Gamers Convention Part 3

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Pencil's POV:
"GO GO GO!" the man with the megaphone exclaimed. Everyone started racing, speeding through the track, trying to get in front of each other. I quickly sped past the amateurs, and past a bunch of the pros. By the third and final lap, I was in second, the guy who was talking to me in first, and Pen was in third. The three of us were approaching the finish line. The guy and I were neck in neck, so close. I was just about to speed ahead of him when he suddenly whacked me in the arm. Hard. "OW!" I exclaimed, grabbing my arm with one hand. The hand I needed to press the button to speed up and pass the guy!!!! I couldn't reach the button with the same hand that was moving my vehicle! The guy zoomed past the finish line, me passing the finish line just a second later. Pen passed it about five seconds later. Everyone else passed the finish line, some sooner than others. Seriously, it's only supposed to take two to three minutes, and the two last people racing for that round took ten freaking minutes! Eventually, everyone for that round finished. "Moving onto the next round, starting with sixth place, are Blocky, Snowball, Eraser, Pen, Pencil, and in first place for this round, Trophy!" the megaphone guy announced. Huh, I didn't realize that Blocky and Snowball were here... Must've been too focused on winning... And Trophy... So that was that guy's name... Trophy looked at me and sneered, "See, told you I wouldn't get beaten by a girl." "This ain't over yet..." I shot back, putting my pink hair back into a ponytail. "Ooh... Things just, like, got serious!" Match exclaimed from the crowd. I smiled at her then stood up. I then frowned a bit. Great, now I have to wait through three more rounds of this... Pen, Eraser, and I walked to the crowd of competitors and stood with them. Trophy walked over to some guy, one of the other contestants who didn't play that first round, with silver hair and said, "Pay up Knife. You said I would get beaten by her, but you were wrong!" "It's not done yet... I said you had to get a higher place than her, meaning she has to get eliminated before you," this Knife guy said back. "You might as well pay now... She just got lucky that time... A bunch of amateurs in that group..." Trophy answered. "What did you just call us?!" Eraser asked, angered. "Calm down Eraser..." Pen tried to calm Eraser down. "That Trophy guy just insulted us!" Eraser exclaimed, glaring at Trophy. "I know... But there's no need to attack him..." Pen said, calmly. He then glanced at me, but then he suddenly got concern in his eyes. "What happened there?" he asked me, pointing to my arm. I looked at it and saw a large bruise on my arm. My eyes widened at the sight. I lightly poked it and a then I felt a huge shock of pain go through my arm. "OW!" I exclaimed. Pen's eyes were full of even more concern and worry. "That wasn't there before..." I said. "Wait, YOU!" I exclaimed, looking at Trophy. "You cheater! You whacked me in the arm, causing me to get second!" I exclaimed. Trophy snickered. "You can't prove that I did it to him," he told me, pointing to the megaphone guy. Pen's eyes narrowed at Trophy. "Don't... Do that... Again..." he said to Trophy. "Seriously, that's just low... Hitting a girl to make her lose..." Pen continued. "Pencil would've won if you hadn't done that... Just shows that Pencil's a way better gamer than you..." he then said. Trophy glared at Pen. "In fact, I bet Pencil's gonna win this entire competition!" Pen exclaimed. "Um, Pen, I-" I tried to say but was interrupted by Trophy. "Oh, really?! I highly doubt that!" "Guys..." I tried to stop their argument. "She's gonna cream the entire competition, I know it!" Pen shouted. "More like get creamed," Trophy shot back. "Guys..." I tried again. "She's way better than you'll ever be!" Pen told Trophy. "No way! She's ju-" "GUYS! SHUT UP!" I yelled. Both of them stopped and stared at me. "Seriously you two? Chill! Whoever wins, wins. This isn't even that important. So, just calm down both of you, and let's just have fun with this competition! No need to argue... I wanted to enjoy today, spend time with my friends..." I explained to them. Pen looked into my eyes, then at the ground. "I'm sorry... I guess I got a bit carried away..." he apologized. I smiled. Trophy looked at me, then Pen, then me again. Trophy didn't say anything, and just walked back over to Knife.

