Plushie Party!

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A/N: Hey there! Sorry about the weak chapter before... I was having a lot of writer's block... Don't worry, the last three chapters will be much better! Hopefully... So... Enjoy!
P.S. That chapter title though... Something's wrong with me... XD

Pen's POV:
Nothing really exciting happened for the rest of the day, though people kept questioning us about our silence. The next day, I tried to speak, and I was able to! "Yes! I have a voice again!" I exclaimed to no one. "Really? That's great!" another voice suddenly replied. My eyes widened. I looked around the room, but no one was there. "Um... Who's there...?" I asked. "It's Pencil..." the voice replied. I looked at the pencil plushie next to me. "Pencil plushie... Are you speaking...?" I then asked. "What? Pencil plushie? What're you talking about? It's me!" the voice replied. "Pencil...? Are you in here...?" I then asked, confused. "No... You called me..." she then said, confusion and suspicious in her voice. I looked around, then saw my phone on my bed. And it was on speaker. With Pencil on the other line. I must've somehow called her accidentally when I was asleep... I realized. "Um... Pen...? You there...?" she then asked. I picked up the phone, then turned off speaker and held the phone to my ear. "Yep... I'm still here... I think I accidentally called you while I was sleeping..." I told her. "Oh, okay. I was wondering why you called me so early... And why you were so confused..." she said, laughing a bit. "Haha, yep," I replied. "Say, can I come to your house right now? We could walk to school together..." she asked. "Sure! See you soon," I told her. "See ya," she said, then hung up. Well... That was embarrassing... I thought to myself. I stood up, then quickly got dressed. I went downstairs and quickly ate some waffles. I then saw a note on the counter:
I need you to go get the mail from yesterday. I forgot to get it last night and I didn't have to get it this morning.
Alright, mail? No problem. I walked to the door and opened it when I heard a yelp. Suddenly, someone crashed into me. "Oof!" the person exclaimed. "Pencil?" I asked. "Yep..." she said, just now stepping back off of me. "Sorry... I tripped on the step..." she told me. "Ah... Don't worry about it. I've actually done that many times actually..." I admitted. She giggled a bit. Well, who knew that getting the mail could be so interesting? I grabbed my backpack, then walked outside. As we were walking, I noticed that Pencil's backpack wasn't closed all the way. Hmm... Should probably close it before stuff falls out... I thought to myself. I don't know why I didn't just tell her that her backpack was open, but I felt like I had to just close it myself... It would be quicker anyway. I discreetly moved a bit closer to Pencil, then carefully reached for her backpack. Just as I was about to zip it shut, Pencil turned her head and looked at me. "What're you doing?" she asked. "GAH!" I exclaimed, startled, then quickly pulling my hands back. "I, um, I was, uh, I wasn't doing anything!" I responded nervously. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Were you reaching for my backpack...?" she then asked. How does she know that?! I thought, confused. "Um... Maybe..." I replied quietly. "Why...?" she asked. "It's open..." I finally told her. She laughed a bit. "You could've just told me that in the first place!" she said, giggling. She started taking her backpack off, when stuff came piling out of it. Books and pencils came flying out, and so did... A plushie...? Wait, why does it look like a pen...? Which just happens to be my name...? "Oh crap..." she muttered as she bent down to pick up the stuff that fell out of her backpack. She then finally seemed to notice the plushie. Her eyes widened a bit and her face seemed to be reddening a lot. "U-um... I..." she said, then not saying anything else as she quickly grabbed the plushie and put it in her backpack. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I-it's not what if l-looks li-!" she quickly tried to exclaim, but I placed a finger to her lips. "Calm down, no need to freak out about it!" I interrupted her, then smiling a bit. "O-okay then..." she replied, then closing and picking up her backpack.

Pencil's POV:
THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING OMG!!! Pen just saw the plushie! Omg omg omg!!! THAT'S IT! I'M DONE FOR! I was able to come up with an excuse for the drawing, but THIS?!?! How am I supposed to get out of this?! I gotta figure out an excuse! I thought in panic. "Did you say something?" Pen then asked. Oh crap, did I say that out loud?! I wondered. "Hmm?" he then asked, looking at me. AHH I SAID THAT OUT LOUD TOO?!?! "Pencil? You okay...?" he asked, concerned. "I, um, well, er..." I searched for words to say, my face heating up more every second. I then sighed. "You might as well ask about it now..." I said. He looked confused. "About... You know..." I quietly said. "No... I really don't know..." he responded. I sighed again, then said, "About the plushie..." "Oh..." he then replied. We were then silent, continuing to walk as I waited for him to say something. Pen then quietly sighed and said, "I'm not going to question about the plushie..." I looked at him, though he kept looking forward. I was about to respond when he said something else. "I have a plushie too... A plushie of a pencil..." My eyes widened a bit. He what...? I was surprised. "D-do you really...?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "Um... May I ask why...?" I then asked. "I got it at the convention..." he then said slowly. "Oh... Me too... With the pen one I mean..." I replied awkwardly. "But why...?" I then asked again. "U-um... I..." he tried to say, but then stopped. "I asked for something else there...? Yeah, I asked for something else and they gave me this..." he then explained. "Oh... I see... Y-yeah... Same w-with me t-too..." I lied, losing hope. It's useless... I though he liked me for a second, but I guess not... I thought to myself, making sure I didn't say it out loud this time. I sighed almost silently, then didn't say anything else.

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