....chapter (y'all gonna love the next few chaps)

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Every ninja in the room had shivers going down their spines. Then the rookie 9 came in. I smiled and waved to them. They waved back and we started in conversation. "I'm so hyped up!" Kiba yelled. I chuckled. "So am I! We're going to crush this!" I yelled. Everyone laughed at our enthusiasm. "So what do you think-" Ino was cut off by a man with pale blue hair and glasses (thanks kura).He came up from behind me and "scared me" so I drop kicked him. "Oh sorry." I chuckled nervously. I bent down to help him up and growled in his ear.

"You smell like snake."

He looked at me fearful and I gave him a knowing look. He directed his eyes to the other ninja and told them that he has cards of information on each ninja. I gave him a skeptical look. "Alright then prove it!" Susake yelled. "Well I need a name..." snake drawled. I got an idea. "Gaara of the sand!" I piped up. Susuke smirked. The snake laid a card out on the floor and used his chakra to spin the card around. When he was done he picked it up and read it allowed.

"Theee S rank missions, fourteen A rank missions, and four B rank missions. Zero D rank missions." He says. I smirked. My little flower is quite special. "Oh I got one! Naruto Uzumaki!" Kiba yelled. My eyes widened in shock.

"Oh come on moron I'm standing right here!" I laughed nervously. Susake and I shared a scared glance. Snake smirked and laid his card out. On the card letters showed up instead.

This is not a real name.

I let out a shaky breath and took a step back. "Naruto.... what does that mean?" I Bit my lip.

"Well I uh...go by my mom's name but my dad's in on all of my records. It's either that or he doesn't know much about me." I stuttered. Shikumaru knows what's up. Of course he does.

"Then what's you dad's name?" He asked. I froze. I stood there not being able to do anything. Thankfully uncle Ibiki came to the rescue. "Alright sit your asses down!" He yelled. On shaky feet I turned away from the rookie nine and headed towards the front where I was seated. 

"Alright listen up! This is the first part of the chunin exams!" Ibiki shouted




"You will take a written exam. Good luck." Ibiki smirked. People around the room shared confused glances. "I have twenty anbu black ops in the room who are trained to see the smallest things. If you are caught cheating then you will get a tick mark. Three tick marks and you and your whole squad is out."

I sighed and when the test was handed out to all of us I started. I managed to get all the questions answered and double check them in five minuets. I sighed and flipped my paper over. I leaned back and pretended to take a nap. Instead I entered my mindset. "Did I get mine right Kura?" I asked, the fox checked over my work and nodded. "You did kit. Good job." Kurama praised.

I nodded and started talking with the Fox. "When do you think the Pervy sage will come to visit me? I miss ba-Chan as well." I sighed. Kurama chuckled softly. "The most feared ninja any sane human has heard of is pouting. I find that amusing." Kura teased. I rolled my eyes and flopped down on the ground. "How long did uncle Ibiki say the test was?" Kurama shrugged. "Somewhere around an hour." I groaned. "That's too long!" I protested.

Kurama shrugged before taking another nap. I was about to do the same when I felt something roll onto my desk. I opened my eyes to see an eyeball with sand particles around it. I chuckled and opened my eyes just enough to wink at the eyeball. I pretended to yawn and flip my paper over and re-check the answers. 

After a few minuets the eyeball hopped once then rolled away. I snickered softly and Ibiki then announced that the tenth question was here. Protests rang out when they heard the conditions. "It's either you take the tenth question get it right and pass, or take the tenth question and get it wrong and never be able to become a chunin EVER!" He yelled.

"Raise your hand if your out." He said quietly. A good two dozen people left with their squads but yet I was surprised when Sakura and Susake prevailed. I smirked and nodded in their direction. They took it as they made the right decision and smiled softly.

"For those of you who stayed...YOU ALL PASS!" Ibiki yelled. I chuckled as the confused shouts rang out. Ibiki explained that the tenth question was all in backbone. You had to be determined. He then explained that the other nine questions were to see if you could gather information well.

I smiled softly and Ibiki shocked me by taking his head band off. He doesn't like to show his scars to the world so this was pretty big. I smirked in his direction and he returned it. Then when Ibiki was done explaining Auntie anko burst through the window. My eyes widened in shock and I whispered. "Oh no." I buried my head in my hands and laid on the desk.

"Hello! I'm anko! I'll be your Procter for the second part of the exams!" She bellowed out. "You always have to make a grand entrance don't you anko?" Ibiki sighed and looked at me like telling me to escape. I took the chance and tried to bolt out the door. 

"NARUTO GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND GOVE YOUR AUNT A HUG DUMBASS!!!" She yelled. I groaned and turned around. She opened her arms and I trudged over giving her a hug. "Nice to see you auntie anko." I said in a monotone voice. She walked me over the head. Hard.

"At least act to be happy to see me!" She yelled. I put on and unenthusiastic smile and she nodded her head in approval. "Alright brats! Follow me to the second part of the exam!" She yelled. "We don't even get a break?" Someone yelled. 

Anko chuckled and grabbed me by the ear and shunshined away.

"Ok so what's up with the henge baka."

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