Introduction to Intelligence

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Hank Voight sat in his office early one morning with an old friend and FBI agent Thomas Cooper and the new analyst and tech expert Kaycie Williams. Tom had told Hank a little about Kaycie's rough past few years but she was one Hell of an analyst and even had training in hand to hand combat. Tom had told Hank Kaycie was a widow and part of witness protection but not all of the details. Kaycie was excited for the new job opportunity but not happy with yet another move, another name change and completely disappearing from her last location. She had enjoyed living in North Carolina. The coast was beautiful. She had been working with a large school district in Jacksonville where they had a special needs preschool. She loved the kids and would definitely miss them. She wondered what they had been told about why she left so suddenly.
Kaycie couldn't believe he had found her there. He had found her 1 other time. She wondered how long she would be able to stay in Chicago and if anyone else would get hurt. The FBI promised they would get him in prison this time but he somehow managed to get away before he was caught every time. He was the reason she started studying so hard. She was going to have to catch him. Hank was talking to Kaycie which snapped her out of thoughts. She had been studying Intelligence analysis for years in all of her free time and finally was getting a chance to use her experience. Hank told Kaycie to follow him and meet the team. She would be working in house only for now. "Everybody listen up, this is Kaycie Williams, she will be our new tech expert and analyst." One by one they introduced themselves, Al being first, then Adam, Jay, Antonio, Kim and Kevin. Kaycie didn't say a whole lot. She was definitely nervous to become friends with anyone. She had a big secret and trust issues. Tom handed Kaycie her new computer hoping it would help her feel better after breaking his promise of not moving her again. He hoped she would be safer here and he trusted that Voight would be able to keep her secret and keep her safe. "Thanks for everything" she said. At least she had a nice condo this time with a top of the line security system. "I will call you later this week and follow up" he said, knowing she would be updating him tonight. There was going to be more procedures in place this time which did not excite in her in the least.

Kaycie started setting up her desk and going through the stack of paperwork she was given by Platt. It was a good thing she had such a good memory and had gone over her new address and names the night before. She looked up to see Kim and Adam walking towards her. Kim said, "Hey we are all going to Molly's tonight. It's a bar owned and ran by some of the fire department and the food is pretty good, would you like to come?" " I don't know, I still have unpacking to do." Tom and Hank had told me to trust the team and get to know them but I was still nervous. One of the preschool teachers had gotten hurt in Jacksonville because we had gotten too close and it was all of my fault. Antonio came up next saying, "Oh come on Kaycie, you probably don't have much food if you just moved in. Come with us!"

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