The Lily Case Part 1

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Jay went back to work full time when Blakely was eight weeks old. They had caught an interesting case with two murders, one a defense attorney and another a judge.
Jay called me three days into the case. Hank was allowing me to bring Blakely into the station to help track down the killer that vanished without a trace. I quickly packed up our things and left. I was happy to be helping the unit again. The minute I walked in the door of the station with Blakely, Trudy ambushed me and insisted on keeping her downstairs. She buzzed me up and I was immediately greeted by Jay and then the team.
I sat down and started scouring court cases with both deceased men and made a list of 27 possible possible suspects. We started diving deeper into those cases and looking for any suspects that would want revenge. By this time it was getting late and Blakely had, had enough of the station. She was quite fussy so I took her and headed home. She was full on screaming when I got home so I quickly grabbed the diaper bag revealing a smashed Lily on the front seat. I made a mental note to ask Jay about it and rushed inside with a very grumpy and hungry baby.
Jay ended up staying late. I fell asleep waiting for him. I woke up at 3 AM to him holding Blakely and trying to quiet her down. I fed her again and we all snuggled in bed together. At 6 we got up, I fed Blakely while Jay cooked some breakfast. We quickly ate and got ready for work. Today we dropped of Blake at Will's. Trudy was disappointed but we still had a lot of investigating for this case. I had a bad feeling about this unknown suspect for some reason. I found a possible case mid morning of a teenage girl that was stalked and then eventually raped and murdered. The family had tried to press charges for stalking but that didn't stop the man until after the teen's death. Her stalker frequently put some kind of Rose at her doorstep or in her car each time he did something to mess with her head. This made me highly uneasy after I read that. I thought more about the flower I found in the car last night. I told myself I was being paranoid and went back to work. I dug further into the girl's stalker and her murder. Intelligence had been assigned to it. I called Voight over to my desk and told everyone what I was thinking and what I had found, except about the mysterious flower in my car. I mean, I always locked the car and the house and double checked each time I left. The girl had a brother and father that could be our current suspect seeking revenge.
Trudy came upstairs carrying a vase of pink and orange Lilies that were similar to the one I found in my car the day before. She set them on Jay's desk as I gasped in horror. Everyone looked confused and Jay pulled out a blank card except for his name. I ran to the tech room and found a sweeper. I found a tiny camera and microphone on the vase. I groaned, "We have a big problem, I found a Lily in my car yesterday afternoon but was too focused on our grumpy baby when we got home, I completely forgot about it." Jay looked furious. I pulled him into a hug. "I am sorry that I forgot to tell you. I think we need to sweep our house and cars, I will feel better once I know they are bug free. Jay nodded, "let's run home and check out the apartment." Hank shook his head, "until we know exactly what is going on, you two are not going anywhere, especially leaving here together." Jay groaned in frustration. "I am not going to just hide out here Sarge. So far there is no credible threat."
Hank somewhat agreed and let Jay go check out the house if He went with him. Kevin followed me out to the cars. I found several listening devices in each car. This didn't make sense. Whoever had done this was a professional to not set off the alarms. Hank and Jay found 12 cameras and 17 listening devices in our condo. This just creeped me out. "Who wanted to spy on us this badly? And how the hell did they get in past all of our security systems?" I asked out loud. Hank shook his head, "I don't know but I don't like this at all." I called Will and they were safe. Some patrolmen were on their way to pick them up.
I went back to my computer and started trying to find out what my top two suspects did for a living. I was ticked off that someone had invaded my very personal space and I was bound and determined to find out why. The father of the teenager girl owned a security company and the son was now a manager who has worked there for over five years as a technician. "It's both of them," I said to myself. I printed their pictures and put them on the board. We had enough information for a search warrant at least. Will came upstairs with Blake and I hugged her to my chest. I did not have a good feeling about today. I had just finished feeding her when Trudy came running up the stairs. She yelled, "Everyone out! We just received a large package addressed to Intelligence. Bomb squad is on their way!" Will helped me gather up Blake's things and he even buckled her up in the car seat quickly. We gathered outside the precinct. Hank and Jay were still on their way back. "Trudy, I don't like this. What if this is just a ploy to gather us all together in one spot outside?" She grimaced then scowled. Kevin and Adam immediately began scanning rooftops.
The bomb squad came out after they cleared the package. We gathered around Trudy as she opened the box. She pulled out a piece of paper that read, "Our Lily deserved better than what she got. You didn't protect her enough and now 51 will pay the price. If you keep looking for us, we will keep taking you down one by one." It's the Father and Son. I didn't know her name was Lily. They work for a security company.
Just then shots were fired at us. Will grabbed Blakely's carrier and we both ducked behind a car. Jay and Hank pulled up just after the chaos started. I grabbed my gun and quickly scanned the rooftops while staying hidden. Adam yelled, "Two O'clock, brown building, one shooter." Will and I crawled further away from the gunfire that was coming from that direction. I peeked over a hood and saw another shooter pointing at Will. " Will Down." I whispered and motioned. He scooted back by a wheel with Blake as glass shattered. That gunmen was shot by someone but I couldn't tell who at the moment. I was almost one car length in front of Will when I heard a click and everything went black.

Sorry for the delay. Working full time and homeschooling 2 kids is a nightmare! Please keep voting and leaving comments. Love you guys!

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