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It's strange waking up when you close your eyes, thinking it would be your last time. It's peculiar to open your eyes when death was supposed to take hold of you. So when my consciousness returned to me, it greeted me with a steady beeping sound and a bright room. I thought I was dead, but instead, my lips parted and I was breathing in the oxygen around me.

My head was slumped to one side, my jaw almost touching my shoulder. I didn't attempt to move. Not yet, I just needed to think for a moment and remain in silence for a little while longer.

I had thought— I had thought that dying would have been peaceful. When I was lying there, feeling like I was drowning in a puddle of my own blood, I thought I was dying. And it didn't scare me. A small part of me felt strangely disappointed that my eyes were now open.

I thought Noah had killed me, but his words echoed in my mind as my consciousness found me, "you will be fine."

I left the silence and moved my head, realizing someone was holding it loosely. I turned my head to the other side of me and saw Draco asleep in an armchair. I was in a hospital room. So many questions swimming around in my head.

"Draco?" I spoke, my voice was croaky and broken.

He was too deep in sleep to hear my weak voice. How long had he been sleeping?

I peered around the hospital room, feeling like Noah would appear out from the curtains and attack me. Is this how I will spend the rest of my life, terrified of shadows and sudden noises?

"Draco?" I said again, my voice a little stronger, "Wake up."

I pulled my hand out from under his and placed my hand on top of his instead. Gently, I rubbed my thumb back and forth against the tip of his hand. I hated how tired and pale he looked. Like he hadn't slept or eaten in days. I felt bad waking him.

I was about to quit my attempt at waking him but then he jolted awake. His eyes were wide and then furrowed into narrow slits as he took his hands and wiped a hand over his face. I watched him, a little smile on my face. A smile which was hiding so many demons.

His face turned to mine and seemed to widen and then soften.

"Eliza—" he whispered, "you're awake? Oh— you have no idea how happy I am to see your eyes open."

I let out a little laugh, "I am okay, Draco. I'm okay."

"You aren't hurt anywhere?" I asked, eyes looking down my body, checking for any sign of pain or discomfort, "I can get a healer if you—"

"I'm okay," I assured him.

He nodded his head, eyes watering a little and all I saw was pain and fear. His hand gripped mine, he held onto my hand so tight and then brought it to his lips and kissed me gently.

"You scared me," he whispered for only me and the shadows to hear.

"I'm sorry," I whispered back, wishing I could sink far into the bed I laid on.

"It's not your fault," he assured me, "It's. . . his," he paused like he couldn't say his name.

"What happened?" I asked, "After?"

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now