Shocking News

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A/N: I had no idea what to write for this chapter, but thanks to @meranda856, I know what to write now! Thanks for the idea @meranda856!

Pen's POV:
I wonder what Match was saying to Pencil... Probably not important... Match grabbed her books from homeroom, then we all quickly went to our first class. I sat down next to Eraser. "Dude, where were you?" he asked. "In the janitor's closet..." I replied. "Why...?" he asked. "I was locked in there!" I exclaimed. "Those two flirts from Flower's group were chasing me, so I ran into the janitor's closet. Then the door somehow locked, and it could only be opened by the outside..." I then explained. "Then Pencil came to the closet. I told her not to close the door, but it was too late. She closed it, then we were locked in there. Together. With no one else. And we couldn't get out," I added. Eraser then gave me a look. "Nothing too... Interesting... Happened in there... Riiight?" he asked. "No! Why would you think that???" I responded. He chuckled, then said, "I'm joking Pen. Geez, calm down." "Not funny..." I replied. He just laughed more. Geez, why does he find the stupidest things so funny sometimes??? Then again, I suppose I do too... Like the plushie playdate... That was quite interesting... But there is no way that I'm telling Eraser about that! Throughout class, I noticed that Eraser and Match kept glancing at each other. I wonder what that's all about... Then again, they are dating... Perhaps it's just that. How should I know? I'm no mind reader... Throughout class, I thought about the janitor's closet... What happened in there... I then remembered that the pen plushie was in my backpack. And Pencil still has the pencil plushie. I carefully tapped Pencil's desk by tossing a pen cap onto her desk, then she looked at me. I mouthed, "Plushie," to her. She nodded in understanding. She reached for her backpack and grabbed it. She then carefully slid it towards me with her foot, then I picked it up. I quickly switched the plushies, then I had to give back the backpack. I didn't want to slide it on the ground though (Oh, I'm such a gentleman lol). So I decided to try to hold my arm out while holding the backpack and hand it to her (I'm totally not showing off...). She looked at me, slightly surprised by the way I was giving it back to her, but she then reached for the backpack. But it didn't exactly work... Her backpack was really heavy, so when she grabbed it, she fell out of her chair. The weight of the backpack was too much, so she fell. My eyes widening, I immediately got out of my chair and helped her up. "Are you okay??" I asked worriedly. She nodded, standing up. She then looked at the ground and gasped. The stuff from her backpack was all over the floor. Oh crap...

I forgot to close her backpack!!!

"O-oh!! Pencil!! I-I'm so sorry! H-here, l-let me pick the stuff up for y-you..." I exclaimed, quickly getting on the floor to pick the stuff up. "You don't have to..." she said, but I didn't listen. I quickly grabbed everything and placed it in her backpack. "Th-thanks..." she said, then taking her backpack after I closed it. But she still seemed worried. Then, I realized why.

The pen plushie was still on the floor.

And right by Flower's desk.

Flower then seemed to notice the plushie. She looked down and picked it up. "What's this?" I heard her ask quietly. "OMG, is this thing a pen plushie??? And this came from Pencil's backpack!" she added. She looked at Pencil, who was staring at Flower worriedly. "Hey everyone! Look what I have!" she exclaimed, holding the plushie in the air. "Guess where this came from? Pencil's backpack," she then added. Almost the entire class started snickering. I glanced at Pencil, seeing her face reddening a bit. "You know, I think we all know what this means..." Flower then said. Pencil's eyes widened. "N-n-no! I-it's not what it looks like!!" she exclaimed. "It means, that Penc-" Flower started to say when I interrupted her. I'm the reason this was happening, so I'm going to fix it. "It means, that Pencil was returning it to me. I... I left it at her house..." I said. "Wha-?" Pencil started to say, but I interrupted her. "That's right, isn't it Pencil?" She hesitated, but then lightly nodded. "Oh, is it really?" Flower asked. I thought she was going to just leave it at that, but of course she didn't. "Pen plays with plushies!" she then exclaimed. Oh great... The entire class, excluding Pencil, then started laughing. I just kept a straight face, walked towards Flower, then quickly grabbed the plushie. I walked back to my desk, then placed the plushie in my backpack. "Class! Stop making so much noise! And Pen, you are causing such a ruckus! I am very disappointed in you for disrupting the class. I don't want to hear another peep from you!" the teacher then exclaimed. She then started giving a long lecture. In fact, the lecture took the rest of class. Well, at least there a good side to this. The teacher kept me after class for an extra minute. If only she actually knew what I was doing... After she finished speaking, I left the room.

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