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Eliza's pov

I felt a hand on my mouth and I was abruptly woken from my sleep. My eyes shot open and fear engulfed me entirely, my fight-or-flight instincts seizing into action. But then, my wide eyes met Draco's, who hovered over my bed with his finger against his lips, keeping me quiet.

Immediately, I became relaxed and my heartbeat settled into a natural rhythm.

"Come with me," Draco whispered, "but be quiet, we don't want to wake Daphne."

When I felt his hand over my mouth I immediately thought whoever was standing outside my window, watching me had come for me. And still, even though I was looking into the eyes of Draco and my heart rate had settled, I still felt the fear.

"W—where are we going?" I questioned, still dazed from my slumber. My dormitory was still dark and Daphne was dead asleep so it must be early morning. I was too tired to question how or why Draco was in there.

"It's a surprise," he grinned and held out a sweater for me.

I furrowed my brows, pushing my cover from myself and grabbing the cream-coloured sweater he held out for me, "what time is it?" I sighed in a heavy whisper.

"Early," was his only response and then refused to answer any more of my many questions.

I slipped on a pair of shoes and then we tip-toed out of my dormitory, careful not to wake Daphne. Then, hand in hand we run through the quiet halls of Hogwarts. I can't lie, it was thrilling, the tiredness had disappeared and I was wide awake in euphoric bliss.

There was something about running through the lonely corridors, in the early morning, with Draco Malfoy that made my heart patter with wild joy. We shouldn't be doing this, we should be asleep and if we were to be caught—

Merlin, we'd be in trouble but that is what made it so exhilarating.

The sun just started to peek above the horizon when we quickly run through the courtyard. But it was only when we settled into a slow step on the grassy hill that I truly got to mesmerize it. The golden rays glide against the grassy hill and slowly the dark became alight with gold.

"Merlin," I whispered, slowing my step further to take it all in.

Draco turned and I heard his laugh. But I couldn't take my eyes off of the sun rising above the black lake, the gold and yellows illuminating the rippling morning waters. The sun was like a golden tunnel to a world of forever light. It was beautiful.

"C'mon, it'll be better from the lake," Draco said, taking my hand in his.

I followed him. His presence took away the morning chill from my skin. I felt like I was in heaven.


"What's this," I asked curiously, noticing the blanket lying out on the floor and a basket placed on top.

Draco seemed nervous as he scratched the back of his head, "I wanted to do something for you."

"For me?" I muttered, almost bewildered.

He nodded and I felt my heart become full of love. I don't think anyone has ever thought to do something like this for me.

"Are you hungry?" Draco asked as he sat down beside the basket. He must have come here early and set this all up. I smiled to myself as I sat beside him, pulling the sleeves of my sweater.

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