Moment At The Mall

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Pen's POV:
Ag16 is awesome. Whoever she is, she's really good at this game. Everyday I come home from school, I can't wait to play. I love this game. Ag16 and I are an amazing alliance. We're practically ruling the game. We've taken over so many towns and we've never been beaten. Eraser is a part of our alliance too but he doesn't play often. Today is Saturday, so I can play Clash of Objects all day long. I messaged ag16 and asked if she was online. She messaged me back saying that she was. I sent a smiley face emoji and we started to battle other towns. Victory is ours of course. I was about to say something through my headset but then remembered that she had been messaging me this whole time. She never used a headset. Then a question came into my mind: Why doesn't she use a headset? It's so much easier than typing everything. I messaged her saying, "Yes! We won! But I have a question, why don't you use a headset?" She replied back saying, "My headset broke a few weeks ago but I'm getting a new one today." I typed, "Awesome! When you buy it, are we gonna talk to each other with our headsets?" "Yep!" was her response along with a smiley face emoji. I smiled and continued playing.

Pencil's POV:
I can't wait to get my new headset. I adjusted the silver headband in my long, pink hair. I used to have it short but Match suggested that I should try growing it out. I like it a lot actually. I do miss short hair but I can always get it cut. I'm getting a black headset today at the mall. Match wanted me to go with her, so I'm going. After about 20 minutes, I told DED71 that I was going to go get my headset. He said okay and told me he was going to go buy another game. I said I'd be back at noon and he said he would too. I sent a smiley face emoji and said "See you later" and went offline. I walked out the door and walked to the mall. I live really close so I can go often. I usually go with Match. She waiting for me outside the entrance of the Object Mall. I waved to her and she waved back. We both walked in and headed to the makeup store. I like makeup but I can live without it. Match on the other hand loves it and refuses to leave her house without it. "Match, you bought a bunch of makeup last Saturday. How do you need more already?" I asked with a look of half-concern, half-confusion. "I was practicing how I'm gonna look when Eraser asks me out." I laughed. Match has had a crush on Eraser for a LONG time. I think they'd look cute together. I think it's kinda ironic. I like Pen, Match likes Eraser, Pen and Eraser are best friends, and Pencil and I are best friends (A/N: Yes, I'm putting a little bit of Eratch in this. But the main focus is Pen X Pencil). While I waited for Match to buy her stuff, I tried some perfumes. I thought that the only thing I'd buy today was my headset, but I ended up buying this one perfume. It smells like roses and I love the aroma. Match FINALLY bought everything she "needed" and we headed to the Object Gaming store. I walked straight to the headsets and I was amazed. There were so many of them. I eventually settled with a black one with silver accents and a pencil at the ear piece of the headset. I went to the cashier and bought my headset. I was about to leave when I run into something, or someone, and fall backwards onto the ground. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I hear a voice say. I look toward the voice and I couldn't believe who it was. It was Pen.

Pen's POV:
Oh great. I just made Pencil fall on the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked again. "Y-y-yes," she answered slowly. I reached a hand out to her, offering to help her up. She reached her hand out and took mine. I helped her up and picked up her bag. I noticed that whatever was in the bag, it fell out. I walked over to pick it up for her and when I saw what it was, I gasped. It was a headset. Ag16 told me she was going to go buy a new headset. And here's Pencil, buying a headset. No, it couldn't be. It must be a coincidence. I thought to myself. She started looking at me with a look of concern. Snap out of it. I scolded myself and handed Pencil her headset. She took it and said, "So, what brings you here today?" "I'm just buying a new game," I answered. She then gave a small gasp. I raised my eyebrows in concern. "Something wrong?" I asked. She shook her head and gave a smile. I smiled back and she waved as she left with Match. I waved back and when she left, I gave a happy sigh. "So, enjoyed that moment there, Pen?" a random voice asked me. I jumped and noticed that it was Eraser. "Oh, it's just you," I said annoyed. "Just me? Gee, I feel so special," he answered jokingly. "But, yes," I sighed. He laughed and said, "Nice, bro. Nice." I smiled. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. "I work here, remember bro?" he answered. "Oh, right. I just came to get another game," I answered, feeling like an idiot. "What kind of game do you want this time, bro?" Eraser asked me. "I dunno. Super Object World?" "I think we have one more copy of that. Lemme get it from the back," he told me. While I waited for Eraser, I thought about Pencil. I looked down and noticed another bag. I picked it up and noticed there was a thing of perfume inside. I remembered that Pencil was holding another bag. She only left with one. "Oh no," I said quietly. "What's the matter, bro?" Eraser asked. He just got back. "Pencil dropped her other bag," I said worriedly. "You better go find her, dude," he told me with a wink. I smiled and quickly payed for the game. I said bye to Eraser and ran out the door. I looked around and saw Pencil in the distance. I started running through the crowd toward Pencil. "PENCIL!" I called out. I kept calling hoping that she would hear me and finally notice me.

Pencil's POV:
I heard someone call my name. It sounded like, Pen. I stopped and turned around and saw none other than Pen, running towards me. He finally reached me, looking all out of breath. He finally said, "Pencil, you, dropped, your, bag," in between breaths. I smiled as I saw the bag with my perfume. I couldn't believe that I dropped it and I really couldn't believe that Pen, of all people, would find me to give it back. He handed me the bag and our hands accidentally touched. I tried to hide my blush as I said, "Thank you, Pen. Thank you." "No problem, Pencil," he said as looked me in the eye. I waved good bye again as I left. After I turned around, I blushed madly as I thought about the way he said my name. Match looked at me and laughed. I glared at her but then laughed again. I couldn't wait to go back and tell DED71 about what had happened today.

A/N: Well you lucky ducks, I gave you an extra long chapter. I lost some of this chapter today but I retyped it. R&R, vote, comment, and thanks for reading!

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