
1.3K 42 14

YOOOOO WE JUST REACHED 5K!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY DUDES! But uh...you might not be after this chapter...

After we all celebrated, everyone had to leave so it left me sitting on the couch, spooning gaara. 

"So my love, I had a conversation with Hatake today, and we were talking about what we're gonna do for you. I think you know your father was found dead. Before the chunin exams. So, do you want to take over as Kaze there?" I asked softly. He shook his head immediately. "Why not love?" I asked patiently. He shrugged. 

"My love, I know their's something about that." I told him as I picked him up and put his face in my chest. He sighed. "Alright. I don't want to end up being like my father. And being Kaze makes it feel like there are so many responsibilities on my shoulders and I don't think I would be able to handle the pressure." He whispered hugging me tightly. I sighed and sat him up.

"Gaara listen, you can never end up as that monster like your father. Even if you tried. I'm not going to push you to do anything, so how about we write to your siblings tomorrow and ask them-" I was interrupted by a loud banging on my door. I sighed and carefully placed him down on the couch. The banging was heard once again.

"Im coming damnit!" I yelled. When I opened the door I saw Shikimaru in full Chunin gear. "What's the problem?" I asked in my anbu voice. "There's been a kidnapping! Of the third's son!" My heart dropped. "Wait for a moment."I demanded as I rushed upstairs. I quickly changed into my anbu outfit as gaara came in. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Konohamaru was kidnapped." I whispered. He gasped and hugged me. I hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll be back in no less than a week. You have my flower yes? So don't be worried." I whispered. He nodded and we kissed. "See you." I smiled. He smiled and nodded as I rushed downstairs.

"Any idea of who took him?" I asked. Shikimaru nodded. "It was Orochimaru." He told me. My breathing stopped and so did my heart. Fuck you orochimaru.

"I'll go get the others. Grab all the gear you can find." I demanded. He nodded and rushed off. After I had gathered everyone I went to the bridge and shikimaru was waiting for us. "Lets go." I demanded in my anbu tone. Shikimaru nodded.

I gave out orders about working in the line and I was at the back because of my sensory and neji was in the middle searching anything from far distances. We went at a fast pace and I guess the ninja up ahead underestimated the kitsune. When the team was about to attack I jumped in front of them and shook my head. I pointed to a tree and we all went there. 

"Neji whats in the basket?" I asked. He activated his byakugon and gasped. "It's the captive." He told me. I scoffed and nodded. "I'll get the container. Everyone else, cause a distraction in different directions." I ordered. They nodded and spread out. I heard twigs snap, Luna is shot out in different directions, I could see some of us purposely running in front of them or beside them. 

The sound ninja started yelling out and so I took that as my opperstunity. I moved lightning fast and grabbed the basket to be met with a crying konohamaru. I picked him up and jumped to the trees. "Shhhh it's alright. I've got you now. Go to sleep. We'll be at the village soon." I whispered. He nodded tiredly into my shoulder.  I soon could hear his deep long breaths, meaning he had fallen asleep. I smiled softly and put one of my hands over his ear and pressed his head to my shoulder.

I whistled the special tune and everyone stopped what they were doing and came to me. "We have him, lets go." I instructed. They all nodded and we made our long trip back home.

When I had dropped konohamaru off I went straight to the hokage tower. "Konohamaru has come back to the village. I want three jounìn or an anbu keeping an eye on him at all times." I demanded. 

"Alright brat. So, how's gaara?" Bassan asked. I smiled. "He's alright. We're talking about him becoming a leaf ninja. He wants the Kaze role to go to Kankuro or Temari." I explained. "Yeah? Well I want a fucking namikaze  heir already." She sassed. I choked on my own spit. And I was dying for quite a while until I slapped myself.

"What?" I asked terribly confused.

"YOU DONT KNOW? YOU FUCKING MORON! Jinchuuriki can get pregnant!" She yelled at me. I put a hand over my mouth and my eyes widened. "I need to go." I yelped as bassan shot a kunai at me. 

I quickly shunshined home and ran to gaara. "Are you ok? Do you feel alright? Do you feel sick?" I asked him all these questions until he laughed. "What do you mean? I should be asking all of this to you!" He laughed. I laughed nervously. "Naruto..?" He questioned. I sighed.

"Bassan just told me that Jinchuuriki can get pregnant." I whispered. He choked. "Well shit! We need to be a bit careful." He laughed. I nodded. "If you start getting morning sickness I'm gonna kill myself." I groaned as I flopped down on the couch.

"Oh, so you don't want me to get pregnant? What are you gonna do if I am pregnant? Ditch me?l he asked in a teasing tone. I gasped and quickly hugged him. "I would rather die than do that!" I reassured him. He rolled his eyes. "Really! And no, I wouldn't ditch you. I just don't want you to be in pain for 9 months. And then I would most likely marry you but I don't think your ready-" I was cut off by him walking up the stairs.

"Where are you going?!?" I yelled at him. He didn't turn around to answer me.

"I'm going to trash the condoms."

Kitsune (ANBU naruto/Gaanaru)Where stories live. Discover now