Practicing...? Or just an excuse? + Bad Hair Day!

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A/N: Hey guys, TheObjectShowFan here! Thanks so much for almost 3k views! Here's the next chapter you've been waiting so long for!

Pencil's POV:
That's me this morning... My stupid alarm clock woke me up from my sleep. I hit the top of the alarm clock with my hand and turned it off. I slowly got up out of bed and looked in my mirror. The second I saw myself, I screamed. "OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!" I exclaimed. The top of my hair was a huge mess! I can't go to school like this! I ran into my closet and searched for something to help me. I tried to brush it out with my hairbrush but it didn't work. "Seriously?!" I exclaimed, frustrated. I continued searching, then I finally found a pink hoodie. I decided to wear that so no one would see my hair. I put it on with my other clothes, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and walked out the door. I walked to Match's house and knocked on her door. Match opened it a few seconds later and stared at me funny. "What's with the, like, hoodie? It's, like, 80 degrees outside!" she asked, confused. I pulled the hood off for a second and she gasped. "That's why," I answered. "OMW Pence-Pence! What happened to your, like, hair?!" she asked frantically. "I don't know! I just woke up like this!" I replied. "Girl, you better, like, keep that hoodie on!" Match told me. "I certainly will!" I exclaimed. We then walked to school together, me making sure my hoodie stayed on. As I walked, I started to feel kinda warm. Match and I walked inside the school building once we got there. I opened my locker and got my books for class. I then heard an "ow." Confused, I looked around. I didn't see anyone in pain. I shrugged and closed my locker. Then I saw who said "ow." "Pen?! Omg, I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologized. I just hit him with my locker door! "No worries Pencil! I'm fine," he said. I sighed and then laughed. "If you say so," I said. "So, um, you wanna walk to class together?" he asked. "Sure!" I said happily. He smiled and then we started walking to class. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house today... You know... Practice our gaming skills for the convention?" he suddenly asked me. I looked at him and without thinking said, "Sure, that would be great!" We reached the classroom and walked in. I sat down in my seat and then remembered that I had really messy, bad looking hair... I mentally facepalmed myself. Why did I say I'd go to his house today??? Of all days! I should've just thought of some excuse... I thought, annoyed with myself. I decided to worry about it later and sat quietly, listening to the lesson.

Pen's POV:
I'm so glad that Pencil agreed to come! But something seemed a little off today... Pencil was wearing a hoodie today. Why on earth would she wear a hoodie in this weather? I'm confused... I mentally shrugged and carefully glanced over at Pencil. Her face was slightly red and she seemed to be sweating a bit. It's probably from wearing that hoodie! I thought to myself, concerned for her. She suddenly looked right at me. My face heated up slightly but I then almost silently said, "You okay?" She lightly nodded and smiled a bit. "Pen!" a voice suddenly said. "Y-yes???" I asked frantically, seeing that the voice belonged to my teacher. "Pay attention, face the board!" she said. "Yes ma'am..." I answered quietly. My face heated up from embarrassment as I looked back at the whiteboard.

*time skip to art class*

So, we're continuing our art projects right now. I'm still trying to think of another symbol to draw for Pencil. What else does she like...??? I asked myself. I suddenly noticed an interesting smell. I quietly sniffed the air. "Roses..." I extremely, quietly muttered. "Pen? Did you say something?" Pencil asked me. My face turning slightly red, I answered, "N-no..." "Oh, okay then," she replied, and went back to drawing. I mentally sighed. Then, it hit me. The smell... It's... It's Pencil's perfume! The one I returned to her at the mall that one day! The smell of... I quietly gasped. "Roses!" I accidentally exclaimed a bit too loudly. Everyone stared at me. "Um..." I quietly said. "Uh... Pen? You okay?" Pencil asked me. I didn't answer as my face reddened even more. I just slowly nodded. But, now I knew what to draw for the final item! A rose! Everyone went back to what they were doing. I got out a piece of paper and started drawing. Eraser leaned towards me and whispered, "What was that about?" "An idea came to me... About what to draw on the paper... It was from... Pencil's rose perfume..." I whispered back, face reddening even more than before. "Ah... You seriously like her..." he replied, whispering. "Yeah..." I whispered back, looking at Pencil. She was busy drawing with this... This adorable but serious look on her face... "She looks so cute when she does that..." I barely whispered. Eraser just slightly chuckled at my awed face. "What're you two, like, whispering about?" Match asked. "It's nothing Match..." Eraser answered. "Really? Eraser, lately, like, you seem to be keeping, like,things from me," Match stated. Eraser just didn't answer. "You're clearly, like, hiding something from me!" Match exclaimed. "I said it's nothing Match!" Eraser said, slightly irritated. "Tell me!" Match demanded, annoyed. Then Eraser quietly muttered to me, "You're lucky I'm a good friend who's keeping your secret..." "There you go again with your whispering!" Match exclaimed. "Can I not just tell Pen something without you asking what it is? It doesn't even have to do with you!" Eraser asked. Then, Match and Eraser started having an argument. I felt useless at that point, having no idea what to do. I glanced at Pencil. She was still working on her drawing, but looking a lot more frustrated. She then sighed and stopped drawing for a few minutes. "Guys...?" she quietly asked. No one but myself even heard her. "HEY!" Pencil then shouted. Both Match and Eraser immediately paused their arguing. "Guys, really? Do you have to argue right now? Some people are trying to concentrate here!" she exclaimed. "Sorry Pence Pence..." Match said. "Yeah... Sorry..." Eraser said afterwards. Everyone continued their drawings and such.

