Art Projects Gym Classes and Gaming Conventions

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Pen's POV:
I was sitting in Art class with Eraser, Match, and Pencil thinking about what to do for my art project. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone say, "Pen?" I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Pencil looking at me. She had her MePhone out in her hand, pointed at me. "Smile!" she said. I did what she told me and she took a picture. Then I looked at her in confusion. "I needed a reference for the project," she told me. "Oh okay," I replied. "I don't see why you, like, need a reference Pence Pence," Match said. "You already, like, dr-" she started to add but was interrupted by Pencil's hand covering Match's mouth. The rest of her sentence wasn't audible. "I think you've said enough Match," Pencil said, looking slightly annoyed and nervous. Eraser and I both looked at them, highly confused. Eraser just shook his head and got a piece of paper. I got out a scrap piece of paper to draw out ideas for my art project. I decided that in the center of my final paper would be the name "Pencil" drawn with other pencils forming the name. It obviously need more than that. I started to think again about what else I could draw. Then, it came to me. Video games! I exclaimed in my head. I quickly sketched a game controller. I then sketched a headset just like the one Pencil got in the store at the mall that one day. What else does Pencil like? I asked myself. I thought some more and remembered when we got the Fro-yo. I decided to draw that too. I quickly sketched a picture of frozen yogurt to see if I could draw it. I could. Currently, I had Pencil's name in the middle and three pictures for the corners. I need to draw one more thing. I thought to myself. What else does Pencil like? I tried to think of something else to draw. I couldn't think of anything. I didn't want to ask her because that would just make it awkward. This could take a while...

Pencil's POV:
Finally! An excuse to draw Pen during school without getting questioned! And... I now have a photo of Pen on my phone... I remembered. I mentally squealed in excitement. I propped my phone up and looked at the picture. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil and I started to draw. It had to look perfect. I lightly sketched his head. It took a few tries but I got it. I then decided to work on one of my favorite facial features, his eyes. His piercing, blue eyes were so, captivating. I love his eyes. I started to draw the eyes. They need to be perfect! I told myself. Once I had finished one eye, class had ended. I got up and walked with Match to our lockers. Gym was next. I was not a fan of gym. Not at all. Actually, I only signed up for gym because Pen was in that class (A/N: Well, déjà vu much?). I went to the changing room and changed into my gym clothes. At least we didn't have specific clothes we had to wear. I changed into my black shorts and yellow shirt. I adjusted my silver headband and then went to gym class. I started to do the warm up, which was jogging laps around the gym. While I was jogging, Pen showed up and started to jog too. It was practically impossible for me to not stare. He's... So... Hot... (A/N: OMZ LOL 😂) I kept thinking, barely aware of where I was going. Soon, I ran straight into a wall. "Ow..." I said to no one. I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Pencil! You okay?" Pen asked me. "Y-yeah... Something got caught in my eye so I couldn't pay attention very well," I lied. More like something caught my eye. "You sure you're okay?" Pen asked again. I nodded. I then started to jog again to show him that I was fine. Well... That was embarrassing... I thought to myself. I finished my laps (Pen had finished right before me of course) and stood on the side. The last few people were finishing up there laps while the people who were done waited. The gym teacher, Mr. Phillips, was pairing us up in the order we finished. "Writer, Scribbles, (he always calls a student by their last name) you two will go together," he said as he moved on to the next pair. My eyes widened. He didn't even tell us what we were doing yet! I glanced at Pen, who seemed totally fine. I then started to daydream about him. But after what only felt like 10 seconds, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Pencil?" the owner of the hand asked. "W-wha?" I said, immediately coming back to reality. I looked up at Pen, aka the owner of the hand that was still on my shoulder! "You ready?" he asked. Wait, what? "Um, for what?" I asked. He looked at me oddly and said, "Uh, the three-legged race? Mr. Phillips explained that..." "Oh, did he? I didn't hear anything... Heh," I replied nervously. "Okay then, c'mon we gotta get to the field," he told me, finally removing his hand from my shoulder. I followed him outside to the field. Once we got there, Mr. Phillips handed Pen a cloth. He sat down. He patted the grass, motioning me to sit down. I obeyed and sat next to him. He put his right foot next to my left and tied them together. I then tried to stand up, but failed and fell right back down. Pen chuckled a bit and said to me, "We have to get up at the same time Pencil." "Oh, right," I said. "Okay, on the count of three, stand up," he said. "One, two, three!" We stood up at the same time. I was about to lose balance, but Pen steadied me, his hands on my shoulders. I tried not to blush, but I kinda failed at that too. "Alright, now I'm gonna let you practice for ten minutes before we start. Use it wisely," Mr. Phillips instructed us. I looked at Pen with a worried look. "Relax Pencil, this'll be a piece of cake!" he reassured me. "If you say so," I replied. "Okay, so we'll go like this: Outside, inside, outside, inside," he said. "Your leg that isn't tied is 'outside' and your leg that is tied is 'inside.' Got it?" he added. I nodded. "Okay, let's start of slow. Outside," he said. I stepped my right foot forward and he stepped his left foot forward. "Now inside," he said. We stepped our tied legs forward. "Outside, inside," he kept repeating. Soon, we were walking perfectly. We did fall a few times in the process, but we just got back up. "Alright, good. Now let's pick up the pace," he said. He started saying the "outside, inside" pattern more quickly. I stepped in time with his voice. We eventually sped up to a light jog. "Out, in," he repeated as we went faster. Soon, we were pretty fast. And just in time too. "Class, time to race!" Mr. Phillips said. Pen and I went to the starting line with the rest of the class.

