Gamers Convention Part 2

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Pencil's POV:
"Well hello again," I heard a deep voice say. I slowly turned around and saw a cosplayer, dressed up as some familiar anime character I didn't know the name of. "Um... Do I know you...?" I asked. "Well I would hope so, we met not that long ago..." he replied. "Um... Sorry... I don't recognize you... With the cosplay thing and all..." I said. We stood for a few seconds in awkward silence. "Well... Um... I'm gonna go now..." I said, about to walk into the bathroom. The cosplayer then suddenly pinned me to the wall. "Two words... Frozen... Yogurt..." he growled. My eyes widened. It's... It's that guy... I remembered. Perhaps I could play dumb... Act like I have no idea what he means... "I... I have no idea what you're talking about... I think you've mistaken me for someone else..." I said calmly. I moved his arms off of me and said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." I started to walk away, forgetting the bathroom because he'd probably just stand there until I came out or come right in. He grabbed my wrist, tightly, his grip tightening with every word he said. "I wouldn't do that... Pencil..." he growled. He suddenly took out his phone and earbuds. Confused, I decided to try to scream but he glared at me in such a scary way, I couldn't say anything. (A/N: Cosplayer uses Scary Face! It's super effective! I'm sorry I had to... 😂). He placed the earbuds in my ears. "Wh-what the heck are y-?" I tried to ask but he cut me off. "Just listen to it..." he said. Having no choice, I listened to what was playing:
First there was a short intro.
Then the lyrics of the song started.

I wish that we were on TV
Just like in Pokémon
You'd be a Pika girl
In the Poké world
Yes life would be so fun

I'd be a trainer boy
And I would make the choice
To go and search for you
I'd throw my pokéball
And I would catch them all

You'd be my Pikachu! (P-Pikachu!)

You're my Pika girl
In the Poké world
Oh, I won the gym badge
But you won my heart (pika!)
Pika girl in the Poké
And now that I've got you
We can never part (chu!)
The pokéball in my life's open for you (pika!)
You're my Pika girl
In the Poké world
Just like in Pokémon!

*instrumental music*

(A/N: I'm not gonna type out all the lyrics... If you want to hear the whole song, click the video)

I heard the music and it surprised me. Wha... Wh-why... I... I don't even know this guy! I used my free hand to take the earbuds out. I didn't need to hear anymore of this Pokémon song thingy. "I-I'm sorry, but this just wouldn't work, don't you see?" I said. "Now, c-could you let go of me now...?" I then asked. But he didn't loosen his grip. If his grip even changed, it was just even tighter. I winced in pain as he was practically cutting off all circulation in my right hand. Pen... Help... I wanted to scream so badly, but the cosplayer, fro-yo guy, whatever he's called, was scaring me. Hey, I still don't even know his name!!! Don't blame me, you wouldn't exactly want to get to know a guy this creepy and scary... Um... He's staring at me again... Help...

