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"Wake the fuck up!"

I felt a hand on my leg and instantly was sitting up, gasping as a storm of fear engulfed me. I wasn't breathing as I stared wide eyed at Pansy, half leaning inside our tent with damp hair and her eyes wide.

"Jesus, pansy," I tiredly wiped my eyes, "you scared me."

For a moment, when I felt her hand on my leg, I thought it was Noah. I thought he had finally come out of the dark to drag me into those dark woods.

"Good. Get the fuck up. Now," Pansy turned her head over her shoulder, peering out into the darkness of the woods.

Draco groaned beside me and I looked down at him, who was lazily raising up. Rain tapped against the tent and night was still upon us, making this terribly confusing situation more horrifying.

"Hurry," Pansy hissed.

"What the hell, Pansy?" Draco mumbled, resting a hand on my thigh but he was still half asleep. And in truth, so was I.

Then, startling me half to death, the flap of the tent entrance was torn upward and Theo appeared, "If you two don't hurry up I swear to fucking Merlin I will leave you."

"What's going on?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

For a moment, silence washed over us and I only heard the patter of the rain.

Then, Pansy looked at me, and I saw deep terror in her dark eyes, "There's someone in the woods."


Instantly, we were up and scattering out of the tent. Draco, who had just been half asleep, was now heaving. Pansy stood and stepped back into Theo's chest as she watched Draco stand and scour the woods. He was thinking exactly what I was thinking, still huddled inside the tent, my eyes slowly scanning the woods. Waiting for Noah to show himself.

"What?" Pansy asked, "What is it?"

She was looking at Draco but then her eyes, mixed with fear and confusion, looked over at me. But all I could do was shake my head.

"Malfoy?" Theo hissed, his voice quiet, like he didn't want whoever he saw to hear him.

Draco then turned around and walked toward Theo and Pansy, "who was it? Did you sew them? Where—"

"Woah—mate, you need to calm down and tell us what the fuck is going on," Theo spoke louder, his chest heaving with anger or fear—I couldn't tell.

I looked at Draco. If he looked at me he would see me silently begging him with my eyes not to tell them about Noah. He isn't even supposed to know—and I am terrified of what Noah will do if he finds out. Draco just paced and ran his hands through his disheveled hair.

Then he stopped and looked Pansy and Theo dead in the eyes, "Tell me exactly what you saw."

Theo sighed and then started explaining, "Pansy and I were in the woods. . ." His pause told me they weren't just talking, "—then we saw a figure. Just standing there, watching us."

I looked at Draco and he caught my eye. Noah.

"At first we thought it was one of your lot trying to be funny," Pansy said, "and no matter how many times we yelled at. . . whoever it was, they just stood there. . . staring at us."

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now