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Draco's pov

There's something about her.

Whatever it is, I can't quite piece it together. It's like I've completely fallen for her from the moment I laid my damned eyes upon her. But it felt like an obsession. An addiction— like something I can't take my mind off of. And then the second I kissed her, I couldn't get enough. Eliza had become my drug and I'm getting more and more addicted.

Just walking to the great hall for breakfast with Theo and Blaise is growing difficult. All I can think about is her. The way I've noticed her smile at strangers who barely take notice of her. The way she looks at me when it's just us alone—it's a nervous look but like something is daring her to kiss me. I like that. And I love how her cheeks became rosy when I called her pretty.

I hate it. I hate that I can't get her out of my head.

I fucking hate it.

It's such a strange thing. To want someone with so much craving — someone who I barely know.

I've slept with other girls but I've never wanted to be with them after, I never wanted to kiss them. And I definitely never thought about them after. But Eliza—there is something about her—maybe it's her innocence or maybe it's her looks.

Fuck—she's so pretty.

Prettya word I have never used or even thought about a girl. But Eliza, she has freckles decorating her tanned, rosy cheeks, scattered over her soft button nose. And her eyes are so dazzling and alluring. I could look into them forever, like the depth of green and blues travel for miles. And they have a story, an adventurous but dark story that I want to know all about. I want to know everything there is to know about her.

I had to stop thinking about herlike this. It was making me want to rip my hair out and scream until I no longer could. I will only damn her. Ruin her purity and hurt her. And I can't stand to see her in pain. And especially if that hurt was by my hands. But it was difficult, because the longer I spent away from her, the more I craved her.

And there she was.

Eliza's pov

The great hall was packed this morning and over the sounds of laughter and students chattering, Pansy and Daphne were bickering over who each other fancied. I would have joined in—I wanted to—but I'd never been in one of those girly conversations. so instead I just listened and smiled.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," Daphne bargained, raising her brows.

A tempting offer but Pansy still seemed unsure.

"Guess," Pansy shrugged, biting elegantly into a strawberry. I watched almost envious of how someone could be so perfect with everything, "Guess. And if you guess right, then I will tell you."

"Adrian?" Daphne blurted.

Pansy made a face of disgust and I had to chuckle, "oh, please. Never would I let that dog get his paws anywhere near me. I'll give you two more guesses."

"What," Daphne sighed and then hopefully asked, "at least give me a clue?"

Pansy thought for a moment and then said, "all right, he's walking in right now."

Curiously, Daphne and I both turned our heads toward the grand doors of the great hall. And there they were, Theo, Draco and Blaise walking in. Almost like they were a pack of wolves. They were an intimidating trio and It didn't surprise me that moment students avoided them.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now