Hey Let's Get Some Fro-Yo!

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A/N: Well.... Let's just say I have some weird titles.... 😆
Anyway, onto the story!

Pencil's POV:
I'm glad that Match and Eraser are finally together. It's been way too long. Monday came along again, which meant back to school. Once I got to my art class, I saw Pen sitting in his regular seat. "Hi Pen," I said with a wave. "Hey," he said back to me. I sat down in my chair and started up a conversation. "So, you glad that Match and Eraser are together now?" "Of course I am! They're great together," he replied happily. "Our plan certainly worked!" I exclaimed. He nodded in agreement. Then I brought up one of the questions I really wanted him to answer: "Pen, remember that day Eraser yelled really loudly in Art?" "Yes, what about it?" he asked. I could've sworn I heard nervousness in his voice, but I wasn't sure. "Well, I've been wondering for a while. What happened?" I asked. His eyes widened a bit, then he looked away. "It was nothing," he said with a nervous laugh. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I saw his face redden a bit. "You sure it was nothing?" I asked. He opened his mouth like he was about to answer, but then shut it again. He then just simply nodded. "Okay, if you say so," I said to him slowly. I could tell it wasn't just nothing. But clearly, it looked like he didn't want to talk about it. I pulled out my sketchbook and opened up to the page where I drew Pen. I quickly, but carefully, flipped the page. If Pen saw this, he'd think I was crazy! I started to draw a rose. I started to draw a rose because I was wearing my rose perfume. Then the rest of the class came in, so I put my sketchbook away. Our teacher started to tell us about our next project. "Okay, you will be working in pairs for our next project," she started. Pairs of friends looked at each other, smiling. "Now, don't go picking your friends now. I've assigned partners already," she told us. Some of the students sighed and others groaned in annoyance. A few of us just stayed quiet. "Okay, Leafy, Firey, you two work together," our teacher said. The couple (A/N: Ooh.... 😆) looked at each other and smiled. "Match, go with Eraser," our teacher continued. Match looked like she was about explode with happiness. Our teacher assigned a few more groups until she said, "Pencil, you'll be working with Pen." I blushed a bit and walked over to Pen.

Pen's POV:
I'm working with Pencil?! Well, this should be interesting. She sat down next to me as we waited for our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, to tell us our assignment. "Alright class, this week we'll be doing portraits of each other," Mrs. Johnson explained to us. I gulped. Why, out of everything having to do with art, why did we have to be doing portraits now?! If I were partnered with Eraser or one of my other guy friends, I wouldn't care because they all know I suck at art. Pencil though, she doesn't know. Then, Mrs. Johnson saved me, "Now, don't worry if you don't know how draw faces yet. I haven't taught that yet this year. You can also do an abstract painting, or objects, or something like that to describe the person or their personality." I sighed quietly in relief to myself. Match and Eraser sat near me and Pencil so we could talk while we worked. Once we were free to work, Pencil asked the three of us, "So, what style are you all gonna draw with?" "I'm probably just gonna draw Match herself," Eraser said while smiling at Match. "I'm not too good at, like, drawing faces yet, so I'm probably gonna, like, draw objects and go abstract," Match said. "I'm just gonna draw Pen," Pencil told us. "What about you Pen?" she then asked me. "Uh," I hesitated while looking at Eraser. He gave me a look that said "Dude, say something!" "I'm probably gonna draw some objects and such," I finally answered. She smiled and said, "Coolio! Can't wait to see it when it's done!" I smiled back, relieved that she was okay with the idea. "Hey, any of you doing anything after school today?" I asked. They all shook their heads. "Well, how about we get some frozen yogurt after school today?" I suggested. They all nodded in agreement. "Sure! Sounds great!" Pencil exclaimed.

Pencil's POV:
Mmm... I love Fro-yo. I couldn't wait until after school. Once Art ended, I started to walk out of the room, when I dropped my sketchbook. It was the empty side of the Pen drawing I had done a while ago, but you could kinda see through it. Pen noticed that I dropped it, and bent down to pick it up. Apparently, he must have been able to tell that there was something on the other side, because he looked at it for a few seconds. He was nice though, and didn't flip the page. Thank goodness, I thought to myself. But he did ask me, "Who's this?" as he pointed to it. Even though he could only see it from the back, I'm pretty sure he could tell it was a human since he said "who." But he wouldn't be able to tell who it was without flipping it over. "I-it's nothing," I said while taking the sketchbook from him. I felt a blush form on my face again. "Whoever it is, it looks amazing," he said. "Th-thanks," I said while my blush darkened even more. I'm pretty sure he could tell, since he looked at my face for a bit. He then said, "Okay, Fro-yo after school today!" "Yeah!" I said. We then went to our next class.

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