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At the district Hank threw $10 Grand on the table. "I want you all to contact our CIs. We have got to find Damion Blake and his associates before he realizes our secret." He said in his gravely voice. The secret being, me alive, healing and hidden. The only people that knew were the team and Will. There was a large bounty in my head and Hank didn't know how long it would take before they found out I was really alive.
They all left to chat with their CIs, even Hank went to talk with a few people. Word on the street was a big time dealer was in town but no one knew where he was staying but money was used as an incentive to find out.
Hours later they finally had a couple leads. "There is a possibility of Damion staying at a hotel or at a rundown factory that has been fixed up to hide dealers," said Antonio. Al agreed, "that's the same intel I got too." Hank nodded, "Ok let's suit up, we roll out in ten. We will hit the factory first." Adam asked, "should we tell Jay?" Hank shook his head, "no, he can't know anything until Damion is cold." They all nodded knowing this could get ugly.
At the factory Hank pulls out a map as Adam,Kim, Al and Antonio stand near him. SWAT is on their way, he points, "we are going in this side door, keep it quiet. Get the long guns, let's move in two minutes."

Back at the safe house Will had just arrived and had pulled into the garage. He had switched cars at a grocery store after buying a few things Jay needed. I woke up to the sound of the garage door closing. "Oh good, you are awake in time for your check up." Said Jay. "How are you feeling Kaycie?" He asked. "This tube in my chest is going to make me crazy. My ribs and head are sore. My leg and hip are just feeling stiff today, not too bad." Will checks my vitals and listens to my lungs. "Well good news, we can pull the tube out and see how it goes. Your lungs sound really good. Have you done much therapy yet?" I shake my head, just ankle pumps and sitting on the edge of the bed. Someone won't let me stand up yet." I say with a hint of sarcasm. Will nodded, "I have some crutches for you in my car. We can practice with those today." He proceeded to pull out my chest tube and do a few other things.
Back at the factory, SWAT had pulled up and everyone quietly breached the building. Rooms were cleared one by one. On the second floor Hank and Antonio opened a door revealing Damion and his gang passed out with a slew of drugs and alcohol on the table. Hank stormed in and grabbed Damion and drug him out of the room. Damion was now awake but Antonio had a firm hand over his mouth. Hank growled, "You will never hurt her again, take the bounty off!" Hank kicked him a few times and put his phone in his hand. "I can make sure you suffer in prison daily, clear the bounty now!" The rest of the team was cleaning up his gang of associates. Hank was getting frustrated with his unwillingness to cooperate. He pulled his gun and shot Damion in both knees then put his phone back in his hand. "I can keep going, limb by limb, Damion. You will end this tonight or end up being a pile of broken bones with bullets holes!" Hank growled again. Damion finally made a phone call and cleared the bounty he had placed. Antonio yelled, "that better be real!" Someone from the FBI was checking all of the dark websites to see that it indeed really was cleared. Hank then got the signal that everything was good and a single sniper shot rang out from across the street. Everyone ducked down and Hank checked Damion's pulse. He shook his head no. Adam yelled, "boss who was that?" Hank smiled and said, "I don't know, but I owe them a drink."
At the safe house I was taking a lap around the house on crutches with a huge smile on my face due to my new freedom. Will laughed, "How does it feel to be up?" "It's great! Just a little painful and exhausting." Jay sighed, "well let's get you back to bed before you hurt yourself." I pulled a face at him and slowly made my way back to the bed. "Do you know what it's like to be in bed day after day?! I am going stir crazy here!" There was a knock at the door and Jay's phone rang. "Hey Sarge." Said Jay. He looked Angry. "Have you been anywhere today?" Asked Hank. Jay shook his head, "I have been here. I haven't left since we got here. Why?" "Someone killed Damion with a sniper rifle as we left the factory." "What?!" We both asked in shock. Hank just nodded, "yep he is gone, the bounty is cleared," he said with a smile. "It's a few days late, but Merry Christmas! No more hiding!" I couldn't believe it. My nightmare was finally ending. "We weren't able to get proof that it was Damion that caused all of your accidents at the bar and the crash but we know it was him." I shook my head, "that's ok, having him really gone is the best news. He can't hurt me or anyone I am close to ever again. I can't thank you enough Hank!" I said as I gave him a hug the best I could with crutches.

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