The key

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After a long week in the office and I just wanted to go to bed and sleep all weekend. We had three younger female victims found dead, brutally beaten. One had a key in her pocket and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it went to. We were failing with this case. They weren't reported missing and there was not a lot of information we could find on them.
I had promised Kim that she could come over for dinner sometime and it ended up being pretty much a double date with Adam and Jay. I couldn't back out now. The guys were bringing pizza and we were just going to watch the game. I had the biggest apartment of all four of us so of course it was going to be here.
I hurried upstairs to change and freshen up. I felt like a zombie. Kim was knocking on my door before I knew it. I let her in and we went into the kitchen to get a drink. Pretty soon another knock came. "That was fast, did they use the lights on Jay's truck to get here faster?" She laughed and offered to go get the door.
"Where's the other one?!" I heard in an unfamiliar voice. I ran to the door to find a tall unkept man closing it behind him while pointing a gun at Kim's head. "What do you want?" I asked. "I need my key!"
"What key asked Kim?" He growled in anger and whipped her head with the gun. She fell to her knees but thankfully was still conscious. "Who are you and what key are you talking about?" I asked. "We can't help you if we don't understand." He launched at me grabbing my hair and holding the gun to my head. "Don't lie to me! I know you have it and I am not leaving here without it!" I looked at Kim in horror, neither of us armed and both equally exhausted. "It's not here, it's in an evidence locker at the police station. I never brought it home." This response was met with more anger and being slammed to the ground, hitting my head on the coffee table on the way down and kicked repeatedly. Kim launched at him trying to knock the gun out of his hand and to stop him from kicking me. They struggled and wrestled with the gun as I lied unconscious. There is another knock on the door and then the gun went off.
"Was that a gunshot?" Adam yelled. "5021 Henry shots fired at 7248 apt 34, requesting immediate backup." Yelled Jay. They forced open the door to see the man holding the gun ready to take another shot at Kim laying on the ground. I became conscious sometime before this and reached into an end table where I grabbed a gun and shot his leg then the boys tackled him to the ground with the distraction.
3 armed officers then ran in and are able to cuff the man. I crawl to the kitchen to find towels to hold on the wound in Kim's shoulder. Adam is panicking but Kim repeatedly tells him she is ok. It looks like it went straight through near her collarbone. "What did he want?" Asks Jay. "He was demanding we give him a key, I think the one that was found in our case with the three girls." I say as I dig through my freezer looking for something to put on my pounding head.
"Let me see your head," demands Jay. "Ouch!" I wince as he touched a gash that is still oozing blood into my hair. "Where the heck is that ambulance?" Yelled Adam. I told Jay to grab a blanket off the couch for Kim and  I grab my medical bag to take her blood pressure. I groan as I kneel down to the floor next to her. "He probably broke a few ribs with how much he kicked you." Kim mumbled.  Adam yells angrily, "he kicked you?!" Jay came in with the blanket, "What?!"  I am in the middle of taking her blood pressure, I hold up my finger while I finish. "98/64, a little low but not bad." "I am doing ok, Kim replied. I put my frozen peas back on my head trying to ignore the pain and spinning that is not subsiding. Jay pulls out his phone, "Sarge we have a problem, you need to come to Kaycie's apartment now!"
Dawson and Brett ran in and started assessing Kim. "What the heck happened? You sure seem to find trouble." "Yeah it sure seems to find me." I said. "He is a suspect of two deceased  girls we found. He wanted his key back." "He tried to kill you both for a key?!" Gabby asked? I shrugged my shoulders. They load Kim up and take her out the door just as Hank comes barging in. "I need to know the full story now!" I nod, "Let me sit down first. "Kim answered the door thinking it was the guys bringing pizza. He pulled his gun and started demanding a key. We asked him what key and that made him angry. He threw me to the ground and then Kim and him wrestled I think. The gun went off and I grabbed my gun and shot him in the leg then they grabbed him." I shift my ice pack and Hank asks to see my head. I move my hair, "that doesn't look good," says Hank. "Let's get you to Med too." "Noo," I whine. "I just want to go to bed." "X rays and stitches first, let's go." I stand up slowly and still groan. "I am fine," I say. "Mmmhhhmm," says Hank. As we are walking out of the door I start seeing more spots and lean on Hank a little. "You ok kid?" He asks as he grabs my elbow to help steady me. "I don't know," I mumble and then everything went black.
"Kaycie!" Yells Hank as he scoops me up before I hit the ground. "Jay open the door to my truck, she passed out!" "Here I will stay in the back with her," said Jay. Hank climbed in and tore off with his lights on. "She is breathing but not responding." Jay pulls out his phone, "Hey Siri call Will." "Will I am on my way to Med with Hank and Kaycie. She hit her head a little while ago and has a gash that is bleeding. She passed out on our way to the car and is unresponsive." Will said "Ok I will be outside with a gurney." Jay shakes me a little, "Come on Kaycie" he whispers, "I really need you to not die on me ok." Hank raced into the ER entrance and Will threw open the door as Jay handed me off to Will.
Jay and Adam paced around the waiting room. Kim was in surgery to repair an artery that was nicked with the bullet. Will comes out of the ER about an hour later. Everyone jumps up for news. "So I believe Kaycie passed out more from exhaustion and not her head injury. She is bruised up and a couple small fractures to her ribs and a mild concussion but she will be ok. I don't want her going home alone but I think she would get better rest there than here." Jay and Hank look at each other. "Her apartment is a crime scene, she can't go there and if she was allowed in she would clean it up she wouldn't sleep," said Hank. Will looks from Hank to Jay. "I can take Kaycie to my apartment if it's ok with her and you Sarge." Hank sighs, "Keep it in your pants and we won't have a problem." Jay nods, "Got it Sarge." Will hands Jay my discharge instructions. Al and Antonio show up with Jay's car from my apartment. Jay thanks them and tries to comfort Adam before going to find me. I was signing forms when Jay walked in. "So I guess you are crashing at my place for a few days. Will and Hank's orders," said Jay nervously. I shrugged, "I just want to sleep somewhere, I don't care if it's on the floor as long as it's quiet," I said with a yawn. "Well you are definitely not sleeping on the floor, let's get you to bed." Will met us in the hall with a bag of prescriptions. "You will want those in about an hour." I nod, "Thanks again Will."

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