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Eliza's pov

For the first time, I didn't want the day to end. I wanted to stay in Potions forever and I wanted to sit through boring lessons until I could no longer keep my eyes open. But that wasn't an option, in fact, I had no options at all. While I sat through dinner and forced myself to eat, all I could think about was meeting the devil at six. Maybe he was going to kill me, or maybe he was telling the truth and only wanted to talk.

"Are you okay?" Draco said from beside me, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts, "you've seemed a little on edge lately."

I turned to him, every beat of my pounding heart was begging me to tell him. I have been so distant from him and have been so quiet around him. I couldn't tell him what was happening. Not when he was being threatened as well.

"I just feel a little sick," I had no choice but to lie. It hurt to lie to him but it was better than risking him getting hurt.

"Is that why you're not eating much of your dinner," he asked and I hadn't thought he noticed. I was hoping he hadn't.

"Yeah," I muttered and then looked to the clock on the wall—five forty-five was the time which meant I had fifteen minutes. The fear was now overwhelming and I could feel sweat forming on my forehead.

"Let me take you to Madam Pomfrey," Draco said, his hand drawing circles on my back but his comforting touch only made me feel so much worse.

I stood abruptly and a few students turned their gazes to me. I took no notice though. I just had to get away. I just needed to be alone.

"I—I actually am just. . . going to go to bed," I lied, and stepped over the bench.

"Eliza," Draco called my name when I turned my back to him but I kept walking away.

I felt so bad but this was for his own good. I just have to see what he wants and hope that this will all end.


I walked into the astronomy tower with my nerves consuming me. My breathing had become unsteady and shaky and my entire body was sweating with fear. I didn't know if Draco ran after me but I was gone before he could see which way I went. I abandoned my cloak on an alcove and hoped no one would take it. I'll be back for it later. At least I hoped I would be.

I felt so hot that if I jumped into the freezing waters of the black lake, I would still be boiling from the inside out.

I almost hesitated when I reached the stairs but I forced each of my steps up the spiral staircases. The sun had set so only the moonlight shimmering through the windows and golden lanterns lit the stairs.

The darkness wasn't helping my fear. 

I drew my wand when I reached the top, the cool breeze was a pleasant relief but it only lasted a short moment. But when I saw a tall dark figure, standing in front of the railing with his hands braced on the metal, the fear consumed me all over again.

I gripped my wand in my hand but I was sure I was too shaken to cast any useful spells. The hood of his cloak was down and all I could see was his black dishevelled hair atop his head. Just like Noah's.

I walked slowly—so fucking slowly because I was terrified of the moment when he would face me. But then the floorboards beneath my feet creaked and I swear my heart stopped beating.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now