We Should Bring Them Together

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Pencil's POV:
Match finally made it to my house. I opened the door and she walked in. "Hey Pence Pence!" she greeted me. "Hi Match," I said back. She sat down next to me on the couch and spoke into my headset, "Hey Pen, hi Eraser". "Hi Match," Pen answered blandly. "Hey Match," Eraser said. I had to resist the urge to laugh. Match looked like she was about to faint. I covered my mouth to hold in the laugh. Match looked at me like she was about to hit me so I quickly stopped. "So guys, ready to take over some more towns?" I asked. "Yes!" they both answered at the same time. Match started giggling like a crazy person and I gave her a look. She quickly stopped herself and relaxed. The two guys and I took over more towns and after a few more hours, Pen said he had to leave Eraser's house. "Okay, I should get going too," I said. Pen went offline and I went offline. I looked at Match and she was practically hysterical. I sighed and started drawing Pen. Match looked over and laughed. "Oh Pence Pence, leave it to, like, you to draw, like, Pen!" she said. I just shook my head and continued drawing. I kept messing up the nose though. I really don't like drawing noses. I finally got it right. How I know I did? Well, I use his picture from the yearbook as a reference. I drew the blue hat he wore everyday. When I finally finished, I looked at my work. It was amazing. Match looked over and said, "You are, like, amazing at, like, drawing! I don't have your, like, talent at all." I laughed and said, " You're good too!" She smiled and said that she had to go home to eat dinner. I said bye to her and she walked out the door. I sighed and went into my bathroom. I saw something that wasn't there before, a huge bag of makeup. "Wha....?" I said quietly. Then I saw a note. It said, "Pence Pence, use this, like, makeup to, like, practice. When you, like, find your style, wear it to, like, school. ~Match." I smiled. So that's why Match bought a bunch of makeup! It wasn't all for herself, she bought some of it for me. I texted Match thanking her and ate some pizza.

Pen's POV:
I left Eraser's house a while ago and walked into my house. I sat down on the couch and got on my phone. Then it hit me. I still haven't given my number to Pencil. I face palmed myself and put my hands in my pocket. Then I felt something in them. I pulled the mystery object and it was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and saw a phone number. Then I saw a message next to it saying, "Pen, here's Pencil's phone number. I saw her number when I saw her phone. ~Eraser." I nearly screamed in excitement. I covered my mouth to prevent this. I typed the number in my phone and texted Pencil, "Hi Pencil." I got a text back saying, "Who is this?" I was confused for a few seconds until I remembered that she didn't know my number. I face-palmed myself and typed, "It's Pen." "Really?" she texted back. "Yep," I texted. "Is it really you?" she texted. "Yes! It really is! My Clash of Objects username is DaEpicDude71! I'm in the same art class as you! My best friend's Eraser! His username is PinkIsManly! We've beaten 136 towns so far in COO!" I texted her. "Oh, hi Pen," she texted back with a laughing emoji. I sent back a smile emoji and typed, "lol hi." "What's up?" she texted back. "The sky," I typed. She sent a text back saying, "Besides that" with a laughing emoji. "Lol not much. You?" I typed. I got a message back saying, "Just thinking of an idea." "What kind of idea?" I typed. "To find out h- Hey wait a second. You're trying to figure out something aren't you!" she texted back. "What? You can tell me! I won't tell a soul. Promise," I typed. "Okay fine," she texted. "I'm trying to find out how to pair up Match and Eraser," she sent in another text. My mouth opened wide. "Really?" I asked in a text with a shocked emoji. "Yeah...... Pretty weird huh," she sent in her next text. "Actually, I was thinking the same thing," I sent. I got another message saying, "OMG REALLY?!?!?!" I laughed quietly out loud and typed, "Yep! Wanna work together?" "Sure! Two heads are better than one!" Pencil texted. I sent a smile emoji and typed, "The Inanimate Carnival is coming this weekend. Maybe we should go and bring Eraser and Match with us!"

Pencil's POV:
I looked at the text and thought it was a great idea. I typed, "That's a great idea! We should do that!" "Great! This Saturday?" he texted. "Sounds good!" I typed. He sent a smile emoji and I sent one back. He told me that he had to go do some homework. We said good bye and I sighed. I couldn't wait for Saturday.

A/N: Well, best friends are amazing aren't they? Thank your best friend sometime! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! R&R, vote, and comment! Thanks for reading!

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