Silence for a Day + Your Eyes... Wait, STOP DISTRACTING ME!!!

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A/N: So, after seeing how many more chapters you all wanted, I think I'm gonna make four more. That seemed to be about the average of all of your suggestions, so I'm gonna make four more, then this fanfic shall be complete! Wow... And I just completed my first one... Anywho, on with the chapter!

Pencil's POV:
The next day, I got up, nearly oversleeping, and quickly got to school. My backpack felt a bit heavier than usual, but I decided to ignore that fact. I probably just had a bunch of art supplies in there... Once I was inside, I saw Pen standing at his locker. "Hey Pen!" I greeted him. He looked at me. He then waved. I was slightly confused about why he didn't say anything, but at least he responded. I smiled, then got the books I needed for first period. Pen waited for me, silently. Okay, this silence was confusing me! "Pen?" I asked. He looked at me, waiting for me to ask a question. "Why aren't you talking? You haven't said a word!" I asked. He sighed, then began to quietly whisper an answer.

Pen's POV:
I can't really speak today... "So, last night..." I started to whisper an explanation.

Last night...

I was watching a baseball game last night. My favorite team was going against their biggest rival (A/N: I don't play baseball... Nor do I watch it... I hardly understand it, so I also don't know that many teams. So... I can't think of any parodies for teams... Um... Yeah... ^_^'). The team I was routing for almost lost, but throughout almost the entire game, I was yelling. Excitedly, angrily, sadly, excitedly again. Basically, I was yelling almost the whole time. The team I was routing for won, thankfully, but the next morning, I woke up and tried to speak, but couldn't. My voice was all... Hmm... How to describe it... Strange sounding and high pitched at some points. So... I texted my mom, and she told me to not speak for the day.

Back to present time...

"So... That's basically why I'm not speaking for today..." I finished explaining, still whispering. She nodded in understanding, then her eyes widened. "If you're not supposed to be talking, then don't talk!" she exclaimed. "I kn-" I started to say, but Pencil covered my mouth with her hand. "Shh!" she told me. I was about to try to say something else, but she gave me a look telling me to not even try. Her eyes really said it all. Her eyes... They... They were so beautiful... Her orangish, goldish, amber, colored eyes. They're quite an interesting and pretty color, so it's hard to describe them. "Okay?" Pencil then asked. Wait, what did Pencil say? Her eyes distracted me... I gave her a confused look. She giggled a bit. "I said that since you're not allowed to talk today, I'm not going to talk either," she repeated. I was surprised. Pencil... She was going to give up her voice since I couldn't use mine...? Well, I know it's just for today, but still... I quickly pulled out my phone and texted her:
"You don't have to do that..."
"I want to do this. It should make both of us appreciate our ability to speak more."
I smiled, then finally nodded in agreement. We also agreed that we were going to communicate by writing on paper or texting. Pencil quickly wrote a message to explain why we were being silent in case anyone asked. Once Pencil got her books, we then headed off to homeroom. We sat down with Eraser and Match. "Hey Pen!" Eraser said. "Hi Pence Pence!" Match said afterwards. We both waved in response. They looked at us, confused. Pencil just showed them the note.
"We are not speaking today because Pen is losing his voice and I decided to stay silent as well."
They then understood. "Was it baseball again?" Eraser asked me. I nodded. We then soon had to go to first period. Match and Eraser went to class, but Pencil didn't leave the room. I tapped on her shoulder, confused. She typed a message on her phone:
"I can't find my sketchbook... It was here just a second ago..."
Huh. Strange... She always has her textbook with her...

Pencil's POV:
WHERE'S MY SKETCHBOOK??? I left it here just a second ago, and now it's gone! I then gasped. I just remembered something. I had another book on top of it, and it's gone too... My... My diary... OMG MY DIARY'S GONE TOO?!?! No no no!!! I gotta find them both before someone looks through them! I knew I forgot to do something! I had accidentally brought my diary to school today, since I nearly overslept, and I meant to hide it in my locker! But I completely forgot to do that... My face must've looked extremely worried, because Pen looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes. His... His piercing, sapphire blue eyes... Seriously, how is one even born with such amazing eyes... Wh-what was I doing again? Pen then handed me a message.
"Pencil, we gotta get to class or else we'll be late! We'll find the sketchbook, I promise. But we don't wanna be late now, do we?"
Oh! Right, the sketchbook... AND THE DIARY!!! I gave him a look that said, "I need to find it!" He gave me another message.
"Please Pencil... We'll find it later! I promise."
He then looked at me, his eyes practically pleading me to listen. I sighed, then nodded. Stupid captivating eyes... WHY MUST I FALL UNDER YOUR SPELL?!?! Seriously, I could never say no to him if he gave me that look... I grabbed the rest of my books, then we quickly got to our class, me wondering where my sketchbook and diary could've gone...

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