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Once we got to Tazuna's house a woman greeted us at the door. 

"Father! Thank the heavens your safe! Inari and I were so worried!Inari! Grandpa's home!" She shouted. "Grandpa!" The little kid shouted as he jumped up on by a small brat. I smiled softly at him remembering what it was like to do that to Jiji. The small kid looked at us and gave us a glare. 

"What are those doing here?" He asked acting as if we were things. I scoffed and looked at the kid. "Listen here. We came here to protect your grandpa from rouge ninja. And I think we're doing a pretty good job because if we weren't here. Your grandpa would probably be dead." I told him not sugarcoating anything. He scoffed and me. "You just give up now! There aren't any real hero's. They all end up dyeing anyways." He snapped and walked away.

"I'm sorry for Inari...he can be a little sensitive at sometimes." The lady told us. "It's fine...I've had worse...anyways I'm Naruro Uzumaki and the old guy is kakashi sensei, the pink-haired banshee is Sakura and the emo duck-butt is Susake." (IT FUCKIN TRANSLATED TO SUSAN IM DYEING FFHGHFHFFUE) I explained not even paying attention to their reactions. The lady chuckled and introduced herself. "My name is Tsunami." She greeted politely and bowed a bit. I bowed back to show my respect even though I'm living on like two brain cells of respect. One for Jiji and the other for women who aren't banshees and actually have manners. 

"Well dinner will be served in an hour. Go ahead upstairs and make yourself at home! But I'm afraid to say their only two bedrooms. There are four beds though." She added quickly we all let out a sigh of relief. "Well Sakura guess you and I are bunkin' together." I yawned. "WHAT?" everyone screamed.

 "Well neither you or susake would get any sleep being in the same room as you, kakashi is a closet pervert-don't believe me read the books he reads. And besides sharing a room with your male sensei isn't all that fun if your a girl. And if you think I'm going to pull something-I'm into di-I mean guys." I quickly covered when I noticed Inari's presence. 

They all stared at me in shock. How was the great idiot able to figure something out like that? They were probably wondering. At this point I did t give a single fuck and just walked upstairs. I was in my mind space for the next hour until dinner was ready and then excitedly went downstairs when I heard Tsunami calling me. I took my seat next to susake and waited patiently for everybody else. I said a quick prayer and dug in. And. Oh. My. Fucking. God. This is good stuff. By the time everybody had finished their first bowl (except for kakashi sensei) I had finished my second. I didn't want to be rude so I didn't take another bowl. 

"Wow naruto! I guess you don't get (enter food name here) a whole lot! You ate that fast!" Tsunami giggled. I chuckled myself. "Honestly? I don't eat much other than ramen....and I've never had a home cooked meal before so I wouldn't know what to expect." I said sheepishly. "Oh come on! Your just over exaggerating! Your mom probably makes you stuff-" Inari was cut off by the sound of breaking chopsticks. 

"No. I'm not exaggerating." I said lowly. Inari rolled his eyes. "Your just lying so people pity you! You know nothing about pain!" That's it. I fucking snapped for the second time today. Before I knew it I had the kid picked up by the collar. 

"Don't fucking say we don't know pain. Kakashi's only ever had one parent who killed himself and all of his teammates are dead. Susake's entire clan was murdered by his own brother. And me? ME? My life is a damned horror story that would make grown ninja bawl. Don't talk to squad seven about pain." I demanded and let the kid down. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and scrambled up the stairs. "Naruro you went to far!" Sakura shouted. I scoffed and walked out of the room. I found a small spot under a rock and tucked my knees into my chest. I wrapped my arms around myself as if I was hugging myself. 

"Hey there captain. Are you alright?" Kakashi asked softly as he sat down beside's me. I bit my lip and shook my head trying not to let the tears out. "I-I know I had no right telling them a-about your past like that b-but i couldn't even think straight and I-" I was cut off by strong arms wrapping around me.

"Naruro I don't care about that. But I do want you to apologize to Inari and maybe even tell the Squad about your past. I'll ask the homage to blame it on me-" i cut him off my shaking my head softly. "The homage can't lose his grandson now can he? Besides my dream still needs to be fulfilled. If I tell Jiji that...he can't even punish me." I whispered. Kakashi rubbed my shoulders as if telling me to go on.

"What's your dream Naruro?" He asked softly. I smiled at him. "When we were meeting squad 7for the first time I didn't lie when I said my dream was done but... I had meant goal. My dream...even with as cheesy as it sounds...is to have a family who accepts me one day...find the right person....adopt a few kids...and maybe even follow my fathers footsteps." I sheepishly admitted. Kakashi just smiled at me. 

"That doesn't sound as cheesy as I had expected. Now go apologize to Inari and then explain everything to the squad." He demanded. I sighed but nodded. 

I slowly made my way to the stairs ignoring the rest of the squad who was shouting at me. When I knocked on Inari's door I could hear sniffling. He yelled at me to go away but I went in anyways. His eyes widened in fear when he saw me but I just put my hands up in defense. "Hey...I just came to apologize and that's all." I whispered. He sniffles and nodded. I walked up to him and sat besides him.

"I really am sorry Inari. I'm also here to explain what I had meant at dinner. My parents died a few minuets after I was born. I had nobody and to add to that-everyone in the village hated me! They blamed me for killing the fourth and maybe I'll tell you why they said that when your older,but they were big bullies to me. They beat me and kicked me...other things...but one day a man took it to far. He took a Kunai and slashed my eyes." I whispered. His eyes widened and I put my henge down. My eyes were the only thing that showed not the scars on my body or....a̶r̶m̶s̶. 

"W-what?" He whispered. I smiled softly at him. "Yes, I lost my sight when I was four. Well that's all I can say. I really hope you accept my apology Inari." I whispered. He nodded and gave me a hug. I smiled down at the small boy and hugged him back as best I could. I mean I've barely ever had a hug in my life! What do you expect??!?! 

He let go and dried his eyes. I smiled one more time before putting my henge back up and walking outside to tell my team 

My deepest secret.

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