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I felt as though I might be sick.

I felt like I'd just walked into a courtroom and was about to be questioned until I could no longer answer. I don't think I have ever been in Dumbledore's office before and it was far larger than I imagined it to be but my pounding heart denied me the gratitude of looking around and taking in my surroundings.

All I saw was the blank stares of Dumbledore and Mcgonagall.

"Eliza," Dumbledore stood from his leather chair, "thank you for coming."

I didn't really have a choice, I wanted to say but thought it best I just forced a smile to my lips.

"When will I be back in lessons?" I asked, my voice a little quiet as I nervously and awkwardly stood in front of his desk. I glimpsed at Snape as he passed me and stood on the other side of Dumbledore.

"That is actually what I want to talk to you about," he blinked, "but first let's discuss. . . everything, so we can ensure your safety."

What could they possibly do against a dark wizard?

"Why am I being locked in the Hospital Wing?" I asked, a slight snap in my tone.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Mcgonagoll straighten her posture and I saw Snape turn his eyes on Dumbledore. It appears I have set a silence on us because they are staring at me like I just accused them of murder.

What was I not supposed to know?

"My apologies, Eliza, we had to make sure you were safe," Dumbledore told me, pressing his fingertips together.

I nodded, although I didn't believe him but I knew starting a brawl with my headmaster wouldn't be the best of ideas.

"Your parents have requested you come home early for Christmas break," Dumbledore suddenly said and my heart slowed into a steady beat. But I was the opposite of calm and I had simply stopped breathing, "We informed them of your. . . injury and the threat."

No. No. No. What exactly did he tell them? What did he tell my father?

"—They want you on the train back to Kings Cross as soon as you're on your feet," Dumbledore told me, "But I fear that would be a foolish plan of action. . ."

I furrowed my brows, "what does that mean?"

"Well," he began like he was educating a hall of students, "sending you all alone on a train would be a prime opportunity for. . . an attack—for someone to hijack the carriage you sit on and attack you."

I fumbled over his words, understanding what he meant and fearing what might possibly happen but I struggled to see what he was getting out.

"So am I not going home?" I asked, a little too much hope in my tone, even though I knew my home would be the safest place for me to be. Noah doesn't know where I live. Or does he?

"You are," Dumbledore said, and then began walking around his desk and closed to me, "I've made the decision to end the term tomorrow. Everyone will be going home tomorrow, instead of Friday."

He paused, he was not standing in front of me and his eyes danced, switching between each of my iris'.

"This way, It will not seem strange that only you are leaving and this way you will be safe on the train with all of your classmates," Dumbledore said like he had found the solution to all of our problems.

Did he really believe Noah won't attack a train full of students? Dumbledore hasn't seen the evil I have seen residing in Noah's eyes like I have. He hasn't seen just how dead and ruthless his gaze is. But maybe he is right, maybe Noah won't try anything. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I don't have a choice.

I didn't know what to say. . .

"Everyone will be pleased about lessons being canceled," I smiled, letting a laugh escape but it was more of a nervous laugh. Like I couldn't actually believe what was happening.

Dumbledore chuckled deeply, "Yes. Yes, they will."

I forced a smile like I was a happy little child. But I was not. I am not happy at all.

"Well, you won't need to go back to the wing," Dumbledore began and stepped away from me, "you can go back to your dormitory and you can get yourself cleaned up. I've already announced that today is a half day of lessons and this afternoon, during the early dinner, I will announce that tomorrow they'll all be leaving for half-term."

"Snape will escort you to your dormitory," Dumbledore added, gesturing to his colleague, "and I strongly urge you to remain in your dormitory and the great hall for dinner."

"I will," I assured him.


Snape left me at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the girl's dormitory. I stared at the top of them, thankful that everyone was in lessons because I wasn't sure what people knew or if they even noticed I was absent. Draco told Dumbledore so what was stopping him from telling the entire school?

I swallowed the sudden rage and walked up the stairs, still only in my socks and white gown. And I quickly slipped into my dormitory and closed the door behind me, and immediately felt as though I could breathe again. It felt weird being back—the last time I was standing in this room was the night of the bonfire. That was only three days ago but for some reason felt like a lifetime ago.

I noticed my bed was made and Daphne's was not, which was strange because Daphne always makes her bed. I tried not to think too much about it and decided a shower would help clear my head and make me feel better again.


After I showered and changed into a pair of leggings and a soft cream sweater, I brushed my hair, peering into the mirror. My reflection looked back at me but it didn't feel like I was looking at myself. My skin is paler and my eyes are darker and the green doesn't seem to glisten anymore. And as I brush my hair I can feel it detaching from my scalp.

I looked down at my brush and dead hair was covering the bristles. I am not surprised, I am stressed and I am not eating enough and have been crippled with fear for the last few weeks. I feel as though I am decaying.

Suddenly the door is opened and I turn and see Daphne standing wide-eyed in the doorway. Her hand came to her mouth as she realized I was standing in front of her.

"You're back? You're okay?" she stumbled over net words as she dropped her bag to the floor and approached me.

"I'm okay," I assured her yet I still hadn't assured myself.

She embraced me in a hard hug and I stumbled back a step. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her. I nestled my head on her shoulder and I hadn't realized how much I needed this hug.

"Wait—" she pulled away, "Noah has been harassing you—?"

And just like that, the peace and the comfort was gone.

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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