The Honeymooners

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and cinnamon rolls. I nuzzled closer to Jay and realized I was still wearing my makeup from yesterday. I tried to stretch and instantly regretted it as my calf went into a tight cramp. I tried to move but my right arm and shoulder was stuck under Jay. I was now squirming under Jay trying to get my leg to relax but it was just getting tighter. I whimpered and Jay sat up abruptly, "what's wrong?!" I tried to reach my right calf, "it's just a leg cramp, it won't release though." He instantly reached down and started massaging my calf then stretching it until the cramp released. I sighed with relief, "thank you! Apparently I have hit the point where I get really bad leg cramps." "You had problems with that before?" He asked. I nodded, "I remember with my first baby, a particular bad cramp was so bad my husband jumped out bed thinking I was in labor. I think I took some extra potassium and magnesium vitamins and those helped a little. It's been a while, it's hard to remember everything. "Let's go into town today and see if we can find any at the health food store. But first I think I can smell Will's famous cinnamon roll French Toast." I slowly got out of bed, "that sounds heavenly!" I went to the bathroom and put on some lounge pants and was looking for a comfy shirt when jay wrapped his arms around my belly. "You are so beautiful! I hope you always know that." He kissed my forehead and handed me a shirt we walked out of the bedroom hand in hand.
We walked downstairs to find Will making breakfast with Nat and Adam and Kim. "Good morning!" Said Natalie. "Can I make eggs?" Asked Adam. "No!" Yelled Jay and Will. I grimaced. "Sorry if you make eggs, I will throw up the rest of the day."  He made a face, "aright then, we won't have eggs. I am really glad you both came out to eat. The girls wanted to make you breakfast in bed but nobody wanted to go near the door. We played Rock, Paper, Scissors and I lost." We all laughed and started eating. "This is delicious Will!" I said. Everyone agreed. After breakfast the four of them packed up to leave. We told them goodbye and thanked them for coming. After they left Jay locked the door and scooped me up. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The shower," he cooed.
Jay turned the shower on and gently took off my shirt. He placed his hands on my belly and softly murmured to our baby girl. She of course said hello back with several nudges and kicks. Once the water was warm we climbed in and caressed each other softly. His lips crashed against mine fiercely until we were gasping for breath. We finished quickly and washed up and got ready for the day.
Jay took my hand and led me to his pickup. We drove into town and walked around the shops. We found a few things for the nursery and my vitamins that I was hoping to find. We then enjoyed a lovely, romantic dinner on a balcony near the water. It was quiet and peaceful. I playfully rubbed up his leg with my foot while we enjoyed some delicious cheesecake. He winked at me, paid the check and grabbed my hand. He grabbed a blanket out of the back seat and locked the door. He led me down to a secluded spot on the beach and spread out the large blanket. He helped me sit down and and then he sat in front of me. "You know it's not nice to tease." He whispered. Then He kissed my neck and up my jawline. We watched the sunset until it started getting dark. We drove back to the cabin and Jay carried me to the bedroom. We made love and then snuggled to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to Jay staring at me and playing with our baby girl. "Good morning beautiful." He said as he kissed my forehead then my lips. "I think you need your eyes checked my dear, this swollen pregnant woman is feeling anything but beautiful." Jay shook his head, "I have perfect vision, I can't have my beautiful wife not feeling beautiful. It's a good thing I have a day of surprises for you. Now go get dressed. We have somewhere to be in an hour." I looked at him confused but dutifully got out of bed. "What should I wear?" I asked him. "Something comfortable, nothing fancy." He said. I put some leggings and a maternity shirt with some sandals. He had some breakfast ready and then we left. He ended up taking me to a full day spa where we had couples massage, facials and I got a manicure and pedicure. Jay took me to lunch then he found a maternity clothes store. He talked me into buying several outfits and some dresses. We went back to the cabin and I quickly fell asleep on the couch while Jay made us dinner. We had a relaxing night, watching a movie and snuggled in the couch.
The next morning we both woke up early, being well rested from the day before. We decided to go on a small hike into the woods before it got too warm. After lunch it was warm so we went for a swim in the lake. The day's activities wore me out and once again I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up not very long after I fell asleep to jay talking on the phone and sounding frustrated. He hung up and began pacing. "What's wrong?" I asked. He jumped, "I didn't realize you were awake. Sorry, to wake you up." He knelt down beside me and sighed. "That was Hank. There has been a string of Murders and hijacked cars recently. They are getting info on the case right now and could really use both of our help. The numbers are up to 14 people killed in the past 2 days." I gasped in horror, "Let's go as soon as we can get packed up. We can get back tonight and go in tomorrow morning." Jay sighed again, "are you sure, this was our time together. Even though we haven't done a whole lot, I have sure enjoyed our time together." I nodded, "This has been perfect for us and me being pregnant. I am planning a cruise for next winter. If we need to go, it's what be need to do. It's ok." Jay helped me up and we packed up quickly and were off sooner than I thought. I fell asleep in the car and woke up several hours later when Jay finally stopped for some food. "I didn't think you would ever wake up he said as he kissed my forehead." We we're home before I knew it. I had been looking up any recent news articles I could find on our case. We walked into our condo to find it decorated with wedding flowers, presents and decor. It was a lovely surprise that ended our honeymoon perfectly. I fell asleep cuddled up to my amazing husband in our condo that night with a smile on my face.

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