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Jay sat back down next to my bed and sighed. "What do you want to know?" He sat there thinking for a minute then started, "I grew up in Wisconsin. My dad and I never got along so I joined the Army Rangers right out of High School and was sent to Afghanistan. I Came home with some pretty haunted memories and PTSD. I dated a girl that I completely loved that just walked away one day for another job in exchange for something."
"Ok" I said. "That's some info for a lot of years" I joke. "I am sorry that we both have haunted memories and a traumatic past." "If you ever want to talk about it, I will always listen."
"What is one way that helps you cope with all of these feelings?" I asked him. He thinks for a minute, "Uh it used to be unhealthy ways like alcohol and fights. Now I go to the gym, go boxing, go for a run."
"Ooh, the gym is one of my favorites. I trained pretty hard as soon as I got approval after all of my injuries." I started getting sleepy and having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Jay squeezed my hand, "get some rest, we will talk more later."
I heard gunshots and my children screaming but I was tied to a chair and forced to helplessly watch. I screamed and sobbed as they took their last breaths. Then I heard new noises, loud beeping and someone calling my name. "Kaycie! Wake up. It's a bad dream!" I opened my eyes and looked around trying to figure out where I was and the noises, as my heart rate slowed back down. "It was just a bad dream, ssshhhhh, it's ok, it's ok." Jay whispered. I groaned, "I wish it was just a dream but It's my living nightmare. He killed my entire family." I sobbed. "We are going to find him so that he can never hurt you again. I know it won't bring back your old life and your family." He said as he gently rubbed my back. "I haven't had a flash back like that in awhile. That was so real. I don't remember much from that night, I am not sure if that is what happened. Oh I hope not, that was terrible." I said finally as I shook my head and rested it in my hands. "I am sorry you had all of this happen to you." I nod my head, "it's weird being so open about everything. I have had to keep everything about me a secret. It's nice to get things out so that it's not eating me alive. I got close to one friend at my old job and she got seriously hurt from one of Damion's guys when they came looking for me. I have been so careful to not let anyone in out of fear for them more than me." Jay pulled me into a hug. "You don't have to keep anything from me unless you want to. Your secrets are safe with Hank and me." "Thank you." I said, "You don't know how amazing it is to have people in my life that I can trust."

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