mean so much to me for you to walk me down the aisle." He looked up at me with glassy eyes. "You really want me to do that?" I nodded my head, "you are the closest to family I have besides Jay." Hank wrapped me in a hug and said, I would love to."
Adam gift was next. He was to be Jay's best man with Kim being my maid of honor. Adam's said, "Suit Up. Your service is required as Best Man. P.S. She made me do this" With cuff links, socks in our colors, a flask and a small bottle. Kims said, "I need something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue but most importantly, I need you. Will you be my maid of honor?" With pretty earrings, bracelet and necklace set. Then Will who was to be a groomsmen his gift set was very similar to Adam's. Gabby was going to be a bridesmaid. Her gift was also the same as Kim's.
We met all four at Molly's one night. For some reason I was nervous. My dang hormones were getting to me. Jay rubbed my shoulders and back gently as we were waiting for Will to get here from his shift. We chatted about work and the wedding a little with Adam, Kim and Gabby. Will finally showed up and we let them open each of their gifts. Kim and Gabby were very excited. Adam and Will seemed happy but definitely not as excited as the girls were. Kim asked, "when is the big day?" "May 12" I said. "All the big stuff is planned, even the dinner and refreshments. We have pictures taken next weekend and then the invitations will be ready the next week. My wedding planner is doing everything even the photography. It's nice and simple to have one company do it all. We still gave to go dress shopping but that is going to be tricky." I said as I looked down at my belly. Jay said, "you have been so sick, you can't tell you are almost twelve weeks. If I hadn't seen the ultrasound, I wouldn't believe it." Will nodded, "you haven't gained any weight, trust me, I know how much you weigh, I have your records." I threw a menu at him but he was able to dodge it. I told the girls I would let them know when we could go shopping in hopefully a week or so.
"It's getting late, I need to get this little mama to bed or she will turn into mama bear." Jay joked. I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow but then agreed. I was so exhausted lately.


Sorry it took so long to update this chapter. I have rewritten it five different times. I hope the next ones go smoother. Thanks for all of your support! I really appreciate it! I would love to hear some feedback!

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