*time skip to after school*

"Hey, ready to go?" I asked Pencil as she stood at her locker. "Almost," she replied, unusually faintly. I looked at her in confusion, but I then noticed that Pencil's face was a pale red color, tiny beads of sweat forming on her face, she was quietly gasping for air. "Pencil? Is something wrong?" I asked, highly concerned. "N-n-no..." she quietly answered. "I-I'm... F-fine..." she slowly added. She grabbed the rest of her stuff from her locker and closed it. She looked at me with a weak smile and said, "Let's... Go..." She started to walk but in the wrong direction. "Um... Pencil? The door's that way..." I explained, pointing in the direction of the door. "Oh...? Oh, right... Heh... Silly me..." she quietly laughed. She started walking in the direction I was pointing at. She suddenly stumbled and collapsed to the ground. Everyone else had already left. "Pencil!" I exclaimed as I rushed to her. I'm no doctor, but she looks like she's starting get heat stroke. "Pencil, you have to take that sweatshirt off!" I exclaimed. "No! I don't wanna..." she suddenly replied. "Pencil, you have to..." I said. "I don't want you hurt..." I quietly added. "I... I don't want to take it off..." she muttered. "Pencil, you could get heat stroke!" I explained. But she wouldn't do it. So, as awkward as it seemed, I had to do what I had to do. I had to remove the sweatshirt. She kinda struggled but the heat started to get to her. She eventually just gave up. I pulled the sweatshirt off of her. She was wearing an orange and yellow striped tank top. She sat up quickly and looked around. She then looked at me. She then noticed I was holding her sweatshirt. Her eyes widened as she screamed and suddenly covered the top of her head. I now knew why she was wearing a sweatshirt today. She was having a bad hair day. Honestly, it didn't look that bad. She still looked pretty. Unsure of what to say, I just quickly moved my eyes, looking around the room.

Pencil's POV:
Why me??? Of course MY crush has to see me on a bad hair day! Why???????? I would've preferred the heat stroke honestly... Okay... Maybe not... But still... I sighed. No use hiding it now. He's already seen my hair. I slowly took my hands off my head and sighed again. I could feel my face heating up again, not from the temperature outside, but from embarrassment. I looked at Pen's face. He wasn't laughing or making some weird face, but he was looking towards the ground. "I know..." I quietly said. "It looks terrible..." I continued. "Pencil... It... It really doesn't..." he said. A small look of surprise came on my face. "But... If you really don't want other people seeing it... Then..." he trailed off. He glanced up and slowly reached towards the top of his head. And he did the unexpected.

He took off his hat.

Because of the position of his hat, I couldn't see his face. I then felt something placed on my head. It was his blue hat. I looked up at Pen and quietly gasped. I had never seen him without his hat. He looked so... Handsome... He then gave a smile. You know what, I ended up smiling too. "Th-thanks..." I quietly said. "No problem," he responded, standing up. He held out a hand. I gladly took it and stood up. "You feel okay now?" he asked. I nodded. I picked up my backpack but still felt kinda weak. "Here, lemme carry it," he said. "A-are you sure?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. He took the backpack from me and also carried his own. Once again, I see just how strong he is. We silently walked to his house. Once we got there, he opened the door. He gently set my stuff down by the front door, but then tossed his onto a nearby chair. He motioned for me to follow him. I did, and he led me to the TV. "Ready for video games?" he asked. "Of course!" I exclaimed as I sat down on the couch. Pen sat on the floor, leaning back on the couch. He turned on Object Kart. I picked the pencil avatar and Pen picked the pen avatar of course. We then started to race. We played 8 rounds, and I got first place every time. "H-how... How does this happen? Wow Pencil... You're really good at Object Kart... You'll win for sure!" Pen exclaimed. "Heh, thanks," I replied. "Hey, I think I'm gonna take a break..." I added. "Alright, me too," he said. I put the controller down on the table in front of me. Pen stood up and went to the kitchen. He shortly came back with a plate of brownies. He held the plate towards me and asked, "Brownie?" "Sure, thanks!" I replied. I was feeling much better now. I grabbed one from the plate. Pen then sat down on the couch. To be honest... Playing video games wasn't really the reason I wanted to come over to his house... Well, sure I enjoyed it, but I would've been fine doing anything with him. He's my favorite person in the whole world... He means everything to me... I just... I just wish he knew that...

A/N: Hiya! Another chapter! I'm so so sorry that this took over a month to publish. I was busy with school, final exams, I had to speak in front of like 60 people, it was crazy. But now, I'm on summer break. Yay! I promise, I will try to be better and update sooner. Again, I'm so sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! See you in the next chapter!

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