Pen's POV:
Once we were at the starting line, Mr. Phillips said, "First team to cross the finish line wins. That team will also be excused from the rest of class today." The whole class murmured in excitement. "Okay. On your mark, get set, go!" he said and then blew his whistle. "In, out," I kept repeating while Pencil and I ran. We didn't trip once. Soon, there was only one team ahead of us. "Think we could speed up?" I asked. She nodded. I said the "in, out" pattern even faster and we passed the team in front of us! The finish line was just ten feet in front of us. But as soon as our toes crossed the line, we got way too exciting about our success. We lost our balance and fell on the grass. Our faces were so close to each other, our noses were touching! I could feel my face heat up, a lot. Pencil's face was also reddening. We quickly sat up and then stood up. "Writer and Scribbles win this race! You two are excused from the rest of class. The rest of you, back to the gym," Mr. Phillips said as he headed back into the gym. The rest of the class followed Mr. Phillips to the gym after untying themselves. I tried to untie the knot on the cloth but I couldn't get it. I tied it on way too tight apparently. "I can get it," Pencil said while putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and moved my hands and she quickly untied the knot. We were no longer tied together. "What do I do with this?" Pencil asked, holding the cloth. "I dunno," I replied. "Here, you can have it," she said as she tossed the cloth at me. It landed on my head. "Thanks..." I said sarcastically but jokingly at the same time. She just giggled a bit, covering her mouth with her hand. I tossed the cloth on the grass. I'll pick it up later. Pencil started to walk off towards the bench on the field. "Yo, wait for me!" I called to her and I ran in her direction. She paused her walking and turned around. I caught up to her and we walked to the bench. We sat down. I opened up my gym bag (Yes I had it with me) and saw something inside that wasn't there before. It was a chocolate bar with a note attached. The note said:
Split this in half with Pencil. Match told me she loves chocolate.
I smiled and removed the note. I stuffed it back into my gym bag and took out the chocolate bar. I opened it and split it in half. The sound of it breaking got her attention and she looked at me. She then saw the half of the chocolate bar I was holding in front of her. She slowly took it and said, "Thanks." "You're welcome," I replied, then put some of my half of the chocolate in my mouth. She did the same. After a few seconds, she exclaimed, "This tastes really good!" I nodded in agreement. She then suddenly said, "Oh! Before I forget, I wanted to ask you something." I looked at her with a questioning look. "There's a Gamers Convention next week and, um, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me," she said, looking at the ground as she spoke. Wait, was she asking me out?! I asked myself, slightly confused but excited at the same time. "Eraser can come too if he wants to. Then Match will probably come too," she then added. My heart sank slightly. "Um, sure! I'd be glad to come. And, uh, I'll ask Eraser if he wants to go," I replied, the last sentence more reluctantly. "Great! Can't wait," she said happily. I forced a smile and said, "Me neither." It wasn't too hard to force the smile since I was excited to go but I was hoping to go with her alone. Get to know her better, become better friends, ask her to be my girlfrie- Whoa whoa whoa, Pen. Not so fast. I scolded myself. "There's also an Object Kart competition there, as well as some other games," she told me. "Oh, really? Well, I better practice then," I said. She smiled a bit and said, "Me too." Just then, Mr. Phillips came back out and yelled, "Writer! Scribbles! Back inside! Class is over!" We stood up, I went back to the spot where I tossed the cloth and picked it up. I then went back inside the building with Pencil.

Pencil's POV:
That was scaring me, asking Pen to go to the convention. Might not sound that scary, but believe me, I was almost terrified. But at least he said yes! Now I have something to look forward to next week! As I walked to the changing room, I thought about how I should practice for the competitions. Nowadays, it's mostly guys who compete at this convention. I wanted to the see the look on their faces when they get beaten by a girl. Then Pen came into my mind again. He seemed to be acting a bit weird today. Then I remembered how close we were when we fell. That was so awkward! I swear, my face was bright red. I could feel my face heat up just from thinking about it. I changed back into my regular clothes and walked out of the changing room.

A/N: Hey! How'd you like this chapter? It took me a while to think of a title for this chapter but after I wrote some of it, I knew what to have. So, Pen and Pencil are going to a gaming convention! Will Eraser come along? What about Match? Will Pencil win a competition? What about Pen? Will Pen ever ask Pencil to be his girlfriend? Will I ever stop with these questions? Find out, in the next chapter!

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