Training Jenna

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I talked with Antonio and took Jenna to his training gym. We wanted to train her in on boxing as well as self defense. We spent a lot of time for the next few months in the boxing ring, practicing kick boxing and lifting weights. In the afternoons we practiced yoga and meditation. I was trying to talk Jay out of a scheduled C-section but he was being stubborn. Either way I could hemorrhage again after delivery and surgery was harder to recover from especially with two kids to take care of. I did yoga and meditation daily to help with pain during either labor or recovery.
Jenna occasionally had nightmares but they were finally getting fewer and fewer. She slept on our bedroom floor sometimes afterward. We tried to find all of her triggers with frequent therapy sessions with Dr. Charles. She was slowly making progress with her PTSD and trauma.
One afternoon Jenna and I were doing our yoga she stretches, she asked me, "what can you tell me about Antonio?" I laughed. "Where did that come from and what exactly do you mean?" She nervously laughed, "well we have started spending more time together and I think I could see myself dating him." "I kind of wondered about that. He is divorced and has two kids that he doesn't get to see very often. I think he is a great guy, he has been with intelligence for awhile and he would definitely keep you safe." She smiled and bowed her head in embarrassment. That afternoon she finally got a call from the lawyer. She was jumping for joy when she hung up. "What's this about?" I asked. "My divorce is finally finalized, I have money again and that psycho is staying behind bars for 15 years!
Jenna and I finally talked the guys into going to a yoga class with us. It did not go well. "Jay take this serious! We are supposed to be meditating! Stop laughing dang it!" I groaned at him. "I can't help it. You are too cute with your little belly." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. By the end of the class, we were all giggling. "Let's go get some breakfast. I am starving. This baby wants pancakes!" I said as we were leaving. The four adults and Blakely went to a diner. By the end of breakfast Blake had maple syrup covering every inch of her. We wiped her down as best as we could. "Well this one needs a bath the second we get home." I said. "Agreed. If she isn't glued to her car seat." Laughed Jay. We bathed our very sticky baby  and then I took a nap with her. I didn't get nauseous very often but needed a nap daily to make it to bedtime.
A month later Jenna felt ready to fight in the ring. Antonio found another student that was ready with her training as well. Jenna did amazing! She was able to hold her own and protect herself as well as get some good hits in. After the fight we all went out to dinner. We talked about how far Jenna has come since she first came her. Jenna nodded, "I definitely feel safer and feel like I can protect myself." We were definitely going to keep up the weights and yoga for awhile. Antonio wanted us to go to Molly's after but my pregnant body was exhausted. We picked Blakely up from the sitter and put her to bed. I changed my clothes and crawled into bed,  totally exhausted. Jay snuggled into me and wrapped his hands around my growing belly. "Woah was that a kick?" "Mhm, that's the baby kick boxer we have." I sighed sleepily. "Be nice to your momma in there." He said as he kissed my belly.
The next day Antonio called me, he sounded nervous. "What's wrong? Is Jay ok?" I asked already panicking. "Everything is fine, nobody is hurt, not yet anyways." He said. "Antonio spit it out! You are stressing me and the baby!" I yelled. He sighed, "I was wondering if I could have your blessing with asking Jenna to be my wife?" He nervously asked. I started laughing, I couldn't help it. "Why is this funny?!" He growls. "I am sorry," I say while still giggling. "I blame the hormones and the sleep deprivation. Yes you have my blessing. I know that you will take care of her and know that I will cut it off if you break her heart or hurt her." He nervously laughed, "you know I would never purposely hurt her. I love her like crazy. I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy and keeping her safe." I nodded in agreement, "I know you will."

A/N I have had the hardest time finding the motivation to write with everything going on in the country right now. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. I have approximately five chapters planned before this book will end!

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