VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pen's POV:
When school ended, I couldn't wait to get home. I wanted to play this new multiplayer game that I got, "Clash of Objects" (A/N: lol I couldn't think of another name). I ran home and turned on my GameCube. I turned the game on and immediately knew that I would love this game. Eraser told me that he had the game too. He's "PinkIsManly" of course. I quickly found him and we became allies and friends on the game. I have my head set on and he has his. We're playing the game when he starts laughing. "What?" I asked him. "Your username bro, your username," he answered and laughed harder. "It's not that funny," I said, annoyed. I'm "DaEpicDude71." Seriously, is that funny? Anyway, we're playing when I suddenly get a message on my screen from someone called "artistgirl16" saying, "Wanna be allies?"

Pencil's POV:
YES I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! Clash of Objects is the best! You'd think that someone like me wouldn't care about video games, but I love them. I'm "artistgirl16" and I just sent a message to some guy called "DaEpicDude71" asking to be allies. When I start a multiplayer game, I randomly ask people if they want to be friends and I see how many responses I get back. DaEpicDude71 (DED71) suddenly sends a message back, "Sure!" I was glad that I made a new friend.

Pen's POV:
"Eraser, I just become allies with some girl in this game!" I said proudly. "Seriously? That was quick," he responded back on his headset. Whoever this artistgirl16 (ag16) is, she seemed cool. I couldn't wait to fight some battles. Suddenly, a random person starts attacking my town. I told Eraser to help me and messaged ag16 to help me. She messaged back saying that she'd be right there. The three of us started to battle and we won.

Pencil's POV:
Yes! We won! DED71 and this other guy, PinkIsManly (PIM) and I won! I messaged DED71 saying that we won and sent back a smiley face emoji. This was gonna be an amazing game. I know that it will be.

A/N: Well, another chapter done! Pen and Pencil "meet" on Clash of Objects! Yes, that is a total rip off of Clash of Clans but whatever. 😂
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