Blood Sweat and Tears... And White Fuzzy Stuff...

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Pen's POV:
Today's Friday, the Gamers Convention is tomorrow, I'm happy as a... A... Um... I dunno... I'm tired... Anyway, I walked to school with a smile on my face. That was, until I remembered something: Pencil told me to ask Eraser and Match if they wanted to come too. My smile faded and I sulked the rest of the way to school. Once I got to school, I walked inside. "Pen! Hey!" I heard a voice. I turned around and saw Eraser. "Oh, hey Eraser," I replied. "Eraser!" someone else called out. It was Match. She ran across the hall to us. She jumped and hugged Eraser. "Pen! Eraser! Match!" yet another voice said. I looked in the direction of the voice and immediately smiled. "Hey Pencil!" I answered. "Hey, did you ask them yet?" she asked me, pointing to Eraser and Match. "Ask us what?" Eraser asked. "Yeah, like, what is it?" Match also asked. "Oh, right, I, uh, I was just about to ask them!" I lied. "Eraser, Match, there's this Gamers Convention tomorrow, and Pencil and I were wondering if you two wanted to come with us. I mean, only if you want to, we're not trying to force you or anything, it's completely your choice! Heh..." I said with a nervous laugh. "Uh, sure! That sounds fun!" Eraser replied. "What about you Match?" Pencil asked. "If Eraser's going, then I'll, like, go too!" she answered happily. "Great! So it looks like the four of us are going!" Pencil exclaimed joyfully. "Yay," I said half-heartedly. Thankfully, no one noticed. "We should all probably get t-" I started to say, when suddenly, someone shouted, "LOOK OUT!" I looked up and saw a blur of white. I suddenly felt myself be pushed. I hit the ground with a thud, followed by someone falling on me. Then, everything went white. I opened my eyes and I saw a face. It belonged to none other than Pencil. Slightly blushing, I looked around and only saw white. But it looked... Fuzzy... I felt a nearby, mysterious, white and fuzzy... Thing... "Are these... Sweaters...?" Pencil asked slowly. "Looks like it..." I replied. I then looked at her again, she was still on me by the way, and asked, "Are we under a huge pile of white fuzzy sweaters?" She nodded. "Well... That's certainly not the first thing I expected to do this morning..." I stated. "Yeah... Me neither..." she said. Suddenly, we both started laughing. We were under a freaking pile of white fuzzy sweaters! We had to laugh at that! Pencil rolled off of me and we tried to get the sweaters off of us. Surprisingly, they're heavier than they look. It took a few minutes, plus some extra hands, to get us out. "What's with all the sweaters?" I asked. "Oh my gardener, what is taking so long?!" a voice yelled. We turned our heads and look at the owner of the voice. Flower. "Why are the sweaters all over the floor?! Pick them up immediately!" Flower demanded. "They're your sweaters Flower?" Pencil asked. "Why so many?" she added. "None of your business Pencil!" Flower harshly replied. "Geez Flower, you don't have to be so harsh," I said. "Shut up Writer," she answered. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Pencil suddenly shouted. I was slightly surprised that Pencil was standing up for me. And slightly embarrassed. I felt useless and was doing nothing. I'm just worried about what will happen next.

