Gamers Convention Part 4

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Pencil's POV:
"Moving on are... Whoa... What...?" megaphone guy asked. "I, Gamey, have never seen this before in my life..." megaphone guy said. So his name is Gamey. Okay then. I then realized what was happening. "Never before in Object Kart history has this ever happened! Two people, have actually tied for first!" Gamey exclaimed. "These two people passed the finish line, tied to the same nanometer!" Gamey continued. "Moving on are Pencil and Trophy!" Gamey then announced. OMG I'M MOVING ONTO THE FINALS OMG OMG OMG!!!!! "Coming in a close third is Pen!" Gamey then told everyone. "In fourth, Tetris Block!" "Aw... I was practicing for this for so long!" the Tetris Block guy said. "In fifth, Knife!" "Oh well... Its not like I cared anyway..." Knife said, but he may have been lying. I don't know. "And in sixth, Pickle!" "Man... Guess I'll try again next year..." the Pickle guy said. I quickly stood up. I can't believe I'm actually in the finals! YESH!!! I looked at Pen and saw him smiling at me. "You were amazing during that race!" he told me. "It was close, I didn't know who else would win," he then added. "It was such an exciting race! Sorry that you couldn't get into the finals..." I then said. "It's fine! What matters is that you got in the finals," Pen told me. I smiled and felt my face heat up slightly. "Wait, what did you mean by, 'who else would win'?" I then asked. "Well, obviously I knew you were gonna win," he said. I smiled again, then quickly hugged him. "Now, Pencil and Trophy, time for the final race!" Gamey said. Pen looked at me and said, "You win that race!" I nodded. "I'll try to," I told him. I walked into the gaming area and sat down. Trophy then sat down and said with a glare, "You're going down." "I think you might have gotten your vocabulary mixed up... I think you meant yourself," I told him. He just rolled his eyes and took a controller. I took one too, then looked at Pen. He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled once again. I looked back at the screen and waited for the game to start. "Alright, the final round is about to begin! Pencil vs Trophy! Who will win?" Gamey said. "Get ready..." I started at the screen. "Get set..." I was ready for this. "I can do this..." I quietly muttered to myself. "GO GO GO GO!!!!!" Gamey shouted and the two of us started racing. We kept throwing bombs at each other, it was crazy. After the second lap, things got serious. The final lap, who ever crosses the finish line first would be this year's champion. The finish line was just yards away. We were neck in neck. I then noticed a bomb towards the edge. If I could just get it, I could hit Trophy with it! I swerved to the right and successfully got the bomb. Then, right before either of us passed the finish line, I hit him with the bomb. He swerved out of control and I passed the finish line! "AND THIS YEAR'S WINNER IS PENCIL!!!" Gamey shouted. OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!! I quickly stood up and saw Pen run up to me. He hugged me, actually lifting me off the ground. "You did it Pencil!" he exclaimed. "I know! I'm so excited!" I replied, kinda screaming from excitement. Gamey came over to me and handed me a gaming trophy. It was gold with a kart on top of it. "Also as a prize, behold, the golden controller!" Gamey then exclaimed. He handed me a gold video game controller. "Whoa..." Pen and I said at the same time. YESH! A gold controller! "You are so lucky Pencil! Those are super rare and hard to find!" Pen told me. OMG!!! I was freaking out, I was so excited.

Pen's POV:
Pencil won! I knew it all along... Who could beat her anyway? She got a golden controller?! Oh my gosh she's so lucky! I hugged Pencil again and then saw Knife, a few feet away. He nodded and looked at Pencil, then me again. He then mouthed, "Ask her out!" I let go of Pencil and then asked, "Hey, Pencil?" "Yeah?" she answered. "I was wondering... Um... Would you... Would you g-" "PENCE PENCE!!!" I was interrupted by the voice of Match. Match rushed up to us and hugged Pencil. "OMW Pence Pence! Like, congrats! You were, like, so amazing!" Match exclaimed. "Haha, thanks Match!" Pencil replied. Eraser then came over to us. "Congrats on the win this year Pencil!" Eraser told Pencil. "Thanks Eraser!" she replied. I then noticed behind Pencil that Trophy looked mad. He was getting out cash and handed it to Knife. Well, Trophy lost that bet... "So, what was it you wanted to ask me?" Pencil then asked. "Oh, um..." I hesitated. I mentally sighed. The moment was ruined. I couldn't ask her right now. It was be too awkward. "I just wanted to know if I could use the golden controller sometime," I lied. "Sure, of course you can!" she replied happily. I forced a smile on my face. Match... Why must you interrupt like this... Eventually, we left the gaming area, Pencil placing the trophy in the bag with the plushie she got, whatever it was. I carefully looked at my pencil plushie, making sure no one else saw it. "Today's been such a crazy day!" Pencil exclaimed. "Totally!" I replied. We all looked around at the stands and got some stuff. We hung out for the rest of the day, playing other games, buying stuff, and eating food. At about four o'clock, we decided to leave. We walked out of the convention, then walked out of the building. We walked over to the cat care center to pick up the kitty. I carried the cat carrier and handed it to Pencil once we got in the car. She took out the kitten and played with her while we drove back home. As we drove, Pencil suddenly said, "Eloise..." "Hmm?" I asked, confused. "Eloise, she shall be called Eloise..." Pencil explained. "I like that name..." I then said. Pencil smiled. "Me too," she replied. We eventually got to our neighborhood. I dropped Eraser and Match off at Eraser's house. I then drove to Pencil's house. Pencil got out of the car with Eloise. "You wanna come inside?" Pencil asked, pointing to her house. "Sure," I replied, also getting out of the car. We went into her house and Pencil placed Eloise on the ground. We watched her explore the house. She seemed so fascinated by her new surroundings. It's actually quite interesting to just watch a cat and see what she does. As Eloise walked around, I heard pencil scratches coming from next to me. I looked over and saw Pencil drawing. Of course. I glanced at the drawing and saw that it was a drawing of Eloise. "That looks amazing!" I told her. She kinda jumped a bit, startled from me suddenly talking. "Sorry..." I then said. "It's okay. And thanks!" she told me.

Pencil's POV:
Pen started to watch me draw Eloise. I felt happy. I continued to draw, and Pen continued to watch. I soon finished, then stood up. I took the trophy out of my bag to look at it more closely. The pen plushie fell out of the bag at the same time. I looked at Pen, who was looking out of a window. I quickly picked up the plushie and quickly shoved it back into the bag. Pen then looked at me and then the trophy. We looked at it, examining the details. I then pulled out the golden controller. "It's so pretty!" I said. Pen nodded. We hung out for a few more hours, then Pen said that he had to get back home. We said good bye, and he soon left. I then sat down on the floor and played with Eloise for a while.

A/N: Alright, this is the chapter for next Wednesday since I can't publish it next Wednesday! It's a bit shorter since I kinda rushed through it, but I hope you enjoyed it!
Shoutout to errthebest for the name "Eloise!"
Don't forget to vote and comment! See you in the next chapter!

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