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'Kurama talking'

'Kurama thinking'

"Naruto and literally everyone else talking"

"Naruto and literally everyone else thinking"

I'm only gonna put this once


"Well shit! Not again not again not again not again." I thought. I was darting down ally ways and buildings. I could hear the shouts and profanities from the villagers behind me. I'm not going to be caught...I can't be caught.

I was grabbed by the collar of my shirt. Well fuck. I was thrown to the ground. I could feel the stabbing pain of kunai stabbing to my skin. Etching words like "demon" and "monster" into my skin. But I didn't scream...I couldn't scream. They would hurt me more if I showed meanness. But then. Then my eyes. My fucking eyes. Someone slashed them with a kunai. I...I can't see anything! Fuck.

I started feeling myself loose connection with the real word and slipping into a deep sleep. I woke up in a sewer. "Really? A fucking sewer? You've got to be joking!" I yelled. 

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH KID! IF THERE'S ONE THING I CANT STAND ITS KIDS WHO CURSE!" A voice yelled. I walked into a huge room and saw a huge fox with nine tails in a cage. "Who are you?" I asked with a head tilt. "OF COURSE YOU WOULD FEA-wait what? You...you wanna know who I am? Why aren't you freaking out?" I shrugged. Then realization dawned on me. "how can I see in here? M-my eyes were slashed!" I yelled. The fox wore a sad expression. "This is your mind scape...the only place you can see now. But I may be able to help you..." the big fox said. "Hold up! You didn't tell me your name!" I yelled. The fox chuckled. "I am Kurama...the nine tailed fox." He told me. I nodded and sat down outside of the cage.

He told me of my parents and how my mother was a hot headed red head that earned her the nickname "red hot-blooded habanero" and how my dad was the fourth hokage! I learned about the Jinchūriki and the the tails. I didn't blame Kurama. He was being controlled by mandra Uchiha. 

"All right kit! Let's see if you have your parents gift! It's a sensory ninja technique. You could sense others chakra and then move it around so you could 'see' everything around you. The only problem would be that you can only see everything in blue and that it takes a lot of chakara." The fox (now named as Kurama) explained. I nodded. "Well Kurama! You'll just have to train me!" I yipped. He stared at me with shock. "Heh...your a smart one kit...well anyways I'll train you-but you have to call me Kurama-sensei!" Kurama yelled at me. I nodded frantically and for the next few hours we trained and I had finally gotten the hang of the jutsu from my parents.

"Your a fast learner kit." Kurama complemented. I smiled and gave his paw a hug. "Thanks Kurama sensei!" I giggled. The fox's face went redder than mom's hair. I giggled again at that. Then I started disappearing and freaked out. "Kit don't worry! It just means that your waking up! I'll be able to talk to you even when your awake so just calm down." The fox calmed me. I nodded shakily and then I felt the texture of sheets.

"W-where am I?" I asked. I didn't even know if there was anyone near by so I used my sensory jutsu and I could see Jiji asleep in the chair next to me. I shook him awake and he looked suprised. "Naruto! How the hell can you see me?" He asked. I 'looked' down at my fingers and started fidgeting. "Well Kurama taught me a jutsu and it was from my parents! Can you believe that Jiji?" I asked getting really excited at the last part. Jiji looked at me in shock.

"Naruto who's Kurama? And how do you know of your parents?" Jiji asked cautiously. I giggled. "He's the nine tailed Jiji! But don't worry-he's nice! He was being controlled by Mandra Uchiha. We're friends now!" I explained to Jiji.

"Wow kid I'm flattered." Kurama deadpanned. I pouted inside my head. 

"That's not very nice (696 words XD) now is it Kurama?" I thought hoping he would hear me. 

"Naruto...how would you like for me to train you? You... you could become an ANBU." Jiji muttered. I started jumping up and down in my bed. "Jiji ohhhh please Jiji will you?" I asked excitedly. Jiji chuckled. "Oh of course naruto! How can I say no to my grandson?" He chuckled. I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Jiji." I whispered. He patted my head and we continued to talk about my future.


I shunshined to the hokage's office and walked up to Jiji. My emotionless face scared him when he saw me. "Oh Kitsune! Let's try not to give your sensei a heart attack!" He scolded. I chuckled lightly. I rarely showed emotion nowadays and if I do it's only with the hokage. The villagers still beat me, but there also...touched me now, I always throw up after.

"Sorry Jiji...got any missions for me? I'm bored." I told the hokage casually. "Well there is  your usual SS-rank." The hokage said not taking his eyes off the paper. "Depends, what is it?" I asked. "Well this mission was brought in by Itachi himself." The hokage told me. My eyes lit up. "Itachi-nii? Oh come on I miss him where is he?" I asked while I hun upside down off of Jiji's desk. "Well kitsune...Itachi has...run away from the village-but! There is reason for that." Jiji hurriedly added.

Fire be seen in my eyes. "What's the mission." I asked. "NOW JIJI." I demanded. The hokage gulped. He rarely sees me like this. "Well you need to watch over his little brother when he goes to the academy...he's the last Uchiha left because...Itachi killed the rest of them." He whispered, shock etched into my features. "I'll take the mission. I'm going to get some fresh air." I told Him and I shunshined to trying ground 44 that they usually used in the Chunin exams. Jiji didn't know I lived there and I would like to keep it that way.

After I became anbu captain at age five I moved away from the apartment and came here. The place where my dad lived. I walked into my home and made some Ramen. Ramen is my favorite food But the villagers know that and never let me have any. The only people nice to me are the people at "itchiraku's ramen shop" and they give me free meals from time to time because of how much I go there. 

I finished the ramen and threw it somewhere. I went upstairs and wrapped myself in the silky duvets on the bed. I cried my heart out. I let my sensory jutsu go and I couldn't see. 

"Why the fuck would he leave me? The one person that cared for me...the last family I had-WHY THE FUCK DID HE LEAVE ME?" I screamed. I kept crying for the next hour thinking of nothing but Itachi-nii. I looked up after my crying session was over. 

"Itachi...I swear that I'll keep your brother safe...even if it costs me my life-his will be safe."


Well...this is what I promised fools...any suggestions?

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