Pencil's POV:
"Make me," Flower said to me with an evil smile. She slowly walked over to Pen and quickly grabbed his blue hat. "Hey! Gimme my hat!" he said, trying to grab it back. "Girls," she suddenly said and snapped her fingers. Puffball and some other girls appeared out of nowhere and all grabbed Pen, holding him back from getting the hat. Two of the girls started heavily flirting with him, batting their eyelashes at him while draping their arm on him. It angered me severely. I wanted to pry them off of him and squish them all like little ants on the sidewalk... Uh... Too harsh? Nah... No one flirts with my Pen... I kept myself from doing anything because then people would realize that I like him. I just glared at Flower, still holding his hat. "Give him the hat," I demanded. "Oh I will," she replied devilishly. One of her "minions" held a pink bag open for Flower. Flower reached into the bag and pulled out a can of silly string. She then sprayed some of the can into Pen's hat. "Hey! What the heck?!" Pen shouted. "Flower! Why would you do that?" I asked. "You just wait, I'm not done yet," was all she replied. She reached into the bag and pulled out a jar of honey. She poured the honey into the hat too. She also added peanut butter, a few eggs... And some pieces of chewed up gum... (A/N: Ewwwww!!! 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣)
"Well... That hat's ruined..." Pen said, disgusted. I was grossed out too. "Oh, you can have it back," Flower answered. She walked back to him and smiled a super fake sweet smile. She then placed the hat back on Pen's head. The crowd gasped. Most of them laughed as well. All the stuff in the hat dripped onto his face, his shirt, and on the floor. A look of shock formed on his face, reddening by the second. That's... It... I growled in my head. "Flower! Stop doing this to Pen! What did he ever do to you?!" I shouted. She froze, then slowly turned her head towards me. She then gave me a look that said, "Don't you dare talk to me like that..." "You know what Scribbles? Wanna know what I think of you?" Flower asked. She walked over to me. She stood right in front of me. She then threw a punch towards my face. I quickly made an "X" with my arms to make an "X block," protecting my face from her punch. The crowd "oohed" in amazement. "You're good..." Flower said. "But not good enough," she added. She used her knee to hit my stomach and then punched my eye. Hard. I groaned in pain and covered my left eye. I heard a Pen gasp. Out of my right eye, I saw him break the grips of the girls and he rushed over to me. "Pencil!!!" he exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" he frantically asked me. I slowly nodded, keeping my eye covered. Flower then punched me again, hitting my nose. "HEY!" Pen yelled at Flower. He looked at her straight into her eyes, anger in his eyes. "How dare you hurt her?!" he said to her. "She's a stupid idiot who doesn't even deserve her popularity... I'm supposed to be the popular one... Not. Her," she answered cruelly. When I heard those words, they stung. I had to fight back the tears. I couldn't cry in front of everyone. "Flower, you're wrong. Pencil's nothing like that! She's the most amazing girl in the world. She does deserve her popularity, but she doesn't deserve your cruelty! Leave. Her. Alone," he said. "Whatever... I'll be back..." Flower said as she walked away with her group. "I cannot believe her... She's a terrible person..." Pen said. I just nodded in agreement. "Here, come with me," he said, holding one of my hands. We left the crowd and he led me to the bathrooms. "Uh, what're we doing here?" I asked. "Well you don't wanna go to class like that do you?" he said. His eyes then widened as he said, "N-not that it looks bad! No, that w-wasn't what I m-meant, I, um, I-" he started to stutter. I lightly laughed and said, "I know what you mean. I'm not offended. Wait here. I'll be right back, well, um, you can go to class if you wanna..." I said. I turned around to look at him and I noticed he wasn't there. "Wha... Pen?" I asked. A few seconds later, I heard his voice say, "You coming in or what?" I looked into the girls' bathroom and saw Pen standing by one of the sinks. "PEN! Dude! Do you even realize where you are right now?!?!" I exclaimed, still covering my eye. "Relax, didn't you see the sign on the door? It said 'Under Construction.' One of the toilets broke. No one's coming in here. Just... Don't tell anyone about this..." he said. I laughed. "Alright," I said. I walked into the bathroom, still covering my eye (it's been covered this whole time). I lifted myself up and sat down on the sink counter. "Let's look at your eye now, shall we?" he said. I lowered my hand and when Pen saw me, I swear he screamed like a little girl. "OH MY GOSH I- um, I, uh, I mean... It's not... Too bad..." he corrected himself. I turned my head and looked at myself in the mirror. I did the same scream. On my left eye, I had a dark, noticeable black eye. "Pen... You don't have to lie about that..." I said. There was a bit of blood on my face too, coming from my nose. I was a horrifying sight. "Don't worry, you'll look fine once I finish," Pen said.

Pen's POV:
"Wait, what?" Pencil asked. I grabbed a box from my backpack and opened it. "Which is your skin tone?" I asked. Pencil gave me an odd look. "Why... Wh-why do you have foundation in your bag...?" she asked, looking concerned (For all of you who don't know what foundation is, is a make-up thing that's the same color as your skin to cover acne and other blemishes). "Oh, Match asked Eraser to hold her make-up and Eraser asked me to hold it," I replied. "So, which one are you?" I asked again. She touched one of them and I opened it. She wiped the blood off her face and tossed the paper towel into the trash can. I then got to work on applying foundation. Don't judge me! My cousin wanted me to apply make-up on her multiple times! I know how to do it I've done it so many times! Thankfully, Pencil didn't ask how I knew how to do this. In a few minutes, it almost looked like the black eye was never there. Pencil looked at herself. "Wow... This actually looks good..." she said. "Thanks Pen," she added. "No problem! Anything for a friend," I replied. She stepped out of the bathroom and looked for people passing by. "No one here," she said. I stepped out of the bathroom as well. We quickly ran to homeroom and got in our seats just before the bell rang.

A/N: Heyyy!!! Next chapter done! How'd you like it? Btw, Happy Written Wednesday! 😂
Don't forget to vote and comment! See you next Wednesday!

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