It Is You! Let's Play!

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Pen's POV:
I can't believe that it's Pencil. This is just, I don't even know, crazy! "Y-You like Clash of Objects?" I asked. "Y-Yes," she responded with nervousness in her voice. "Cool. Me too," I said, feeling less nervous now. "So, um, it's really you Pen?" she asked me. "Yes," I answered. "And you're really Pencil?" "Mm hm," was her response. I'm still surprised. I just met my crush on Clash of Objects!

Pencil's POV:
Pen Writer plays Clash of Objects? Wow. I'm slightly surprised. You'd think he'd be out doing sports or something. But I don't mind. Just means more time with him. "So, ready to take over some more towns?" I asked. "Yes!" he responded back happily. I laughed and started playing. We took over three more towns. Then Pen said, "I gotta go. I told Eraser I'd go over to his house. He has Clash of Objects too, so I'll probably be back online later." "Okay, but one question. Is PinkIsManly Eraser?" I asked. "Yeah," he replied. "I thought so," I said. He laughed and then said bye. He went offline. I sighed happily. This is gonna be fun. If only he liked me......

Pen's POV:
I walked down the street to Eraser's house. I couldn't wait to tell him the news. I ringed the doorbell and waited for him to open the door. I then heard him shout, "Door's open!" I opened the door and walked inside. "Basement!" he shouted. He's in the basement I'm guessing. I walked down to his basement. Eraser was sitting on the couch playing Clash of Objects. "Hey Pen," he said. "Hi," I responded. "You'll never believe what happened today," I continued. "I know. I was there, remember?" he cut me off. He must of been talking about the mall incident. "No, no not that," I said while shaking my head. "Oh, then what?" he asked. "Remember artistgirl16?" "Yeah?" "It's really Pencil!" I said excitedly. "Seriously? I didn't know she had that game. I wonder if Match plays it too," he said while staring off into space. "I really don't think Match would play something like this," I said while mentally face-palming. I grabbed another controller and joined Clash of Objects. Good thing I remembered my headset. Eraser adjusted his headset and turned it on. I turned mine on while Eraser searched for Pencil on COO (Clash of Objects). Eraser and I both connected to Pencil's headset and each other's. "Hey Pencil," I greeted her. "Hi," she replied. "Hi Pencil," Eraser said. "Hi Eraser," she said back.

Pencil's POV:
Good, Pen's back. And Eraser's playing too. The three of us battled some more towns and won, as usual. "Yes!" Pen shouted. "Yeah!" Eraser yelled at the same time. "Ow," I said while rubbing my ear. "Sorry," Pen apologized. "Oops," Eraser said. I laughed and we continued to battle. Suddenly, my cell phone started ringing. "Hold on guys, my phone's ringing," I said while taking my headset off. I answered the phone saying, "Hello?" "Hi Pence Pence! Whatcha, like, up to?" I heard Match say to me. "Playing Clash of Objects," I replied, waiting to hear her lecture. "Pence Pence, you shouldn't be, like, playing those type of, like, games!" she started. I cut her off saying, "Hey, remember that one person, DaEpicDude71, that I told you about?" "Yeah?" she replied. "Well, it's Pen," I said with a smile. "OMG REALLY?!?!?!?! Then you, like, need to keep playing, like, that game!!!!!!!!" she screamed on the phone. "Ow, geez Match, my ear already hurts from earlier when Pen and Eraser yelled o-" I began to explain. "ERASER, LIKE, PLAYS THAT GAME TOO?!" she screamed. "Yes Match, now stop yelling!" I answered. "Sorry, but I'm so, like, coming to your house, like, right now!" she said. Then she hung up. I put my headset back on and said, "Match just called. She said that she's coming over to my house to play Clash of Objects." "Is she?" Eraser asked. "Yep," I answered. Pen then chuckled a bit and then I heard him say, "Ow!" "Not cool dude," I heard Eraser mutter. "I'm confused," I said. "Oh," Pen started. "Eraser has a cru-" "DON'T YOU DARE!" Eraser yelled. "Ow," Pen and I said in unison. We laughed and then Pen tried to explain to me what was going on again but was interrupted. "OW! Dude, that hurt!" Pen said. "What did he do?" I asked. "He just punched me," he said. Well, at least he's honest. A good quality in a person.

Pen's POV:
Geez, Eraser keeps hitting me. "Would you stop that?!" I glared at him. He stopped and went back to playing. I sighed and shook my head. "You're an odd one Eraser," I said with a laugh. He smiled. Pencil must be really confused right now. I explained to her what happened without telling her that Eraser likes Match. She just replied with, "Mm hm," and laughed. We continued playing and took over 5 more towns.

A/N: Hello! Here's another chapter done! Tomorrow's the last day of school for me until Christmas break, so I should be writing a lot! R&R, vote, and comment! Thanks for reading!

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