Finishing The Art Project

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Pen's POV:
Sunday wasn't really very exciting. I just played COO and texted some people all day. Now it's Monday. I woke up and reached for my side table, where I place my hat when I take it off, but I didn't feel anything. I turned my head towards the table, and my hat wasn't there. "What the...? Where is it...?" I asked myself. I looked on the floor. It didn't fall... I looked all around my room, but I couldn't find it! I sighed, then remembered that I forgot to take the pencil plushie out of the bag. I looked at the bag sitting on my desk. I opened it and saw my hat on the top of the pencil plushie, like it was wearing the hat. I smiled and grabbed the hat. I put it on, then grabbed the pencil plushie. I then hugged the plushie, then wishing that I could have the real Pencil with me. I then changed into a pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I went downstairs and saw that there was a plate of French toast on the kitchen table. There was a note next to it:
I made some French toast for you! Enjoy your day!
I smiled and ate the French toast. It was delicious. I finished it, then got my backpack. I left the house and walked to school. Once I got to school, I saw Pencil about to walk into the building. I quickly ran to her and tapped her left shoulder. She turned around but didn't see me, since I moved the other way. I then tapped her right shoulder, she turned right, still saw no one. I tapped her left shoulder again, but this time she turned to the right and saw me. "Hi Pen!" she said. "Hey Pencil," I replied. We walked in and got our books. We then walked to homeroom.

Time skip to art class...

I sat down in my seat next to Pencil. Mrs. Johnson then told us she had an announcement. "Class, today is the last day to complete your art projects!" she told us. "Once everyone is finished, you will show your project to your partner. If you didn't do a portrait, you will explain why you drew what you drew." I got my paper with my project on it and started finishing it. Pencil got her paper and continued drawing. I soon finished the rose I was drawing. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't too shabby either. I smiled at my work. After a few more minutes, I heard Pencil say, "Finished!" I looked at her and she had a satisfied look on her face. She looked at me and smiled. I couldn't wait to see it. "And... Time's up! Finish the projects now!" Mrs. Johnson told us. The class finished and then Mrs. Johnson said, "Alright, time to show your partner your project!" Pencil and I faced each other and she was about to show me when suddenly, a gasp was heard. "OMG!!" Pencil exclaimed. A cup of dirty paint-water was knocked over! "Omg, I'm so sorry!!!" Ice Cube exclaimed. She had knocked the water over, and it had gotten all over Pencil's project! "Omg... No... No no no no no no!" she repeatedly said. She tried to pick up the paper to try to dry it off, but it ended up ripping instead. "Oh no..." she quietly then said to herself. Mrs. Johnson had seen the whole scenario happen. "Oh dear... Pencil, I'm afraid that if you don't have a project, you're going to get an F on this..." Mrs. Johnson explained. What?? It wasn't even Pencil's fault! That's not fair!

Pencil's POV:
"A-a-an F...???" I stuttered. Mrs. Johnson just slowly nodded. N-no... I can't get an F! Last year I had a bunch of terrible grades, and my parents said that if I get a single bad grade this year, my phone would be taken, I wouldn't have access to any electronics... Which meant no video gaming! I also wouldn't be able to hang out with my friends... Meaning... I wouldn't get to hang out with Pen outside of school... And I wouldn't be able to contact him either! "W-wait! M-Mrs. Johnson! Wh-what if I had another drawing...? Could I turn that in?" I asked hopefully. "Only if it has to do with your partner," she replied. I sighed. I didn't have any drawi- Wait a second... The drawing... The drawing of Pen in my sketchbook!!! I could use that! But then... Pen's gonna be suspicious about why that's there... Since I put the date on all of my drawings, he'll know it was a while ago... Well... I can't let this hurt my grade... Or my friendship... "I do have one... I-It's in my sketchbook.." I explained. "Alright, that'll do. Alright, start sharing everyone!" she answered, then told the class. "Do you want to go first, P-Pen?" I asked. Wow... Just... Wow... I'm still stuttering from nervousness... "Um... Well... Ladies first?" he replied. "No no, you can go ahead. Really, go first," I then slightly firmly said. "Okay... I'll go first then..." he replied. He flipped over his drawing so I could see it. "So... I wrote your name... Out of pencils... Since your name is Pencil..." he first said. Aww... I also saw a video game controller, a headset, and some Fro-yo. I also then saw an amazingly drawn rose. "Omg... I never knew you could draw roses so well!" I exclaimed. He smiled. "You really think it looks good?" he asked. "Of course it does! I couldn't draw it any better, that's for sure," I replied. "Anyway, the controller and headset are for the video games obviously, and the Fro-yo is for when we went to that frozen yogurt place," he told me. "And... And the rose...?" I asked. Wait, hold up. Rose... Red... Romance... Love... Could... Could he actually really like me?!?!?! "Well... The rose perfume you had... I drew the rose for that," he told me. Oh... "That's nice," I replied, smiling. My heart sank slightly. "Okay, now it's your turn!" Pen told me. Uh oh... I'm scared now... I slowly turned to the drawing in my sketchbook. I reached the drawing. Then, I slowly and hesitantly set the book down in front of Pen. I then quickly stood up. "U-Uh, I gotta go use the r-restroom!!" I quickly exclaimed, alerting Mrs. Johnson. I then rushed out of the room, not sure if I wanted to go back. I ran into the bathroom and went in a stall. I then just stood there for a few minutes...