Pen's POV:
Eraser, Match, and I waited at the concessions stand for quite a while, but Pencil never came. "I wonder what's taking so long..." I said to no one in particular. "Yeah, like, she should be here, like, by now," Match said. "Huh... You think she's at a different concessions stand?" Eraser asked. "I don't think so... She would've texted us if she didn't see us..." I explained. "Maybe her phone's dead?" Eraser asked. "No, she had full charge when we left our house," I told him. "I think something's happened to her..." I then said, a look of worry on my face. The three of us walked over to the bathrooms, Match planning on going in the bathroom to see if she was alright. I then saw Pencil standing outside of the bathrooms with... An Ash Ketchum cosplayer? Wha...? But he looked like he was harassing her... I quickly ran over, yelling, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" "Pen...?" I heard Pencil ask quietly. "Pen!!! It's Fro-yo guy!" she then exclaimed once she saw me. What... It's Fro-yo guy... But... How... "I have a name you know!" Fro-yo guy said, annoyed. "Well it's not like you told us! I'm not psychic!" Pencil yelled. "Yep... Definitely not a Psychic type... More like an angry Fire Type right now... Or possibly an Electric Type..." he said. He then smirked. "Since you are my Pikachu..." he added. "Shut up! I am not! I don't even know you!" Pencil exclaimed. I did not want to get punched again... I back kicked the guy, causing him to release his grip on Pencil, then told her, Match, and Eraser to run. We ran through the crowd, looking for security. Fro-yo guy started chasing us. We ran for a while until we literally ran into security. "Hey! What do you kids think you're doing, running around all wild like that?" he asked. "There's... Someone... Chasing us..." I explained in between breathes. Fro-yo guy caught up to us, not noticing security was there. "I got you all now..." he growled. "Hold it right there sir," the security guard said, grabbing Fro-yo guy. "We're banning you from the Gamers Convention. I shall escort you this way," he added, taking Fro-yo guy away. "What?! Wait! No! You can't do this!!!" he yelled. "I just did. This way sir," the security guard said, taking Fro-yo guy away. "Thanks Pen," Pencil then said to me. "No problem!" I replied, smiling. "I got you a funnel cake..." I then said. "Aw, thanks!" she replied. She took the plate and broke off a piece. She nibbled on it in such an adorable way... I took my phone out and pretended I was checking a text. I then opened my camera app. I carefully pointed the camera at Pencil and took a picture of her. Oh crap. The shutter sound went off. She looked at me. "Were you taking a picture of something...?" she asked. "Uh... Um... Just... Taking a screenshot of something I found... Yeah..." I lied. "Okay then..." she replied, looking at me slightly suspiciously. I mentally sighed a sigh of relieve once she looked forward again. "Omg!" she suddenly exclaimed. She then rushed to a stand and pointed at the plushies in there. There were a lot of different plushies, including a pen plushie and a pencil plushie. She pulled out her wallet and bought something, but I couldn't see or hear what it was. She, Eraser, and Match then started walking to another stand, but I secretly stayed behind at the plushie stand. I then bought a pencil plushie. I then quickly caught up to the others. "Hey Pen, what happened?" Eraser asked. "Um... Just some people were in the way," I lied. There is no way I'm telling anyone that I just bought a pencil plushie... "Guys, the gaming competition is starting soon. We should head over there," Pencil informed us. "Okay! Can't wait to see you beat all the guys," I replied. She giggled. "I can't wait either!" We all walked over to the gaming arena. Pencil, Eraser, and I signed in, Match waiting in the audience section.

Pencil's POV:
Omg I'm so excited! I looked into the bag that my plushie was in. I bought a pen plushie. I don't want anyone to find out... Heh... Anyway, I stood with all the other contestants and waited for everyone to sign in. After another ten minutes, a guy with a megaphone said, "Alright everyone! Let the Object Kart competition begin!" I smiled and looked at all the contestants. Then, I realized something.

I was the only girl who signed up.

Oh gosh... I thought at least one other girl would sign up!!! I saw some of the guys staring at me, like I was a goddess or something. I tried to not make eye contact with them. "48 people signed up this time. There will be four races for round one, twelve people each time. The top six in each race will move onto the next round," the megaphone guy explained. He put us into group. I was in Pen and Eraser's group thankfully. We were up first. I sat down next to Pen and was handed a controller. I then noticed this other guy sit down next to me. "So... Looks like you're the only girl in this competition... Well, you should be easy to defeat," he sneered. I looked at him. "We'll see who wins," I said back. "Ooh...!" Pen then said. I looked at him oddly. "What?" he asked. I laughed and shook my head. "Well, there's no way I'm gonna be beaten by a girl!" the guy stated. "Don't underestimate me..." I replied. We all chose our avatars, me picking the pencil one of course, and got ready. "Alright, round one is about to begin!" megaphone guy said. "On your mark..." I looked at the screen, determination on my face. "Get set..." I started my engine, ready to win this. I then quietly said to myself, "Victory, here I come..."

A/N: So how'd you like this chapter? And the song? Wow... Who knew Fro-yo guy was a Pokémon fan... Um... And I still have no idea what his name is... 😅
Well, it looks like Pencil's ready to win this competition! Will she be victorious, or will she fall in defeat? Find out, in "Gamers Convention Part 3!"
Pokémon is not mine btw... 😅😂
The song is not mine either... It's by S3RL! "Pika Girl" is my new favorite song... 😄😂

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