Pen's POV:
The nerve of that Trophy guy! I stood with Pencil and Eraser as we watched the other competitors compete in the next three games. As we watched, the second game was a lot faster than the game I was in. I noticed that the Knife guy was playing that round. Pretty soon, the guy with the megaphone announced the winners of that game. I wasn't exactly paying attention at first, so I only heard the top four from that game. Controlly (A/N: Don't judge! It's hard to think of object gamers! 😂), Pickle, Knife, and Tetris Block. The next two games took a while, and I didn't even pay attention to the names of the winners. "Alright, we have 24 contestants left," the megaphone guy said. "Time to select the twelve for the next round! Let's see, you, you, you," the megaphone guy said and started selecting people. I was one of them, and so was Trophy and the Pickle guy. Blocky was picked too. Pencil and Eraser weren't picked for the first game of round two. I sat down, making sure to sit far away from Trophy. I was handed a controller and looked at Pencil. "Go Pen!" she shouted excitedly. I smiled and looked back at the screen, feeling a light blush fill my face. "Alright competitors, get ready!" megaphone guy exclaimed. I looked at Pencil, who was cheering me on, and Eraser gave me a look of confidence. "Get set!" I looked back at the screen, ready to start. "GO!" he shouted, and everyone started racing. I drove as fast as possible, driving past most of the other drivers, currently in third, with Pickle and Trophy ahead of me. I grabbed a power up and hit Pickle's car with a bomb. I then passed him, but Trophy seemed so far ahead of me. I doubted that I would have enough time to catch up to him. But I would move on as long as I stayed in the top six. I raced through, but suddenly got hit with a bomb. "What the?!" I exclaimed. Pickle then passed by me. Trophy passed the finish line first, then Pickle, then me, then the rest of the group. Everyone in the first game of round two stood up and walked over to the other competitors. "Moving on are..." the megaphone guy started to say, but I didn't hear the names because Pencil quickly came up to me and hugged me tightly. "You did great Pen!" she exclaimed. I could feel my face heat up a bit. "Thanks Pencil!" I told her. She then looked at me worriedly. "What if I lose this round?" she asked, worried. What??? How was she doubting herself?! She's amazing! "Pencil, you're amazing! You can crush those guys! Don't let them judge you..." I told her. "He didn't finish his sentence, but I think Trophy was about to say that I'm just a girl..." she then said. "Pencil, you are absolutely amazing, you can win this. You are no ordinary girl. You're the most amazing and most talented girl in this entire universe! You can do so many things. Gender doesn't matter with video games. Don't let him get all stereotypical with you. And I know that you can win this!" I gave her encouragement. She smiled at me and hugged me again. "Thanks Pen. That... That means a lot... To me..." she quietly told me. I smiled at her. "Now, go show those guys who's boss!" I exclaimed. She laughed, then walked into the gaming area. I watched her sit down and get handed a controller. She then looked back at me and I gave her a smile. She smiled back and then looked at the screen. I looked at the other competitors and realized that a lot of them were in the bottom three of the previous games. Beating them should be a cinch for Pencil! "Get ready..." megaphone guy said. "Get set..." Pencil's face got serious, but it still looked adorable. "GO!" I watched the competitors race through, Pencil quickly taking the lead. "Go Pencil!!!" I shouted. Pretty soon, the game ended, Pencil getting first of course. "And moving onto the next round are Controlly, Blocky, Eraser, Knife, Tetris Block, and Pencil!" megaphone guy exclaimed. Everyone came back. "You were fantastic Pencil!" I exclaimed. "Thanks! I don't know why I was doubting myself! That was kinda too easy to be honest..." she replied. I smiled, then she did too. "And twelve competitors remain!" megaphone guy exclaimed. "Time for round three!" Pencil, Eraser, and I, along with the other quarter finalists, walked into the gaming area. "Here we go! Quarter finals!" I exclaimed. Pencil nodded and smiled. We sat down, far away from Trophy, then got handed our controllers. "Get ready..." I got my hands and fingers ready for racing. "Get set..." I glanced at Pencil and saw that she was extremely focused. "GO!!!" megaphone guy shouted. I zoomed through the course, a few places behind Pencil, currently in second, Trophy being in first. I sped past a few more cars, now in third, Pencil still in second, and Trophy still in first. On the third lap, I was close to Pencil, almost passing her actually! But then she hit me with a bomb... Well, I had to see it coming... Pencil plays to win... She sped through the course and was approaching Trophy. Yes! I think she's gonna pass him! She then hit Trophy with a bomb! This was her chance! I approached Trophy, who was still spinning out of control, and as soon as he was able to start driving again, I hit him with another bomb. Yes! Pencil passed the finish line in first, me shortly after in second, Trophy in third. Trophy looked at the two of us and growled. Everyone eventually passed the finish line. "And moving onto the semi-finals are Pickle, Tetris Block, Knife, Trophy, Pen, and Pencil, our only female competitor today! What a win!" megaphone guy exclaimed. Eraser got seventh that game. "Aw, too bad. Guess I'll have to try next year," Eraser said once we gathered together. "Congrats you two, beat that annoying Trophy guy, k?" he told us. Pencil and I nodded and laughed. I suddenly saw Knife coming in our direction. Uh oh. He was with Trophy... I hope he doesn't say anything mean to Pencil... But he actually surprised me. "Say, you're actually really good at this. I think you actually have a huge chance of winning this. As long as you beat Trophy, I'll be happy," Knife told Pencil, then smiled. "Alright remaining competitors, come back to the gaming area!" megaphone guy said. We all went over there, Pencil rushing ahead of me. Knife then quietly whispered to me, "Is she your girlfriend?" My face blushed a deep red, then I quietly replied, "Uh... Um... No..." He then smirked a bit. "You like her, don't you?" he asked. "Wha-?! O-of course not! I, um, uh," I exclaimed, then looking for words. He then gave a "seriously?" look. "Okay... Yeah... I do..." I quietly admitted to him. "You really oughta ask her out before it's too late... She's great. Girl video gamer, smart, you really oughta take this opportunity," Knife told me. Maybe he was right... "She's artistic too," I said out of nowhere. "Even better," he replied. "Pen! C'mon, the game's about to start!" I then heard Pencil exclaim. "We should get going," I told Knife. "Yep, do your best," he told me. I sat down next to Pencil. "Alright, final six! The top two winners of this game will compete head-to-head in the final round!" megaphone guy explained. "Well, looks like we're all enemies here. Good luck Pen!" Pencil said to me, but then smiled. "Good luck to you too! Not that you need any..." I replied. She smiled again, then looked at the screen. The six best gamers in this competition, about to race against each other. "Get ready... Get set..." I prepared myself. I would probably lose, but I still have to try. "GO GO GO!!!" megaphone guy shouted. Speeding through, all six competitors were practically neck in neck the whole time. On the third and final lap, all six of us were approaching the finish line. It would be hard seeing who would win, I actually had no clue right now. And then, we all were about to pass the finish line, what place everyone would be in, hard to tell right now. "Moving on to the finals are..."

Who do you think's moving on? Find out next week on "Our Written Love!" Thanks for reading!

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