Pen's POV:
What the...? What was that about...? I looked at Eraser and Match. Eraser looked confused, while Match looked concerned. I then looked at the drawing in the sketchbook. It was a drawing of me. Wow... I felt like I was staring into a mirror it was that good... I then saw Pencil's fancy signature. And... A date... Whoa, it was a long time ago... Before we became friends... WAIT A SECOND!!! Why would a drawing of me be in here before we were friends???? WHA?! "Dude, that sounded so weird..." Eraser then said to me. "What're you talking about...?" I asked. "You just said 'WHA?!' a second ago... It sounded really weird..." Eraser explained. Oh... Oops... "Match, go see what's taking Pencil so long please," Mrs. Johnson said. "Okay," she replied, then stood up and left.

Pencil's POV:
I AM NEVER LEAVING THIS BATHROOM!!! Pen probably thinks I'm crazy now! "Pence Pence?" I heard a familiar voice ask. "Match?" I asked back. "Like, totally," she replied. I opened the stall. "I'm never going back there..." I then said. "Why?" she asked. "Pen's gonna think I'm crazy! The date of when I drew that picture is on there! And I wrote the date and my signature with pen!" I explained. Match then giggled a bit. "With... Pen? How do you do that exactly?" she asked, smirking. "Uh... Uh... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!" I exclaimed. She burst into laughter. "Anyway, c'mon! Pen's not gonna, like, think you're cray cray!" Match told me. "O-okay..." I reluctantly said. We then slowly walked back to the art room. Time to face my fate... Love will form... Our friendship will grow... Or our friendship will break... Though I highly doubt it'll be the first one... I then walked in the classroom. I slowly walked to my seat and sat down. Pen looked at me. "This... This drawing's amazing... I felt like I was looking into a mirror!" he told me. He didn't say anything about the date. Did he somehow not see it? Or is he just ignoring it...? Or is he just being polite and not saying anything in front of everyone...? I STILL HAVE ALL DAY TO WORRY ABOUT THIS!!!! EEK!!! He then handed the sketchbook to me. I grabbed it and set it down next to me. Everytime I look up at him now, I feel my face heat up. I'm just waiting for that moment when he says, "Maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore..." I then stared at the floor for the rest of class. After class ended, I didn't feel like getting up. I heard a bunch of footsteps leave the room. "Pencil?" I heard a voice asked. I looked up and saw Pen standing in front of me. I didn't answer. I just stared at the floor again. "The bell rang..." he then said. "Meh..." I then said. "We're gonna be late for our next class if we don't leave!" he said. "Then go without me... So you're not late..." I said. He sighed. I then suddenly felt myself get lifted into the air. "What the...?!" I exclaimed. I looked and saw that Pen was carrying me. Wait, HE'S CARRYING ME?!?! "HEY! PUT ME DOWN!" I exclaimed. He just looked at me, then looked forward again. Why is he doing this??? He then set me down in front of my locker. "Get your books or I'm gonna have to get this locker door off myself," he then said, smiling. I laughed. "Okay okay! Fine!" I exclaimed. I then got my books for next class and walked with Pen to our next class.

A/N: HAI! It's Ellie! Sorry this hasn't been updated in ages... I've updated the Fireafy fanfic more than this one since that one is almost complete. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! See you in the next chapter! (^w^)

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